Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2393: Sky brake whale family

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"Cheng Feng, wake up!"

At this moment, a loud drink rang in Cheng Feng's mind.

Hearing the sound, Cheng Feng was sober if he was drank, and immediately came to his senses.

Knowing that he had followed the path of the old monk, he had been attacked by spirits, and almost collapsed.

Fortunately, Nalan's eternal life is awake, plus his spirit is strong enough, and his mental will is firm.

If you change to someone else, you must not wake up.

Actively come to the old monk and let the old monk die!

"Good guy, actually blocked the old man's mantra!"

Cheng Feng woke up, and the divine spirit hit the old monk, making him dizzy.

Eyes couldn't help shrinking, and Cheng Feng shuddered: "However, after all, you can't escape the palm of the old man."

"It's still obedient and obedient, so I won't let the old man do it."

"Old bald donkey, dream of your spring and autumn."

Cheng Feng scolded: "If you want to deal with Lao Tzu, wait for your next life!"

After the words fell, Cheng Feng took advantage of the old monk's mental instability and once again used the shadow trick.

Huh! He disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Hum, you can't escape."

The old monk hummed coldly, shook his head slightly, and recovered most of the traumatic trauma.

Then a murmur in his mouth locked the direction where Cheng Feng left.

The means of performing shrinking into the inch catch up again.

It ’s not long since the old monk left, hey ~~~

The ghost baby caught up.

Seeing the toxic gas around and the waves tumbling, I immediately knew that a big battle had taken place here.

"Mad, the old bald donkey of the armyless monk has overtaken Cheng Feng."

"But depending on the situation, the armyless monk did not succeed."

"I will follow up first and destroy the armyless monk to capture Cheng Feng."

"Wait for the keel three to come and see how the armyless bald donkey jumps!"

After speaking, the ghost baby chased quickly following the fluctuation of the Buddha's power left by the armyless monk.


At the same time, there are no deliriums.

Cheng Feng is flying wildly.

In order to get rid of the pursuit of the armyless monk, Cheng Feng constantly changed his flight direction.

At this point, he didn't even know where he was.

But one thing he can be sure of is that he is still in the outer area of ​​the sea without delusion.

"This arrogant sea is really big enough."

Cheng Feng watched while flying.

Because although he is still in the outer area of ​​the maritime area, he is also in danger.

Many unseen sea monsters were looming, and the exuberance emanating from them condensed into clouds in the sky.

The seawater has become heavy and obviously not provocative.

If they accidentally startled these siren, besieged them.

Even if Cheng Feng got out of trouble, he would waste a lot of time and be overtaken by the armyless monk.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng is proficient in shadow slaying, and the shadow killing of the Seven Kills.

The two cooperate with each other, hiding Cheng Feng very secretly.

In addition to the technique of seven kills, the water martial arts of the five elements.

Even if he passed by the Kraken's lair, Cheng Feng could be silent.

These siren are not a great threat to Cheng Feng.

On the contrary, Cheng Feng can use some means to use the power of the sea monster to throw the armyless monk farther and farther.

The trickier part is the harsh environment in the sea.

"This vast sea area is vast and natural danger strata are emerging. We must be careful to dodge."

Cheng Feng secretly said: "It is best not to get into it by mistake, otherwise, it is difficult to think of it."

"In addition, there are some rumors of Siren, it is best not to meet."

According to Tuoba Junfeng, in the depths of the sea without delusion, there is a family of Tiancha whale.

This group is the overlord among the Krakens, and is brutal and belligerent by nature.

Every time he is born, there is a huge storm.

It may be for this reason that the prison warrior of Tiancang exerted some means and was imprisoned in the depths of the vain sea.

As a "natural defense" of the "Forbidden Area", prevent unscrupulous people from sneaking into the restricted area and letting off detainees repeat the crime!

However, the Tiancha Whales occasionally slip out of the sea.

Arrived at the outer area of ​​the Wulei sea area, causing **** wind.

Although it hasn't been heard recently, there is news that the Tiancha whales slipped out of the restricted area.

However, few people enter the sea without delusion, and I am afraid that only the heavens will know the specific situation.

"Huh? There seems to be a Kraken Lair ahead."

During the flight, Cheng Feng suddenly slowed down.

Because a thousand miles away in front of me, a faint demon spread.

This demon is very weak and weak, but it has a tenacity.

Like a thousand hammered and forged wire, it shows the masterly cultivation of the demon master.

"not simple."

Cheng Feng thought: "The Kraken Nest in front is very simple, and there should be a Heaven-level Kraken inside."

"If I can bring trouble to the east, let the old monk have friction with the Kraken."

"Then I can slip away, Hai Kuo lets me swim!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng had a decision in mind.

That is to sneak into the sea monster's lair in front, waiting for the arrival of the armyless monk.

"Five Elements Kill, Leech!"

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng acted immediately.

Performing the five elements kills the body's water.

Huh! The whole person turned into a part of the seawater, and quietly flowed away.

Soon, Cheng Feng arrived near his destination.

He looked up, but his frown could not help.

I saw a magnificent underwater world ahead, with mountain peaks extending from the ocean floor.

Layers upon layers, like towering skyscrapers, are spectacular.

Around the mountain peaks, there were sea monsters swimming around.

These siren are very large, shaped like octopuses, and have thick tentacles.

But the head is very shark-like and terrible.

The two rows of upright teeth in the mouth are sharper than the sword.

At first glance, it makes people feel cold.

"Cheng Feng, it's not right!"

Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "The siren seem to have mutated.

"Make them more powerful than the average Siren!"

"Variations in blood vessels?"

Cheng Feng also saw the abnormalities of these siren, guessing: "Which variation of these siren is not related to the rumored Tiancha whale?"

"I'm afraid ... it really has something to do with it."

Nalan Changsheng said: "I estimate that there are two possibilities for these siren mutations."

"First, it swallowed up a dead whale."

"Secondly, the parents of these sea monsters have **** with the sky brake whale."

"However, I think the first possibility is more likely."

Nalan's longevity speculation is not targeted.

These sea monsters have many characteristics of the Tiansha whale family, but they are very light, and should not be caused by the birth of the mother.

"That's the case. I'll know when I get into this Kraken Nest."

Cheng Feng whispered: "If it is really related to the Tiancha whale family, that would be a good thing." "Using them to deal with the old monk will definitely make him very 'surprised'!"

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