Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2380: Ride the Thunder

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After knowing Qin Yin's attack course, Cheng Feng squeezed the thunder ball with both hands.


It turned out that the house-sized thunderball shrank to the size of a washbasin.

Then he grabbed the thunder ball and cast stars and moon steps.

Avoiding the sounds of the piano, go straight to the mountains and rivers.

"Woan, Cheng Feng seems to be unknown to the prophet."

"Each of the guzheng sounds was perfectly avoided by Cheng Feng."

"This time, how else is the mountain flowing?"

Takayama and flowing water are masters of rhythm, good at attacking and killing rhythm.

The rhythm is propagated by the air. Cheng Feng's God of Fortune can judge the attack path of the piano sound by observing the air fluctuation.

This is a lethal restraint for any master of rhythm.

But at this moment.

Suddenly the running water was lifted off a guqin on his back.

This guqin is quaint and vicissitudes, giving people a feeling of witnessing countless years of change.

After being hydrolyzed by the flow, he lay across his thigh.

铮铮 铮 ~~~

With the flowing water, his hands brushed across Qinxian Mountain.

A pleasant sound of the piano was uploaded from Guqin.

The piano sound is clear and ethereal, without a bit of fireworks, and instantly brings people into a picturesque world.

Away from all kinds of insidious calculations, iron blood kills.

In particular, Cheng Feng, with Qin Yin in the ear, actually made Cheng Feng come to his hometown.

He met his parents, grandfather, sister ... clan and friends.

I even saw the lightness of music, dancing in front of my eyes.

Let him involuntarily, his tense nerves relax.

The killing hands quietly released.

Want to open your arms and welcome all this wonderful!

From the outsider's point of view, Cheng Feng, who was holding a thunder ball in his hands, was killing the two of them, and suddenly became dumb.

Not only did he stop, but with a strange smile, the thunder ball in his hand was thrown aside.

Then he opened his arms and greeted the sound of the sound of the mountains.

Gives a feeling of death in the arms!

"Not good, Master Cheng was attacked by the flowing phonics."

"This mountain is flowing, mountains are good at physical sound killing, and flowing water is good at mental sound killing."

"Playing the sound of the piano in flowing water, the sound waves such as gurgling water invade people's spiritual thoughts, deceiving people's intellect, but killing invisible!

"Master Cheng is in a lot of trouble this time, I'm afraid it's hard to escape!"

Seeing the scene of Cheng Feng's generous death, everyone present frowned.

Knowing that Cheng Feng is in the water, there is more evil than good.

However, the sound of the piano played in the high mountains was about to hit Cheng Feng.

Huh! Cheng Feng's eyes suddenly opened.

Immediately with both hands raised in front of him, the movement is like Jinshenjue, blocking the chopping of the piano sound.


The alpine piano sounds great.

Even if Cheng Feng ran the fuselage, and the nine-star **** body defended, his arms were cut out of several narrow gaps.

There were a few mouthfuls, and the mind broke the bone.

But Cheng Feng stiffened, his gaze fixed, and suddenly he looked at the mountain.

"Not good, it is Supreme Will!"

Takayama originally thought that with the help of flowing water, he was about to kill Cheng Feng.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng escaped from Qinyin fantasy at the last moment, and counterattacked with the will of Supreme Blade.

At this point, Cheng Feng's will to the Supreme knife has been completely restored.

Moreover, after many battles, it has become a lot more solidified than before, and its power is even better.

This time by Cheng Feng abruptly, the mountains failed to defend, but he was hit by both eyes.


Takayama screamed, "My eyes!"

In the scream, Takayama's eyes were cut by the will of the Supreme Blade.

However, Takayama has a lot of combat experience.

Despite the destruction of his eyes, he played the zither with pain.

铮铮 铮铮 ~~~

A lot of piano sounds flew out and turned into sound blades.

Cheng Feng's further attack was blocked for several kilometers.

But Cheng Feng was determined to kill him, while running the five-star **** body, repairing the injury on his arm.

One side had already recovered the thunder ball that had been thrown, and threw it to Takayama.

Bang ~~~

The thunder ball collided with the sound blade and produced a terrible explosion.

The air wave surged and formed a huge mushroom cloud.

All the warriors who watched the battle were forced to retreat backwards.

Especially the mountain, which is very close to the explosion center, has withstood the force of the explosion of most of the thunderballs.

He was directly bombarded with short arms and legs, and Guzheng got out of his hands and flew out.

If it's not a critical moment, Liu Shui threw a divine painting for protection.

That mountain will definitely be killed alive, and it will disappear forever from this world!

"Thunder, give me all down!"

However, the high mountains do not escape this attack, but it does not mean that they can survive.

I saw Cheng Feng lifted his eyes and looked at the sky, and then he tore the clouds from the sky.

With his hands above him, a loft-sized thunder ball was formed.

From a distance, Cheng Feng seems to have turned into a thunder god.

There was a thunder and lightning all over, but he didn't hurt half of his hair, it was a bit scary!

"Grass, is Cheng Feng the reincarnation of Thor?"

"Everything was condensed into the hands of the thunderbolt."

"If it hits the mountains and flowing water, even if they are twice as powerful, I am afraid they are more fierce!"

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

Many warriors who wanted to protect Cheng Feng and seek a **** of elixir gave up this idea.

Because of their strength, it is simply not enough!

As for those with bad intentions, they hurriedly converged and hid in the crowd.

If it is detected by Cheng Feng, let alone kill Cheng Feng, his life will be lost!

However, there are exceptions.

It was a man wearing a robe and a headband.

When the huge thunder ball in Cheng Feng's hand was compressed to the size of a water tank, he was about to launch a fatal blow to the two men and women in the mountains.

Wow ~~~

A gust of wind emerged out of thin air.

The wind is strong and the power is even more appalling.

As soon as he appeared, he ripped Cheng Feng to hang him into minced meat.

At the same time, on the other side, the strong wind turned into soft power, rolled up the severely damaged mountains, and brought it to the water.

"Two people, Cheng Feng cannot stay here."

The person wearing the bucket hat made Moreng's voice: "Let's shoot together and kill this child here."

Whispering, 咻咻 咻咻 ~~~

Around Cheng Feng, a water arrow suddenly appeared.

The arrow body is blue, and the tip of the arrow is extremely sharp.

Under the control of a person with a headband, he shot Cheng Feng overwhelmingly.

"Oh, finally can't bear it?"

However, Cheng Feng looked pale and light: "Since you jumped out, I will take you on the road!"

The words stopped, Cheng Feng appeared a layer of divine armor.

The body suddenly became strong, a layer of golden light appeared, and Cheng Feng's defense was solid. But Cheng Feng didn't feel enough, took out a piece of five-grain holy paper, and stuck it on his body.

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