Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2369: Dead, not life!

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With Cheng Feng participating in the auction, the hot client who auctioned Lei Yan suddenly gave up most of it.

Few people were hesitant, and eventually chose to give up.

After all, Lei Yan's popularity can be obtained again, but the opportunity to brush his face in front of Cheng Feng is only this once.

As a result, this pound of Lei Yan was hot and was taken by Cheng Feng with 300,000 bid points.

"Cheng Feng, this flame is annoying!"

The Tianli auction is very efficient. Just after Cheng Feng completed the auction, someone sent Lei Yan to the elegant room where Cheng Feng was located.

Lei Yan is a hot fire, very fierce and violent, and is against the nine-day holy water attributes.

As soon as he was taken to Yajian, Wang Qingru was very uncomfortable.

Cheng Feng evoked a divine power, intending to cover it.

I did not expect that Lei Yan's power was so strong that the divine shield that Cheng Feng evoked was destroyed instantly.

"Oh, it's pretty good."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled with satisfaction.

Don't look too much, put it in a soul ring.

Because Cheng Feng bought this thing, mainly to kill the enemy.

Maybe it will be used shortly after, without too much detail.

Shortly after the hot shot of Lei Yan, another auction item caught the attention of Cheng Feng.

It was a divine painting with a grade of five.

Thirteen fierce beasts are painted on it, each one is lifelike.

In fact, all of these thirteen beasts were able to survive in a short time, helping their masters to kill the enemy.

The starting price reached 300,000 points, with a minimum increase of 50,000 each time.

"Gentle, this divine painting is not weak. I'll take a picture and defend yourself."

Cheng Feng said: "In the event that the nine days of holy water in the Jichuan Bingyuan strike, you can also have some self-protection."

After speaking, Cheng Feng participated in the auction.

With Cheng Feng participating in the auction, the situation was the same as before, and many people hesitated.

The last one gritted his teeth and chose to give up.

Let Cheng Feng buy a defensive baby for a very low price.

In the subsequent auctions, Cheng Feng was fancy for a few practical babies.

Through a wave of contention, all were included.

This situation was finally broken until the appearance of a six-grain holy paper.

"All of you, this six-printed sacred paper comes from our first continent in the Northwest Territories and a famous hand in the Tianji continent."

"Having three attacking sacred patterns and three defensive sacred patterns is both offensive and defensive."

"Starting price, 500,000 bid points."

"Each price increase must not be less than 100,000 points."

On the auction stage, the beautiful auctioneer finished the introduction and glanced at Cheng Feng with a resentful look.

Because with Cheng Feng participating in the auction, the auction items will eventually be sold at low prices.

This was a huge blow to her ability to bid.

But this time, some people took the lead in attacking Cheng Feng.

"This half-holy paper, the old man wants it."

"Cheng Feng, you have made several malicious bids, which caused Tianli Auction to suffer heavy losses."

"Everyone else is afraid to offend you, but the old man is not afraid. Today I will let you know what it means to be heaven and earth!"

The speaker, wearing a robe with a goatee on his face, was actually Mr. Liyou of the Dandao Alliance.

Before that, Liyou followed Huangpu Yuanzang and left.

This time, it is estimated that he turned back halfway, and wanted to find the trouble of Cheng Feng and give gas to Huangpu Yuanzang.

"Hehe ~~~"

Seeing Mr. Li You, Cheng Feng sneered: "Only you, do you want to learn from Cheng?"

"I don't know who is so tall and tall, it should be you."

"Presumptuous! Someone will bid."

Mr. Li You gave a low drink and shouted directly: "Girl Xuefu, I have 800,000 bid points for this six-print holy paper."

"I have a million points."

Before waiting for Mr. You's words to end, Cheng Feng raised the price by 200,000.

"I give 1.5 million!"

Mr. Li You is fierce, raising the price by 500,000 yuan.

"I have two million."

Cheng Feng seems to be mad, bidding two million.

"Two and a half million, some kind continue to follow!"

Mr. Li You stared at Cheng Feng, his eyes full of provocation.

"Two and a half million points, which is far beyond the value of a six-grain holy paper."

"A piece of six-grain sacred paper, even from the hands of a famous host, is worth a million to 1.2 million points."

"Now it's 2.5 million, it's all an emotional battle."

"I'm afraid this amount will be refreshed by Master Cheng."

Enemies met with jealousy.

Everyone thought that Cheng Feng would definitely continue to increase the price this time.

Push the auction price of this six-grain holy paper to a scary level.

However, Cheng Feng smiled slightly and did not rush to increase the price.

"Girl Xuefu, the cost of this six-grain holy paper, I guess it should be less than 500,000 points."

Cheng Feng said: "Now it has reached 2.5 million, and your auction house can earn 2 million points in one fell swoop."

"Because of the concession of your friends, your auction house lost a lot."

"This time I repay by the hand of sorrow.

After speaking, Cheng Feng added: "This time, I abstain!"

Wow ~~~

As soon as Cheng Feng said this, the scene was uproar.

Because everyone thinks that Cheng Feng will do his best to fight with Mr. Li You to the end.

Never thought that Cheng Feng was so calm.

At the critical moment, he pulled back, and took away the worrying bid points to make a human relationship.

While admiring everyone's heads.

But the face of Li worry turned into a liver color!

"Cheng Feng, you **** thing!"

Li worry pointed at Cheng Feng, his body trembling with anger, "How can you not continue to increase the fare? How can you?"

In fact, Li Feng also has the pit of Cheng Feng.

When Cheng Feng raised his price to three million yuan, he suddenly withdrew.

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng's gaze was even more fierce. He saw through his intentions in advance and instead struck him.

This feeling of being beaten up in the face is a bit of a crash!


Cheng Feng said coldly: "I want to jump out and hang people before IQ is fully developed?"

"Play with me, I will play to death!"

"Little beasts, be restless."

Mr. Liyou roared: "The old man will definitely make you pay a heavy price."

"Howling, howl, first hand over 2.5 million points to Tianli Auctions."

Cheng Feng's words were very lethal, which made Mr. Li You look so **** that he almost vomited blood!

Soon, Liyou dripped blood to complete the delivery of the item.

The auction continued, and this time came up with a pair of sixth-grade paintings.

An iron cable was drawn inside, extending from the deep abyss, like a chain of death.

Gives a person, once locked by the chain.

There is nowhere to be seen in heaven!

"Hell Lock River, a lifelong work by a six-grade god-level artist."

The beautiful auctioneer Xuefu introduced, full of seditious motivation: "This painting can trap the Six Saints, and it is a rare treasure."

"Starting price, 600,000 bid points." "Each price increase must not be less than 50,000 points."

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