Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2385: Human heart

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"Master Cheng, the old lady can do very little."

Master Yukong had his hands folded: "You can only hold Wang Mingtai's donor for half a day. Other threats need to be resolved by the master himself."

"Having Wang Mingtai for a long time has been a great help."

Cheng Fengsu said, "If I can survive the disaster, I will have to thank him in the future!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng turned and left.

"Master Cheng, that Douyi is an evolution made by the Gongsu family."

Master Yukong said, "If you can find the Heavenly God Crystal, let it evolve and become your left and right arms."

"Evolution? Tianyuan Shenjing?"

Cheng Feng's footsteps were followed, and then, under the bombardment of the tumultuous calamity, he flew towards the direction in which Douyin left.

Wang Mingtai looked at the back of Cheng Feng's departure and hated his teeth.

As for the others, they had complicated expressions and chased after them.

"What do you mean by following Cheng?"

Cheng Feng flew hundreds of miles under the bombardment of Tianjie, and faintly saw the picture of Historian Douying fighting with the three holy princes of the family.

Then he turned his head and saw at least dozens of people following. His brows couldn't help wrinkling.

"Master Cheng, we are not malicious."

The followers shouted, "We follow you, we just want to protect you."

"protect me?"

Cheng Feng sneered: "Thank you very much, but I don't need it!"

"Master Cheng, your danger has not been eliminated."

Someone said: "Although Wang Mingtai was stopped by Master Yukong, many murderers and demons have received news that they will definitely attack you halfway."

"We're going along, keeping those ..."

"I said, no need!"

Cheng Feng's voice became cold: "If you continue to follow, Hugh blame Cheng Mou heart!"

Perhaps some of these followers really want to help.

But most people have mischief, and let them protect, it is tantamount to making a hide with the tiger!

Driving it out early is the best option.

"Master Cheng, we ..."

The crowd was unwilling to continue to persuade.

But Cheng Feng was too lazy to listen and turned away.

Seeing this, some people stopped.

But other people are unwilling, for example, Jin Pao Fei Bian and Zuotoushan feel that they have some friendship with Cheng Feng.

Did not stop because of Cheng Feng's deterrence, and continued to follow behind Cheng Feng.

"You are looking for death!"

Traveled hundreds of miles, and found that someone was following, Cheng Feng's eyes flashed cold.

Om ~~~

The awakening of the divine power in the body brought the celestial calamity that was gradually calmed down from the sky, and again stimulated the restlessness.

The next moment, he rushed to Fei Bian and others.

And as Cheng Cheng approached, bang bang ~~~

One after another, Tiancai descended from the sky and launched a violent bombardment of everyone around Cheng Feng.

"Fuck, God!"

"Quick, dodge quickly."

"This is a five-stranded calamity, and it will be dead!"

As the sky came, the scene was a cry of crying father and mother.

Cultivated as a weaker, he was seriously injured on the spot.

Even if the saint level existed, his face went wild one by one, flying away from Cheng Feng.

In a blink of an eye, only a few people were still supporting the scene.

"Cheng Feng, we just want to help you, as for?"

"It's so kind to benefactors. It's so chilling!"

The warrior who escaped from the bombardment of the calamity shouted, his voice was full of resentment.

"I have already said that Cheng does not need your help, but you have repeatedly challenged my endurance line."

Cheng Feng's voice was cold: "This is my last tolerance. If anyone dares to follow, die!"

In fact, Cheng Feng is already being merciless.

If you change to other people, I am afraid that they will kill the killer and kill these people clean.

"Master Cheng, since you really don't need me to wait for help."

Seeing Cheng Feng's firm will, the crowd no longer insisted: "Then I will say goodbye to this, I hope that in the future I will go to Tianjia Continental Yuan's house and I will get your welcome."

After all, most people turned away.

But there were a few people whose eyes flashed coldly.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Evil was born from the guts, and even attacked Cheng Feng.

"court death!"

This time, Cheng Feng's last good intentions were broken.

Without any hesitation, the divine power in his body swayed, grabbing the Buddha's scabbard on his back.


Slashed away from the attackers.

Cheng Feng's knife was not slashed with a scabbard.

However, its power is also very powerful, and even brought the power of the Buddhist monks to make the power of the sword better.

Hit the attack from the assassin and chop it on the spot.

Then Daoguang continued to slash, blasting several pseudo-holy.

In addition, the existence of the true Holy Class was severely damaged. Just a few steps back, it was turned into a fan powder by Tianjie.

There were only three people left to breathe.

These three people are not weak, at least they are also the Four Saints.

One of them was Cheng Feng's old acquaintance, Zuoshan.

"Mr. Zotoushan, would you also kill me?"

Before Cheng Feng issued a reward, Qianlong Dan was used as a reward to kill Wang Xiong.

As a result, Wang Xiong was killed by Zuotoushan and Jin Pao Fei Bian, and Cheng Feng gave each one a Qianlong Dan.

Originally thought that he could become friends with the two.

It now seemed obvious that he was thinking too much.

"Cheng Feng, you offended someone who shouldn't offend."

Zaotoushan's face was gloomy: "If you take it now, please, you can save your life."

"Otherwise, no doubt!"

"I offended someone who shouldn't offend?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "Who is that man?"

"He is your companion."

"My companion? Is it Huangpu Yuanzang?"

"It's not just Mr. Huangpu."

Zaotoushan shook his head: "Behind Mr. Huangpu, there is also a Dan Daozong gate from Zhongyu."

"They have moved with their families and are ready to be located in the first continent of the Northwest Territories.

"Now there are countless saint-level presences to congratulate, it can be said that experts gathered."

"As long as Mr. Huangpu shows his intention to kill you, those masters will come to kill you."

"By then, you have no way to go to heaven or earth!"

"It turns out ... you killed me to please Ling Danzong!"

After hearing the words of Zuotoushan, Cheng Feng suddenly realized: "Just don't you think, is your behavior stupid?"

"The ammunition that Ling Danzong can refining can be refined by Cheng Feng, and the effect is even stronger."

"You kill me to please Ling Danzong? Hehe ~~~"

"Cheng Feng, Ling Danzong has six masters."

Zuotoushan sneered: "As long as I take your head to Ling Danzong, I will definitely get a six-pin god."

"Advance my cultivation to the mid-level semi-holy realm in one fell swoop!"

"Liupin Shendan?"

Cheng Feng shook his head: "Soon, I will eat Liupin Shendan as broad beans!"

When speaking, Cheng Feng stopped talking nonsense with Zuotoushan.

Grab the scabbard of Buddha, and rushed to Zotou Mountain.

Rumbling ~~~

Thunder and lightning in the sky, terror winds, poisonous fire, robbery ... swept down. Along with Cheng Feng, they splashed out on Zotou Mountain together.

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