Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2353: First sentence

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However, the bodhisattva body that Cheng Feng has refined is only the weakest bodhisattva body.

According to the level, it barely reached the realm of a bodhisattva.

The only way to continue practicing is to reach the perfect level of Jiupin.

Can be regarded as truly immortal, Shou and Tian Qi!

"Huh? There seems to be a spiritual energy formed by the broken monk's spiritual body in this Buddhist temple."

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "These spiritual energies are a natural tonic to the bodhisattva body."

"If I absorb it, my bodhisattva body will grow quickly."

The Buddhists practice the Dharma and practice the spirit.

After a Buddhist monk sits, the spirit collapses into spiritual energy.

This spiritual energy is so precious that it can be said to have been accumulated by Buddhist monks.

After the Buddhist monks have absorbed the practice, the practice will soar.

Nowadays, they are met by Cheng Feng.

However, Cheng Feng was hesitant.

Because it absorbs mental energy, although it allows you to quickly advance.

However, it will cause causality with the Buddha, and it will not be cut off in the future!

"Hoo ~~~"

After a moment of groaning, Cheng Feng suddenly exhaled: "It seems that I'm still too cautious, and some look ahead."

"Now my enemies are surrounded, and it is the first choice to try our best to become the enemy."

"As for the so-called cause and effect, it's not too late to talk about it!"

Cheng Feng untied the knot, and his heart suddenly opened up.

Immediately no longer hesitated, running the second-level cultivation method of Rulai Jinshenju.

Began to absorb the many spiritual energy in the Buddhist domain.

Let Cheng Feng just cast into the bodhisattva body of the near future, consolidate, grow at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and grow fast.

It didn't take long for him to reach the top of the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Bodhisattva.

It's not just Cheng Feng, the scabbard of Buddha is even more fierce.

I saw it detached from Cheng Feng's body and turned into a huge mouth.

Wow ~~~

When it is swallowed at will, a large amount of Buddha's power is sucked into it and put into its mouth.

Let each square bead become smooth and round.

Even vaguely, it turned into a Buddha statue.

The sounds of the Buddha came out from the mouth of the Buddha image, making the large Buddha lotus domain become zen-like.

Secondly, Tuoba Junfeng has no worries and is surrounded by Buddha's power.

Let them be involuntary and become calm.

Sitting on the ground cross-legged, he began to cultivate.

Both Tuoba Junfeng broke through to the real sanctuary with the help of Qianlong Dan, and the martial arts foundation was a bit futile.

With the cultivation of the two, the foundation of the floating martial arts quickly consolidated.

Promote the strength of the two to a new height.

As for Wang Qingrou, there is no exception.

A few days ago, Wang Qingrou had just been taught a martial art of water properties by Cheng Feng.

This martial art can condense the nine-day holy water of the newborn in Wang Qingrou's body into his own body and integrate with himself.

At that time, Wang Qingrou is Jiu Tian Shui, and Jiu Tian Sheng Shui is also Wang Qing, and the two do not distinguish each other.

Wang Qingrou had already developed a few eyebrows before, but he didn't practice the essence.

But at this moment, under the wash of Buddha sounds.

Wang Gen's soft heart became extremely empty, and there was only one thing left in his heart, and that was the holy water of the nine days of refining and refining.

The practice efficiency has been improved by more than ten times, and the fresh water of the nine days in the body has been incorporated into every part of the body!

Time passed, and a day and night passed.

After this day and night practice, Cheng Feng has learned a lot, and not only the three pillars have reached a new height.

The spiritual body bodhisattva also reached the threshold of Sanpin.

In addition, there is still a lot of spiritual energy in the Buddhist domain.

There is no problem in elevating his bodhisattva to five grades.

As for Tuoba Junfeng's worry-free, he also learned a lot.

The foundation of martial arts was solid, and Shengwei practiced a lot.

Even vaguely, there is a tendency to condense a second sacred pattern.

If Cheng Feng gives them another Qianlong Dan, then the second sacred pattern is condensed, absolutely stable.

Wang Qingrou was a great harvest. With the blessing of the Buddha's voice, she forgot about me.

Directly refining the fresh nine-day holy water, nearly half.

After just a little practice, you can thoroughly refine the nine days of holy water.

Let her and the freshman nine days of holy water know each other and start a new life!

However, the biggest beneficiary is the Buddha wood scabbard.

I saw that the scabbard of the Buddha's wood had already absorbed the huge Buddha lotus domain, and it was full of scars.

Originally, the lotus flowers and birds were fragrant, like a fairyland on earth, but now they are full of scars and withered trees.

Obviously, the buddha's power in the buddha's domain was absorbed too much by the buddha scabbard.

If it continues to be absorbed, I am afraid that the entire Frynnkee domain will be drained and then broken down.

But at this moment, the Buddha wood scabbard stopped.

A huge mouth, slowly deformed, turned into a palm-sized Buddha head.

The head of the Buddha is kind-hearted and has a bright smile.

At first glance, people will be calm and get rid of all distractions.

"Huh? Is this Buddha's head the true deity of Buddha's scabbard?"

During the cultivation, Cheng Feng always kept alert.

Seeing the change in the scabbard of Buddha's wood, his brows raised slightly.

Raised his hand and beckoned to the head of the Buddha, wow ~~~

The Buddha's head fell into Cheng Feng's hands, but it was very heavy.

It looks like a world, almost the same as the head of Longsheng.

Not only that, the Buddha's head contained power beyond imagination, and once it erupted, it felt that it would be able to level more than half of the northwestern region.

But it is very difficult to detonate the energy in the Buddha's head.

"Well? There is a '卍' on the head of the Buddha!"

Taking a closer look at the head of the Buddha, Cheng Feng found that on the head of the Buddha, there was a word "卍" composed of Buddhist scriptures.

The word is vague, but full of repression.

It seems like a word can suppress a world!

"Cheng Feng, this word is the original 'Buddha', and it has supreme power."

Nalan's long-lived voice sounded a little dignified: "It seems that the material for carving the head of the Buddha is not ordinary, I am afraid it is the trunk of the mother's tree.

"Also, the sculptors are extraordinary, and they have great accomplishments in carving."

"If you find the knack, you can evoke the power of the early Buddhist scriptures."

"This Buddha head will be a big killer in your hand!"

Nalan's longevity is special, and his cultivation is unfathomable.

Let him move, indicating that the head of Buddha in Cheng Feng's hands is truly extraordinary.

"The first Buddhist scriptures, the way of carving?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "Perhaps, I should find a carving master and ask him for advice."

"Since this early Buddhist text was carved by a sculptor, it must have a lot to do with carving."

Cheng Feng's idea is good, but the operability is not great.

Because of sculpture, painting, Dan Tao, refining equipment, etc., everything is easy to get started. But if you want to learn the essence and reach the peak, it is very difficult.

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