Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2389: No delirium

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"Girl Wang is so worried and absent?"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng was thoughtful.

It seems that Wang disappeared softly, I am afraid that it is related to Jiutian Holy Water.

"Master, Wang went softly to this side."

At this time, His Holiness suddenly pointed to the west.

"Girl Wang has gone to the west?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "How did you judge?"

"I sprinkled some feast on Wang Qing's body."

"The powder is colorless and tasteless, but it sticks to it for ten years. It is an excellent thing for tracking and positioning."

"I can follow Girl Wang through this powder."

His Holiness is from the hands of the deceased family. He is not only good at fighting, but also proficient in tracking, hiding, assassination, and so on.

One of the means of fighting the Supreme Master is to use banquet powder to track the target.

"Very well, then you show the way."

Cheng Feng glanced around and had a decision under his mind: "We first find Girl Wang, and then return to Tianjia continent."

"Everything he obeys."

Tuoba Junfeng nodded worry-free.

Then the three of them flew to the heaven and the west of the continent under the guidance of His Holiness Dou.

"Going to the West?"

"That's not the direction to Tianjia mainland!"

"It looks like Cheng Feng has foreseen something and wants to dodge."

"Unfortunately, all your actions are futile!"

The secret person saw the scene, whispering in their mouths.

It is estimated that the Tianli continent will start to kill and arrest Cheng Feng.

"Son, someone seems to follow us."

On the way, Li Wuyou noticed something wrong.

"I know."

Cheng Feng said indifferently: "Don't bother, let's just follow His Majesty Douyi."

When leaving Tianli Palace, Cheng Feng was mentally prepared to be chased.

He even turned back occasionally to look at the eyes of the gods, and saw one or two followers.

One of them is the subordinate ghost infant of that soldier.

The second one is an old monk with good intentions.

The old monk, Cheng Feng, met at the Tianli auction.

The other party participated in the auction of the demon monster coffin and was eventually persuaded by Cheng Feng.

Quietly trailing at this time, most likely to ‘get back’ the coffin of the demon monster.

"Following in secret, I am afraid more than these two."

Cheng Feng thought to himself: "It seems I need to prepare in advance, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

The strength of the ghost babies has been seen by Cheng Feng, and he is not inferior to Wang Mingtai.

As for the old monk with kind eyes and good intentions, he is even more powerful.

Although there is a smile on his face, the knife is hidden in the smile, giving people an unpredictable feeling.

In the face of such powerful enemies, if there is not enough strength, the results will be miserable.

"I still have two Qianlongdans in my hand."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Take the two elixirs first, and push the strength to a higher level."

After speaking, Cheng Feng once again took out a Qianlongdan and threw it into his mouth.

With experience this time, Cheng Feng deliberately suppressed martial arts spirit while refining Qianlongdan.

Therefore, the image of the martial arts rushing into the sky and condensing into the flower of martial arts on the sky do not appear again.

But the flower of martial arts was shaped in Cheng Feng's body.

I saw that the flower of martial arts, only one petal, is not very complete.

With the second Qianlong Dan serving, it turned into a potent medicine watering the flowers of martial arts.

Make that flower quickly and delicately pink.

Vaguely, there is a tendency to condense the second petal of martial arts.

Especially with this change, Cheng Feng's strength is even higher.

In the past, Cheng Feng was able to kill the Four-Striped True Saints at will. Now even if he is against the Five-Striped True Saints, he is expected to easily kill them.

Specific strength, I'm afraid I can barely match the ghost baby.

What's scary is that Cheng Feng's strength is still improving.

Waiting for the second Qianlongdan to run out of power, Cheng Feng left the third Qianlongdan in his mouth without delay.

After half an hour passed, the flower of martial arts in Cheng Feng's body gave birth to a second petal.

Although the second flower of martial arts formed only a small half, it is not trivial.

Let Cheng Feng's temperament change greatly, giving a sense of mystery and depth.

It seems that in the face of a mysterious existence, the ethereal nothingness is elusive!

In particular, Cheng Feng's strength has reached a state of terror.

It is estimated that the Six Streaks of Saints can be easily killed!

"Huh, finally I have some self-protection."

Cheng Feng Changsong sighed: "Now even against the person with the doll mask, I'm not afraid.

"Only the old monk who is kind and kind, is a little tricky!"

The kind-hearted old monk threatened Cheng Feng with a lot.

It feels stronger than the Master Yukong of Tianli Temple.

Moreover, Cheng Feng guessed that the old monk with kind eyes and good eyes should not come from Tianli Temple.

It may come from the Southern Region, and it is the existence of a Buddha in the Southern Region.

"My strength should still grow a lot."

Cheng Feng whispered: "But it needs Qianlongdan to assist. If you practice alone, it will take at least three or five months.

"This matter is not urgent. Cereal King is refining Qianlongdan in large quantities."

"I want to improve my strength, anytime."

"Especially shortly after, the King of Cereals tried to make Liupin Shendan."

"If it succeeds, that one can push my strength to the limit."

"It is not impossible to condense a complete flower of martial arts directly!"

While Cheng Feng was sorting out his thoughts, His Majesty Douyi had taken Cheng Feng away from the heavenly continent and came to an endless sea.

The sea is so big that there is no end to it.

Water vapour condenses from the sky, and heavy rains fall from time to time.

"Master, this is the sea of ​​no delusion."

Historian Douyi said: "This sea is vast and vast. It is larger than a dozen heavenly continents and is in danger."

"It is rumored that the Tiancha whale family lives in this sea area, and even the high-end semi-sages are not willing to enter it easily."

"Girl Wang Qingrou, seems to be in it."

"No delusional waters?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and secretly hurried Qiankun bag.

That Qiankun bag really had a little reaction, which shows that His Holiness the Doer is right.

Wang Qingrou may have really entered the sea of ​​no delusion, and even nine days of holy water!

"My son, this arrogant sea is terrifying."

Tuoba Jun's brow frowned: "I once heard people say that this is a forbidden place for warriors. It's easy to get in and out!"

"It's likely to be a restricted area for super prisoners?"

"The restricted area for super prisoners?"

Cheng Feng's expression moved: "Is this the place where the saints of the small fortune are detained?"

In Tiancang holy prison, there are real saints.

That kind of existence is not semi-sacred, with means to destroy the heavens and the earth.

In order to prevent these beings from destroying Tiancang Holy Prison, the prison governor of Tiancang held him alone and sealed it with a super array.

In addition, guardians will be sent to guard. Even the chief prisoner of Tiancang will make frequent inspections.

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