Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2295: Decisive

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Chapter two thousand two hundred and ninety five days

"Jack, don't you hear the words of the old man?"

Seeing this, Yuan Chenggong's face was cold: "Dare to take refuge in the monarch's house, kill without pardon!"

"Cheng Ye, what are you waiting for?"

The betrayal of the Yuan family members made Yuan Chenggong clenched his hands and issued an order to kill without pardon.

After receiving the order, Yuan Chengzhang and others flashed cold in his eyes.

Without any hesitation, he took decisive action against those betrayers.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

All betrayers were killed.

They also include more than a dozen core people who have reached heaven.

"A good Yuan family, a good Yuan success!"

Outside the city, Tianjue saw this scene, and the killing in his eyes was extreme: "Since you insist on death, the old man will complete you!"

After saying nothing, the elderly man was ready to give an order.

Let the 100,000 masters outside the city ascend to heaven to launch a crazy attack on the Yuan family.

However, at this moment, a young man in black took off.

"Tianjue old man, right?"

This young man is truly Cheng Feng.

He looked at Tianjue with cold eyes: "Do you know that Yuan's family was sheltered by Cheng Feng? You are looking for death, you know?"

"To reward your courage, I'll send you back to the West now!"

When the voice fell, Cheng Feng's gaze was fixed on Tianjue's old man.

Stabbing ~~~

The knife light, mixed with the will of the Supreme knife, is like a sky knife, and it is suddenly cut to the heavenly old man.

In a blink of an eye, the void was broken, and the elderly of Tianjue approached.

"No, it is the will of the Supreme Blade!"

The elder man stood in the air that day, commanding 100,000 ascension warriors, and seemed to be full of spirit.

But when Cheng Feng's gaze came, his face became very ugly.

Hurriedly took out a piece of semi-sacred paper, blocked it in front of himself, and fled in a hurry.

But the speed of Supreme Blade's will was too fast, and before he escaped a few meters, that gaze fell on him.

Even with a semi-holy paper defense, the sharp edge made him sting.

There was an illusion that Cheng Feng's gaze would be shattered!

However, the semi-holy paper is a semi-holy paper after all, which contains the means of semi-holy.

Forcibly blocked the will of Cheng Feng in his eyes.

Let the old man escape that day.

"Damn little beast, it makes me shame in front of everyone."

Although he had escaped, Tianjue was very embarrassed, which made him a little embarrassed and angry: "Wait, wait, if the old man doesn't take you a long way, write the word" Tianjue "upside down!"

Tian Jue old man was fierce, ready to torture Cheng Feng to death!

However, at this time.

Om ~~~

Above him, a dark cloud suddenly appeared.

This dark cloud is terrifying and exudes unparalleled coercion.

As soon as it appeared, the martial arts essence thickened in the sky was blown into a huge gap.

Then like a meteorite, he hurried to him!

"That is……"

Tian Jue's face changed, so he looked up and looked scalp.

"No, that seems like a ... huge dragon?"

"And, there is a strong breath of the Cause!"

"Is that actually the head of a dragon saint?"

There were several kinds of speculation in his mind, but the results made him feel cold.

The Tianjue old man was about to fly and dodge, but his body was suppressed by an incomparable coercion, which was difficult to move.

"Damn, **** it!"

The desperate old man was desperate, but he was not willing to perish.

He directly put the pieces of defense treasure given to him by the monarch's family, and all came out and blocked them.

Intent to use the power of defense baby to block the bombardment of Dragon Saint's head!

Unfortunately, the smashing power of Long Sheng's head is even more terrifying than he imagined!

Just hit him instantly, hey ~~~

The pieces of defensive treasure on him exploded instantly.

Then the Tianjue old man, even carrying thousands of warriors on his side, was smashed by Long Sheng's head.

Bang ~~~

Few hundreds of miles away from the main city of the Yuan family.

He smashed the ground directly into a huge deep pit, and the shock wave swung thousands of miles away.

The countless warriors who have ascended to heaven in the sky are scattered by shock.

As for the thousands of ascension warriors who were hit by the front of Long Sheng's head, they were killed on the spot and all turned into flesh!

The face of all the people changed dramatically and horrified!

"My God, Tianjue was actually killed by the young man in black, Cheng Feng, using a faucet!"

"And with it, killed thousands of people."

"Is this guy a human being?"

At this moment, the ascendant warriors rushing from the heavenly continent to the sky, all bewildered.

Produced a feeling that the big sword was approaching and would be cut off at any time!

Because Cheng Feng's performance is too strong and terrible!

Thousands of ascension warriors were killed in one hit, although they had 100,000 ascension troops.

But for Feng Cheng, how many times can the dragon head smash?

Thousands of martial arts soldiers shuddered on the spot, turned and fled away.

The remaining tens of thousands of ascension warriors are masters of the affiliated families of the monarch and the king's family, and dare not escape at will.

Qiqi pulled back thousands of miles, ready to wait and see!

However, the result of waiting and seeing was a massacre!

I saw Cheng Feng rising into the sky in the main city of the Yuan family, holding a black knife in his hand.

Om ~~ Om ~~

The big stars in the sky are shining.

Waiting to attract the power of more than one thousand stars, into the sword of cutting magic, while also blending the will of the Supreme Blade.

Stabbing ~~~

Exploded towards those who watched ascension martial arts.

It was a blocker. The wall of warriors composed of warriors in the heavens was cut off instantly.

Thousands of warriors who had ascended the heavens were killed, and their blood became red!

Not only that, Cheng Feng also took a Bloodsoul Pill to replenish the depleted spirit.

Then a rush of thought, bang ~~~

The dragon's head, which had fallen into the deep pit, soared into the air, and slammed into the heavenly army again.

"Not good, Long Sheng's head was smashed again!"

"Hurry, run away!"

"If you are hit, you will die!"

Seeing this scene, all the ascension martial arts present were horrified.

Regardless of the monarch's order, he lost his leg and fled.

In an instant, he escaped completely.

But even so, when Long Sheng's head was smashed, more than 1,000 warriors who ascended the sky were still alive.

Let everyone lose heart and never dare to stay.

One hundred thousand ascended the heavenly army, was actually directly defeated by Cheng Feng alone!

Makes the entire Yuan family fourteen cities deadly quiet.

It took me a few minutes to pass the ecstatic cheers, and the walls shook a bit!

"Mr. Cheng is mighty!"

"Mr. Cheng is mighty!"

"Mr. Cheng is mighty!"

The cheering went on for more than ten minutes, and the voices of everyone in the Yuan family gradually became a tone.

Qi Qi shouted Cheng Feng's mighty power, because this time he was able to repel the 100,000 strong enemies that came back, all thanks to Cheng Feng's credit.

Without Cheng Feng, the end of the Yuan family does not know what it will be like!

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