Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 234: Sage family

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"I'm going, this guy Cheng Feng is really simple and rude. He won't make a sound when he hits his face .."

"Yeah, Yu Moyu hasn't been as shameful since I was young. I must hate Cheng Feng."

"Haha, I'm afraid there's something good to watch next."

Listening to the voice of the crowd, Yu Mo's eyes were all red, and he was about to scream that the price was overwhelming Cheng Feng and find his face.

A man beside him whispered in his ear, and immediately let him be caught on the spot.

Not enough money

For this auction, Yu Moyu gathered money for a long time and even convinced his grandfather to get the support of Yu family.

But even so, only 500 million lower grade stones were prepared.

At this moment, Cheng Feng can push the price of the sword and magic map to 510 million yuan, and even if he wants to make an offer, he can't say anything.

"Brother Yu is short of funds." Seeing this, the Seven Princes looked upright.

"That's true." Yu Moyu clenched her hands, her body trembling.

"Brother Yu, I still have 200 million yuan of lower grades here, if I need, I can lend it to you temporarily."

"That's the truth"

"Really" Founder directly threw a Tianxuan Purple Card to Yu Moyu.

The reason why Founder helped Yu Moyu this time was because he wanted to use Yu Moyu's hand to show Cheng Feng some colors.

Previously, Cheng Feng had intervened in the bidding for the Fire Steel Battle Armor, which had founder Founder's resentment. ..

"Thank Your Highness Founder."

With the founder's support, Yu Moyu suddenly became excited, raised his bidding card with high spirits, and shouted an unprecedented high price: 560 million Xiayuanshi.

And after Yu Moyu finished bidding, he also extremely provoked Cheng Feng with his middle finger.

But 560 million inferior stones are indeed scary.

I am afraid that some third-class families all add up to their net worth, but this is not the case.

You should know that all the families in the earth dome are in descending order: the family of the saint, the first-class family, the second-class family, and the third-class family.

A saint's family is a saint in the family.

First-class families, at least one of the strongest in the family sits in town.

Second-class family, at least one of the top-ranked powerhouses in the family sits in town.

Third-class family, at least one master in the Broken Realm.

As for the third class, it is not influential. For the large earth dome continent, it is unnecessary or insignificant. For example, the Cheng family where Cheng Feng is located is an influent family.

In the Tianxuan Hall, with Yu Moyu's asking price of 560 million, few people dared to follow up at the scene.

Because of this number, not everyone can get it.

Cheng Feng gave a rough look, and there were probably Quartet forces that could compete. See the fastest chapter on the country novel xiangxiao.

They are Yu Moyu, Li Shiji, Wang Bowen, and a middle-aged man in white.

However, Wang Bowen seemed to have run out of water, and after a little groaning, he shook his head and quit the competition.

And Li Shiji, he is very attached to the sword magic map.

In addition, he came from the first-class family of Lan Cangzhou, and had a deep foundation, so he kept quiet and shouted, "570 million yuan inferior stone."

"Six billion"

However, as soon as Li Shiji's words fell, Yu Moyu couldn't wait to shout out the high price of 600 million, and at the same time provocatively said to Cheng Feng: "Smelly boy, weren't you very bullish just now, why aren't you silent?

"You want me to bargain, as you wish."

In the face of Yu Moyu's provocation, Cheng Feng smiled slightly and said, "Every time you bargain, it will be a lot higher for others, so I will directly add two hundred million, eight hundred million yuan, and more."

"What, you" heard Mou Cheng's final outcry, and Yu Moyu was stunned at the spot.

He originally thought that he was shouting a sky-high price of 600 million yuan. Even if Cheng Feng dared to follow, he would add up to 10-20 million yuan.

But never thought that Cheng Feng played a big game directly, soaring by 200 million.

In this way, Yu Moyu immediately ceased the fire. Even if he added the assistance above, the funds were far from enough, giving him the urge to vomit blood.

"Yes, really deserve it"

"I thought that with the founder's help, I would be able to see everything, and then Cheng Feng threw a slap on his face, and saw how Yu Moyu was crazy."

"That is, people like Yu Moyu must be ruled by Cheng Feng."

In fact, everyone had long been dissatisfied with Yu Moyu's arrogance, but it was only because of the face of the Longcheng Yu family that everyone could not bear to swallow.

At this moment, as Yu Moyu was beaten by Cheng Feng, the dissatisfaction of the crowd was immediately vented.

"Abominable, abominable"

The ears were filled with the screams of everyone, and Yu Moyu was furious.

But it doesn't matter how angry he is, who told him to do that just now?

Obviously knowing that Cheng Feng holds 3 billion yuan in his hands, he dares to arrogantly provocatively. Isn't this looking for abuse? Why is his face sucked?

"800 million, exactly 800 million"

On the north side of the Tianxuan Hall, Li Shiji's face is not much better than Yu Moyu's.

Because of his plan to bid for the sword and magic map, with Cheng Feng's intervention, he couldn't support it immediately.

"Why the **** do you have to fight me every time?" Li Shiji growled in his heart.

"Brother Shiji, but the funds are not enough"

On the side of Li Shiji, Lee Tengfeng of the Longcheng Li family saw that Li Shiji's look was not right, and immediately said, "If Brother Shiji needs it, I can immediately transfer over 500 million yuan worth of stones."

Li Dengfeng was not as enthusiastic about the sword and magic map as others.

He came here for one purpose only, and that is to have a good relationship with Li Shijila.

Because the Li Cangzhou Li family is a super gatekeeper and a first-class family. It is much stronger than the third-class family of the Longcheng Li family.

If the relationship can be connected, the Lee Tengfeng family is equivalent to having a backing, which is of far-reaching significance.

"Brother Dengfeng, forget it."

However, Li Shiji said a little decadently: "I have prepared a billion yuan worth of stones for this auction, but how about Cheng Feng, a dog that is miscellaneous, but holding a huge sum of three billion yuan, it is simply more than but"

"Brother Shiji, maybe." Li Dengfeng was silent for a while, and suddenly looked: "Maybe this sword and magic map, we don't need to buy a hand, we can find the sword and magic heritage."

"Oh," Li Shiji frowned.

"A poisoner who is supported by my family, based on Senecio, has developed a medicinal powder, which is colorless and odorless, but more sticky. Once it sticks to human skin, it will be a year and a half away.

Li Dengfeng said: "This kind of medicinal powder can also be smelled by green bees, and can be traced even if they are thousands of miles apart."

"As long as I sprinkle this medicine powder on Cheng Feng, he will take us to the place where the sword and magic are inherited."

"Brother Dengfeng, have you ever taken that medicine powder?" Li Shiji's eyes lightened.

"Bring some."

"good, very good"

Li Shiji was overjoyed and said with a smile: "If this thing can be done, I owe Brother Deng Feng a kindness."

At this moment, Li Shiji swept away the previous defeat, and the whole person was refreshed.

Because if this matter is successful, he is equivalent to sharing the sword magic map for free.

This is much better than spending a lot of Yuanshi to bid for the sword and magic map.

f; qd,

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