Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2351: Empty Sanmu Mother Tree

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"Master Yukong, I am ashamed of such a great gift!"

Cheng Feng felt the kindness of Tianli Temple.

Moreover, he also wanted to get the five-grain holy paper in his heart.

But there is an old saying that the more you take, the more you pay.

Cheng Feng took so many benefits. In the future, Master Yukong wanted him to help him, but it was a bit difficult to evade.

"Master Cheng Feng, a piece of broken six-grain holy paper is not a major gift at all."

Master Yukong said lightly: "If Master Cheng Feng wants it, I think countless people will burst their heads and give it to you!"

Master Yukong's words are slightly exaggerated.

However, if Cheng Feng can make Liupin Shendan, let alone the six-stripe sacred paper.

Even if it is seven patterns, eight patterns ... The ten patterns of sacred paper, it is estimated that you can get them.

Therefore, the premise is to have real materials.

"Haha ~~~"

Although Cheng Feng does not have alchemy skills, he has strong alchemy capital.

So I smiled and accepted: "So, thank you, Zen."

"In the future, Zen Master needs help, and if I can do it, I must define it!"

After chatting for a while, Master Yu wants to raise his finger to the west of Tianli Temple.

There, there is a golden road that leads directly to a flowery world.

"Master Cheng Feng, this is one of the four Buddhist lotus fields in my Tianli Temple."

Master Yukong introduced: "This Buddhism domain has not been opened for hundreds of years, and it contains a strong Buddha's breath."

"There are many benefits for the master to enter and rest."

"Maybe you can also use Buddhism to advance a Buddhist martial art in your body to a new level!"

Master Yukong's eyes are old and hot, and he has seen Cheng Feng practiced Rulai Jinshenjue.

The other party opened the Folian guest domain, I am afraid it also helped Cheng Feng to practice Rulai Jinshenjue.

Let Cheng Feng owe favors, and there will be returns in the future.

This is 'cause and effect', and the Buddhists are most particular about cause and effect!

"Master Yukong, thank you!"

Cheng Feng didn't take it too seriously and accepted it directly.

Holding a fist to Master Yukong, he took Wang Qingrou, Tuoba Junfeng, and Wuyou to the golden path.

The golden road was suspended in the sky.

Cheng Feng's feet stepped on it, and suddenly a blossoming golden lotus.

There is an old saying in the Buddhist family, called ‘Diyong Jinlian’. This situation and the scene are exactly the expression of this sentence.

Blossoming golden lotuses, the golden light that reflects Cheng Feng's four people, is like four gods.

Let the people around Tianli Temple all show different colors.

"Dichong Jinlian, Meson Buddha Kingdom!"

"It seems that Tianli Temple really values ​​Cheng Feng very much and wants to tie Cheng Feng to his chariot."

"However, as far as Cheng Feng's alchemy skills are concerned, as long as he isn't a wolf-hearted dog-lung man, there will definitely be ten times, hundred times, even a thousand times the return!

"Perhaps, I should also talk to Cheng Feng, and climb up some friendship to talk about it!"

Looking at Cheng Feng who stepped on Golden Lotus, everyone's thoughts fluctuated.

All have produced a kind of friendship Cheng Feng, paving the way for the future.

As for the demon king Li Yun and the golden robe Fei Bian, the three had bright smiles.

Because they have already performed, they left a good impression in Cheng Feng's heart.

In the future, it will be very easy to climb a friendship.

"Huh? These golden lotuses are unusual."

With everyone's attention, Cheng Feng moved forward.

When the soles of the feet step on the golden lotus, heat will flow into the body along the soles of the feet.

Dredge his muscles, nourish his flesh and fascia, and temper his internal organs.

Let his physical fitness grow.

In particular, Cheng Feng's Rulai Jinshenjue started to run spontaneously.

The original golden body tactics have been practiced by Cheng Feng to the second level, the bodhisattva body.

But at this moment, his first layer of Luo Han Fa actually turned strong again.

In a short period of time, that Luo Hanfa was more than twice as powerful.

At this time, Cheng Feng displayed Luo Han's Fa phase again, and his bare hands and fists could block an attack of a true Saint.

Not only that, the scabbard of Buddha wood on Cheng Feng's back actually changed.

It was as if a sleeping giant whale had recovered and began to swallow the golden lotus.

I saw a lot of golden lotus pouring from the ground, like a thousand streams returning to the ancestors, but more than 90% rushed into the scabbard of the Buddha.

Let the scabbard of Buddha's wood shine and shine, and ancient Buddhist scriptures emerge from it.

"What is it? Why is Cheng Feng swallowing Golden Lotus?"

"It is rumored that Jin Lian was the incarnation of Buddha's power after the master of the Buddhist family sat down."

"Every Golden Lotus is a pure buddha power that only the Buddhist children can absorb."

"Cheng Feng is obviously a warrior, how can he absorb Buddha power?"

The people who saw this scene were all a little embarrassed.

The non-Buddhist children, but able to absorb the golden lotus converted into pure Buddha power, is contrary to normal principles.

Only some monks in Li Temple that day and Master Yukong saw the clue.

"A section of the empty Sanmu mother tree?"

Master Yukong looked at the scabbard of Buddha, and was very excited: "I knew the teacher would not help an outsider for no reason."

"Sure enough, Cheng Feng's body has the treasure of my Buddha, and he is a destined person."

"I hope that this time I open the Buddhist lotus domain, I will be able to make Cheng Feng's Buddhist treasure return to the sky."

"Let me be a buddha, blooming the glory of yesteryear!"

Bang bang ~~~

On the road leading to the Buddhist lotus domain, blossoming golden lotuses emerged, but were quickly absorbed by the Buddhist scabbard.

From a distance, it seems that Cheng Feng has become a super container.

Specially absorbed Jinlian, so that every inch of the road he walked has lost its color and has become dull!

This made Master Yukong both excited and very painful.

Because of that Golden Lotus Avenue, Tianli Temple has accumulated tens of thousands of years to make it, and it costs a lot of effort and resources.

Now all are cheaper Cheng Feng, absorbed by the scabbard of Buddha wood.

I want to recover in the future, I do not know how much effort will be spent!

Not just everyone, Cheng Feng himself felt a little bit wrong.

"How can this Buddhist scabbard absorb so many golden lotuses?"

"Is this thing, or a dusty treasure?"

In the dome continent, the scabbard of the Buddha was used to hold the helmet of the war **** armor.

Now God of War armor has lost defensive power against Cheng Feng.

A box filled with war armor, where can it be powerful?

"Cheng Feng, this forged material of the Buddha wood scabbard, is very similar to the holy tree of the Buddhist family.

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "By the way, this thing must be made from the branches of the Kusang Buddha Mother Tree."

"Only so, can it explain why it can absorb so much golden lotus!"

According to rumors, there is a sacred tree in the Buddhist family, which has propelled 108 thousand Buddhist nations!

But many years ago, he was cut off by a Supreme Being and ended in the sky. Many of the shrines of the Buddhist gates are now built with some stumps of the empty Sangsang Buddha tree.

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