Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2345: Cross the Dan

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"Fulian domain?"

The news that Master Yukong opened the fourth Buddha Lotus domain for Cheng Feng, which had the greatest impact on Wang Xiong.

He had already receded aside, ready to dormant for a while.

But after hearing the news, I couldn't help shouting, "Are you a Zen master, are you wrong?"

"Cheng Feng hasn't had a milky smell this time. How can He Dehe stay in the Buddha Lotus?"

Not only Wang Xiong, but many people present also felt that Cheng Feng was not eligible to stay in the Buddha Lotus.

Because Cheng Feng's alchemy skills are heard from hearsay.

No one can be sure whether God is as rumored as being able to refine Wupin Shendan at will.

Unlike the Huangpu Yuanzang of the Nathan Road Alliance, once in the presence of hundreds of thousands of people, it has refined a furnace of quasi-five grade gods!

Even so, Huangpu Yuanzang visited the Tianli mainland several times before, but only stayed in the Buddhist Temple.

Instead of the four big Buddha lotus domains!

"Mr. Wang Xiong, do you care that it is too wide?"

However, after listening to Wang Xiong's words, Master Yukong sank his face and scolded, "It's the teacher's intention to let Cheng Feng's son live in the Buddha Lotus.

"Do you Wang Xiong think that the teacher's decision will be wrong?"

The monk is in the heavenly continent, but has a supreme existence.

In a word, even the God of Heaven must obey.

Wang Xiong rebutted face to face, he simply did not give the monk a face.

"No no no."

After Wang Xiong blurted out his words, he realized that he might have said something wrong, and quickly remedied: "The monk's decision will never be wrong."

"I just feel that the qualifications for Cheng Feng to stay in the Buddha Lotus are a little lacking."

"Whether son Cheng Feng is eligible to stay in the Buddha Lotus, you don't have the right to talk."

Master Yukong whispered coldly, "I hope you will take care of yourself in the future, otherwise, let's blame the old man!"

Master Yukong is also a fierce man. He has cultivated the second body of Buddha for many years and is the abbot of the previous generation of Tianli Temple.

Following the monk's penance, it didn't take long for me to just go out.

If he takes action against Wang Xiong, Wang Xiong may be beaten.

So he was scolded in public by Master Yukong, and Wang Xiong had red ears and red ears, and he did not dare to refute.

Only looked at the resentful eyes towards Cheng Feng.

"Tianli Temple actually opened the Buddha Lotus Domain for me?"

At this time, Cheng Feng was also a little dazed.

He didn't remember himself and had any connection with Tianli Temple, but the other party treated him with courtesy.

This made his mind go up and down, but he became alert.

"Fulian Keyu opened it, open it, now that you have chosen a high-profile, then high-profile to the end!"

With a slight groan, Cheng Feng chuckled and said, "Wang Xiong of the royal family jumped very happily, so he used this person to stand up!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng took a step forward and gave a fist to Master Yukong.

"Thank Master Yukong for his love, and made a special trip to open the Buddha Lotus domain for me."

"Just as my refining furnace of Wupin Shendan is about to take shape, I will be in front of the Buddha Lotus."

"Congratulations for the opening of the fourth Buddha Lotus in your temple!"

In Wanjian's picture, Qianlongdan, the second furnace refined by Cereal King, is taking shape.

Cheng Feng only needs to take out the elixir of Wan Jian with the figure of Wan Jian, and then it will lead to the disaster of Dan.

Let everyone present know that they are fully 'capable' of refining Wupin Shendan.

Thus, block the mouths of all the skeptics!

Just do it, Cheng Feng's divine thoughts erupted, and he entered the map of Wanjian.

Just at this time, the second furnace Qianlongdan was refined by the king of grain medicine.

"Cereal Medicine King, I'll take this furnace of elixir first."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng greeted him.

Then Divine Thought turned into a big net, wow ~~~

He flew a few of the Dan furnaces from the "Heaven and Earth Oven" into the big net, and he was taken out of the Wanjian diagram.

Qianlong's medicine is fragrant, like a real dragon shaking in Cheng Feng's hands.

Cheng Feng urged a nine-star divine power to form a divine shield before he could control it.


The golden danmar hit the divine shield and undulated ripples.

The people present were stunned after seeing them.

"My God, are the golden Dan pills in the hands of Cheng Feng in the rumored Wupin Shendan Qianlong Dan?"

"Actually ... five full?"

"It's too fast for Nima, right? In the blink of an eye, five Wupin Shendans were made?"

Looking at the elixir struggling in the divine shield, many people expressed doubt.

I think those elixir are not the real elixir.

It's just that Cheng Feng made it out and fooled them!

In particular, Wang Xiong of the royal family had 10,000 unbelief, and the nails of both hands penetrated into the meat.

However, their ideas have just emerged.

Bang ~~~

Dark clouds tumbled in the sky, momentarily covering the sun and the moon.

After a violent collision, the horrible thunder is born, making the scalp numb.

You do n’t need to know, it ’s the sedition caused by the god.

"Woan, it turns out to be Danjie?"

"It seems that Cheng Feng has really refined Wupin Shendan, which is simply amazing."

"I heard people say that Mr. Huangpu of the Dandao Alliance has prepared for half a month in order to make a furnace of quasi-five grade.

"Then I sat still for ninety-eight days, and then I became a quasi-five **** of elixir."

"Cheng Feng is better. While wandering and refining the alchemy, he can also make five at a time."

"This alchemy skill is more than that of Mr. Huangpu!"

Looking at the rolling Tianjie, the entire Tianli Temple, even the entire Tianli God, was shocked.

Finally, I realized why the monk of Tianli Temple opened the Buddhist lotus domain to Cheng Feng.

The other party is fully qualified and qualified!

"Master Yukong, please also open up the defense array of heavenly gods."

Holding five Qianlong Dan in his hand, Cheng Feng stepped towards the sky: "I'm going to bathe in thunderstorms and fill a colorful spot for the Buddha Lotus in your temple!"

"Mr. Cheng Feng, it's a genius!"

As for Master Yukong, he was also somewhat faint at this time.

In fact, when the monk asked him to open a Buddhist temple for Cheng Feng, he refused.

Only now did I understand how wise the monk's decision was!

"Cheng Feng waited a moment, and I opened the corner of the large array of gods."

The Master Yukyu greeted him, and immediately evoked a large Buddha hand.

In the eight places of heavenly gods, one by one.

Click ~~~

A small part of the defensive battle that shrouded the entire heavenly gods appeared a gap.

A large number of Thunder and Lightning blasted in along the gap and went straight to Cheng Feng.

"Oh, the horror caused by the five Qianlong Dans was really better than the three Qianlongs!"

Cheng Feng was brave and fearless, and said with a faint smile: "But this is better, it is convenient for me to refine the residual impurities in my body."

"Tighten the foundation of martial arts even more firmly!"

When speaking, Cheng Feng had come within the bombardment range of Dan Jie.

Boom Boom ~~~ The violent Dan Jiedao fell and drowned Cheng Feng instantly.

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