Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2328: Tu Zhensheng

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Chapter two thousand thirty-eight Tuzhen Saint

"What? Hidden text?"

Hearing words, Cheng Feng suddenly realized.

Only the Holy Pattern can hide a person so perfectly and avoid his divine exploration.

At the same time, it made him realize deeply that the Holy Pattern was terrible.

Especially in the face of the existence of multiple sacred lines, we must be fully alert.

If you are not careful, you may be killed quietly by the opponent's holy print.

"This **** mess, actually escaped my stealth attack?"

Compared to Cheng Feng's shock, that ape Saint was even more surprised.

In his opinion, as long as he used the hidden word sacred pattern by himself, Cheng Feng would definitely be able to get rid of it.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng actually escaped with the help of a divine picture.

"My stealth attack worked best for the first time."

The sacred face of the monkey whispered: "In the second assault, we are prepared for convenience, and the effect must be greatly reduced."

"However, as long as I cooperate properly, I can still kill Cheng Feng!"

The hidden effect of the holy print of the hidden word is very strong. With this trick, Ape Saint has killed a lot of powerful enemies.

At this time, Cheng Feng had eaten crickets, which was extremely uncomfortable at this time.

Take a deep breath and repair the knife marks on the chest cut by Cheng Feng.

Boom boom ~~~

Dozens of punches were thrown towards Cheng Feng.

When he punched out, the faint figure formed by that hidden word sacred pattern disappeared inexplicably.

Obviously, he hid, and prepared to touch Cheng Feng's side again, and launched a surprise attack on Cheng Feng!

"The same kind of loss, I will never eat twice in a row."

Cheng Feng looked in all directions and saw the blurry figure disappearing into his eyes.

While guarding in secret, the God of Creation will work to the extreme.

This God of Fortune is a remnant eyeball of Nalan's longevity.

At the peak of Nalan's eternal life, no one knew how powerful he was.

But the weakest and weakest should have won the great fortune.

One eyeball contained many mysteries.

Cheng Feng's ability was insufficient before, and he could not dig out the magical use of this eyeball.

However, as Cheng Feng experienced the previous robberies, he seemed to associate his body with the eyes of the God of Creation.

Let Cheng Feng's right eye start to change.

First, the vision has been enhanced hundreds of times, and objects can be seen far away.

Secondly, I have a new understanding of everything.

Many things that were previously invisible and invisible can now be seen.

For example, at this moment, as Cheng Feng moves the God of Creation to the extreme, a faint outline of the human body appears in his right eye.

You don't need to know, it must be the stealth killer of the ape saint's hidden word sacred pattern evolution!

"Creating God's Eyes, can you actually see through the hidden means of hidden word holy patterns?"

Upon discovering this scene, Cheng Feng's eyes brightened: "Great, as long as the figure of the hidden word sacred figure dared to come, I suddenly gave him a ruthless one, and I will be able to score it!

"Severely destroy this name, even kill it!"

The current situation is indeed very favorable for Cheng Feng.

Ape Saint didn't know that Cheng Feng had altered eyes, and thought that Cheng Feng couldn't see his hidden characters.

Once attacked by Cheng Feng, he will be hit hard.

He also has two sacred patterns in total. If the hidden pattern sacred pattern is destroyed, the ape pattern sacred pattern alone is definitely not Cheng Feng's opponent.

Chased by Cheng Feng, the possibility of falling is very high!

Boom boom boom ~~~

Cheng Feng and Ape Saint both had a small abacus, while madly clamoring, secretly calculating.

Especially Ape Saint, who interfered with Cheng Feng with the body of the ape-shaped sacred pattern, attracted Cheng Feng's attention.

Secretly let the body of the hidden sacred pattern quietly approach Cheng Feng.

Silently, once again touched Cheng Feng within kilometers.

500 meters, 300 meters, 100 meters ...

The next step is to prepare a fatal blow to Cheng Feng.

However, at this time.

Cheng Feng first retreated the ape-character sacred figure body of the ape-sheng.

Then he slashed the demon sword, and suddenly cut it off to the body of the abyss's hidden sacred pattern.

This knife was very sudden, without any warning.

The Ape Saint didn't notice it, and it wasn't until Daoguang's reincarnation that he realized that the body of the hidden sacred pattern had been seen by Cheng Feng.

Wanted to dodge but was late.

Stabbing ~~~

With a spatula of light flashing over him.

The body of Hidden Pattern of Ape Saint was cut in half immediately.

Subsequently, Cheng Feng made up two more swords and was completely chopped into powder!

"噗 ~~~"

At the moment Cheng Feng slayed the body of the hidden word Shengwen, Su Sheng suddenly changed his face and spit out blood.

"Damn little mess, actually ruined the holy print of this holy word!"

The cryptic holy print is very important to Ape Saint, and is one of his most powerful killing moves.

The reason why he was able to break through the huge name was the vital role of the hidden script.

But now, it was destroyed by Cheng Feng, and he also cut off his way forward.

This made him hate Cheng Feng and was full of remorse.

He particularly regretted listening to the invitation from the Wang family and came to Cheng Feng for trouble.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Not only that, he is still in danger.

Cheng Feng will definitely shoot him after he has killed the body of his hidden word Shengwen.

With Cheng Feng's horrific means, killing him is absolutely in hand.

As a result, Ape Saint suppressed the hatred in her heart, and rushed towards the direction of the Wang family.

"Ha, just want to leave now, don't you think it's late?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyes flickered intently.

The Devil Sword was lifted high, attracting more than a thousand stars.

Stabbing ~~~

Towards that sprinting giant ape, he slashed away in one fell swoop.

"The power of the ape, defense!"

In the face of Cheng Feng's beating, the flightless pace of Ape Saint did not stop.

Just on the way to flee, run a defensive martial arts.

Let the body shed a heavy gray armor, and defend yourself like gold!

However, when he was struck by the Devil Sword, he was directly cut out of a huge blade.

Leng Guang's sword light penetrated into it, and cut the back of Ape Saint for half a bit.

"Little beast, you wait for this saint!"

Affected by this, Ape Saint never looked back.

Put down a harsh word and run away.

"Hum, you can't escape!"

However, at this moment, Cheng Feng said coldly.

The next moment, hum ~~~

A behemoth suddenly fell from the sky.

After the Ape Saint sensed it, he quickly dodged, but couldn't escape at all.


He was hit by that behemoth and fell from the spot on the spot.

It fell to the ground and smashed the ground into a large pit with a radius of hundreds of miles.

The violent shock wave spread and flattened the area for thousands of miles!

Li Zixiong, Yuan Chengzhang, and others who rushed to hear the news all forced them to retreat for more than ten miles.

After the shock wave calmed down, he came to Dakeng.

Immediately, each one was stunned by the shocking picture.

"Grasp the grass, what just happened?"

"The earth was blasted out of such a large pit! Is it true that the two true saints are fighting?"

"It must be so. Except for the true Saint, no one can make such a big movement!"

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