Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2378: High mountains

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"Man, many masters follow us."

Outside the heavens and gods, Tuoba's army front looked dignified: "There are more than thirty saints, and there are more than one hundred warriors on the sky."

"How should we respond?"

"No hurry, let's just leave the heavenly gods."

Cheng Feng calmly said, "If these people have evil feelings, they will jump out to find something."

"At that time, it's not too late to clean them up."

When speaking, Cheng Feng and the four flew away from the heavens and gods.

Came into a medium-sized city ten miles away and rushed to a large teleportation array in the city.

"That is Yufeng City. There is a large teleportation array in the city, which can transmit millions of miles at a time."

"Master Cheng went to Yufeng City, I'm afraid to use the teleportation array to stay away."

Seeing Cheng Feng went to Yufeng City, everyone instantly saw Cheng Feng's thoughts.

Some people's eyes are rising, and they are ready to snip.

At this moment, 嘭 ~~ 嘭 ~~

The only two large teleportation arrays in Yufeng City were suddenly smashed by a huge force.

Blocked Cheng Feng's way.

Immediately afterwards, four blood waves rose into the sky and rolled towards Cheng Feng.

"No, someone attacked Master Cheng."

"The assailant is not weak, he is a master of sainthood!"

In the moment of the destruction of the teleportation team in Yufeng City, everyone knew that a master was secretly dormant and dealt with Cheng Feng.

"Haha, here comes the opportunity."

"Killing the four assassins will definitely win the trust of Master Cheng Feng."

"Afterwards, he begged him to make a panacea, and naturally he refused."

Many people saw the opportunity and were ready to help.

But wait for them to do it.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Four fierce boxing rushes out of nowhere and hit the four blood waves that swept through.

Instantly penetrate the blood wave, and then hit the owner of the blood wave.

Kill four fake holy masters in one stroke!

"Grass, so powerful."

"Skill the four false saints in one stroke, and repair them to at least three levels of true saints."

"Can there be three true saints beside Cheng Feng?"

"No, it's Cheng Feng's hand. His combat power is more than Sanwen Zhensheng!"

The scene that took place was too frightening, and many people thought that there were three patterns of truth to help Cheng Feng.

But the old-fashioned man saw Cheng Feng as the one who killed the four pseudo-sage masters.

Let everyone's eyes shrink and look at Cheng Feng.

Poppy poppy ~~~

Suddenly, applause sounded.

Two old men walked out of a dilapidated house.

The two old men, one with a zither in hand, and the other with a guqin.

Wearing elegant clothes gives people the feeling of an artist.

But the **** light in his eyes told everyone that this person is not a simple product, and has killed many people.

"These two seem to be‘ mountain running waters ’, two murderous executioners.”

"These two people are said to have come from the Musical Sects Gate. They used to be famous Musician Sects.

"But at a critical moment in life, he embarked on an evil path, not only destroying his ancestors, but also specifically killing the music players.

"Caught in the Heavenly Prison for hundreds of years and appearing here today is a hassle."

The mountains and rivers are the names of the two old men.

One calls itself 'High Mountain', and one calls 'Living Water'.

The combination of high mountains and flowing water would have formed a pleasant music.

But now it has become a voice of killing, cast aside by the people of the world.

Not only that, after the duo appeared in the mountains and flowing water.

At the southeast corner of Yufeng City, four more people appeared.

These four people are very unusual, their bodies flickered, as if made of water.

Just a distant flash appeared in Cheng Feng kilometers away.

The icy breath was pervasive, so that the air where Cheng Feng was located, the air frosted and cracked.

"My son, a strong enemy has arrived."

Tuoba Junfeng's face condensed: "The two old guys seem to be masters of music‘ mountain flowing water ’.”

"The other four are the four ice sheets."

"It is rumored that Bingyuan Si has realized the true meaning of Bing, and raising his eyes can be fatal."

Tuoba Junfeng has been a ten-star hunter of the faceless alliance, and has a better understanding of the world's masters.

The moment when the mountains and flowing water and the four ice sheets appeared, they recognized it and quickly told Cheng Feng.

"The mountains and rivers and the four ice sheets?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "I have never met these six people, and it is impossible to build hatred."

"They must have been entrusted this time."

"My son, I heard that the mountains and rivers had been favored by the blood gods before being caught in the heavenly holy prison."

Li Wuyou suddenly said: "The other party intercepted the son, I am afraid it is related to the blood god."

"As for the four envoys of the ice field, they have reached the level of three patterns, but they can never go further."

"A few decades ago, they went to Huangpu Yuanzang to seek for help, and since then they have disappeared."

"Now I'm back in the rivers and lakes, I'm afraid I can't get rid of Huangpu Yuanzang."

"Does the blood god?"

Cheng Feng's eyes flashed coldly: "It's really a ghost who stays on!"

"And Huangpu Yuanzang, it's time to give him a little deep memory."

After the words ended, Cheng Feng took out the Heaven and Earth Oven and took out six finished Qianlong Dan in the Dan furnace.

Rumbling ~~~

With the movement of Cheng Feng, the dark clouds in the sky quickly gathered,

In a blink of an eye, the dark cloud covered the sky, and under the collision, the thunderous thunder fell from the sky.

"This is ... the power of God!"

"What the **** is it? Cheng Feng took out six elixirs, which triggered a disaster?"

"Did Cheng Feng have the ability to control the sky robbery?"

The thunder in the sky turned everyone's eyes straight.

Because Tianjie is the power of heaven and earth, it is the law of heaven and earth that mortals cannot control.

Even if the existence of a small fortune, or even a great fortune, is not available.

The scene that happened to Cheng Feng was too scary!

However, Cheng Feng didn't notice it.

After taking out the elixir, throw the heaven and earth oven into the map of Wanjian, and let the king of grain medicine continue to refine the elixir.

At the same time, Tuoba Junfeng's courtesy was worry-free.

"The cultivation of both of you has reached the top of a pattern of true sages, and the second pattern can be condensed at any time."

"Here are two Qianlong Dans, you each take one to raise the cultivation to the realm of Erwen Zhensheng."

Obviously, the Tianjie that broke out at this time was the Danjie of Qianlongdan.

Qianlong Dan is a masterpiece of Wupin. It has the ability to build a master of true sage and is not allowed by heaven.

Once Dan Cheng, there will be a fall.

Previously, in the Tianli Palace and the World Hall, Dan Jie had to take shape.

In order not to break the situation at that time, Cheng Feng blocked the elixir in the heaven and earth oven.

No panacea, Dan Jie never landed.

Until this moment, Cheng Feng took out the elixir, and Dan Jie immediately descended from the sky.

"My son, this ..."

For the reward of Cheng Feng, Tuoba Junfeng was hesitant. After all, Qianlongdan is not Chinese cabbage. How can it be taken casually?

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