Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2284: King Kong is not bad

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Chapter two thousand two hundred and eighty-four King Kong is not bad

"Oh? You are so confident!"

After listening to Fedor's words, Cheng Feng chuckled: "Have you taken a key step and will soon form a half-step Buddha body?"

The half-step Buddha body is equivalent to half-step creation.

Once successful, it is a half Buddha, which will suppress the heavens!

"Half step Buddha body? Hehe ~~"

However, Fedor sneered: "I just haven't put my eyes on the half-step Buddha body."

"If I am a Buddha, if I want to become a Buddha, I will directly become the Supreme Holy Buddha."

Fedor's ambition was so great that he wanted to skip the half-step Buddha body and cast it directly into the body of the Holy Buddha.

I am afraid that there are not many dare to try it among the huge Buddhist doors.

Because the possibility is very small, ninety-nine percent of the peerless geniuses have died for a lifetime, and died with regret.

"Oh, you are courageous!"

Cheng Feng raised a brow, and had a strong fear of the demon monk Fedor.

"It's been a long time talking to you, it's time to take you on the road."

Suddenly, Murder's eyes showed murderousness: "Send your corpse out of the heavenly holy prison, so that those old guys are not crooked and interfere with my cleaning!"

As the words came to an end, Fedor stepped forward.

嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

The three Wang Xiao who were standing in front of Cheng Feng were like lightning strikes.

One after another, they were hit by a violent blow, their bodies were sore and their bones almost fell apart.

"What? How could this person be so strong?"

"No matter how the three of us say, they are also the ninth top warriors on the sky!"

The three Wang Xiao were hit and fly, their minds were ups and downs.

The three top-ranked ninth-ranked top powerhouses were dropped in an instant, which was hardly acceptable.

It also illustrates the demon monk Fedor's near-perverted strength.

"There are many people who want to kill me, but they are all dead."

Cheng Feng's heart also raised a sense of crisis, but he was not afraid: "You are no exception!"

As soon as the hand was raised, the Devil Sword was already on the hand.

Stabbing ~~~

Fedot slammed towards the fit.


The Devil Slayer hits Fedor but makes a sound of thunder.

The force of terror exploded, causing Cheng Feng to shake back a dozen steps in a row.

Even the hand holding the knife was faint.

On the other hand, Fedor was forced to stop by the impact, but was unscathed.

The area hit by the Devil Sword was smooth and round, leaving no trace of it.

"How can this guy's body be so strong?"

Cheng Feng was taken aback, a little incredible.

You know, the Devil Sword has now been promoted to an intermediate holy weapon.

It can be forcibly broken even if it is against a high-level holy weapon.

Is the body of the demon monk Fedor even stronger than the high-end holy weapon?

"Hehe ~~~"

Fei Duo looked at Cheng Feng, with a strange look on his face: "Is it strange, how can my body be so hard?"

"A bit." Cheng Feng admitted frankly.

"That's because I'm already condensing the body!"

The demon monk Fei Duo said: "Once it succeeds, this tiancang holy prison will never dream of trapping me again!"

"Condense the Buddha body?"

It was said that a cold air suddenly rose from Cheng Feng's body.

He never thought that the demon monk Fedor had already reached this point.

If he truly condenses the body of the Buddha, he will probably break through the prison of Tiancang Holy Prison and become a great disaster in the world!

"Cheng Feng, don't be fooled."

At this moment, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "It is extremely difficult to cast the Buddha body. This demon monk Fei Duo just took the first step, and it is far from successful.

"As long as you are strong enough, interrupt the process of condensing the Buddha's body."

"Then he will not only fail in condensing the Buddha's body, but also suffer a huge backlash and become a wasteful man!"

"Interrupting Fedor's process of condensing the Buddha?"

Cheng Feng's brow froze: "Well, I will try my best to do this."

"Stifle the monk's ambition in the cradle!"

At the time of groaning, Cheng Feng's Devil Sword had been held up.

Emperor Cang's swordsmanship with the stars and the same brightness brought bright stars to the sky.

"Oh? A martial art that can borrow the power of the stars?"

Seeing this scene, Fedor's eyes lit up: "Very well, the stronger your combat power, the more you can sharpen me."

"Speed ​​up my process of condensing the Buddha's body!"

Fei Duo is very confident, and he is looking forward to Cheng Feng's strength being better.

Obviously, Cheng Feng is regarded as a sharpening stone, helping himself to become a supreme Buddha body faster!

Hum! Hum! Hum!

The stars in the sky shone, and it surprised all the Yuan family members, as well as the soldiers and merchants who stayed in the main city of Yuan family.

They lifted their eyes to see when they saw big stars in the sky brighter than the sun.

One by one, stunned, stunned.

As for the masters of the Yuan family, such as Yuan Chenggong, they all soared into the sky and flew in the direction of Cheng Feng.

Wait to see Cheng Feng standing with a knife, smiling demon monk Fei Duo.

As well as the three Wang Xiao who just lay on the ground, their faces changed greatly.

"Brother Wang, what's the situation?"

Yuan Chenggong raised Wang Xiao and asked.

"There is a trouble for a master to find a boy."

Wang Xiao darted a glance at Fedor and said, "Let's go, let's leave this place first."

"You and I can't get involved in this level of fighting."

"Rushing into it will only distract the son!"

After the scene just now, Wang Xiao has deeply realized how big a gap there is between himself and the demon monk Fedor.

Do not go up to help at this time, otherwise it will only add chaos.

"OK." Yuan Chenggong was decisive.

Supporting Wang Xiao, the three were ready to leave.

But at this moment, the demon monk Fedor spoke.

"After the death of the person he cares for, he will inspire his potential to kill the enemy for revenge!"

"These people seem to have something to do with you."

"If I kill them all, should you become stronger?"

Fedor's remarks were obviously addressed to Cheng Feng.

In order to stimulate Cheng Feng and give him a stronger desire to fight, Fei Duo actually wanted to kill Yuan Chenggong and others.


Cheng Feng's eyes narrowed and his voice became a bit cold: "But if I were you, I wouldn't do it."

"Oh?" Fedor was curious.

"I don't like being threatened by Cheng Feng."

Cheng Feng said coldly: "If anyone threatens me, I will do the opposite of his expectations."

"And let him pay the price of a lifetime!"

"Oh! Really?"

Fedor coldly said: "I'm a little disbelieving!"

The words come to an end, 唰 ~~~

Fei Duo's body flickered, and suddenly went to Wang Xiao and others.

Obviously it is necessary to challenge Cheng Feng's endurance and stimulate Cheng Feng.

"you wanna die!"

Cheng Feng's face was gloomy, and an angry drink was in his mouth.

Wow ~~~

He was seduced by the power of more than a thousand stars in the sky, turned into a bladeless light, and blasted to Fedor.

"This knife has some meaning!"

Facing this knife, Fedor's face showed a bright smile: "However, it's worse."

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