Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2419: Tenjin general

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Cheng Feng is troublesome today.

Not only does the power outside the territory want to kill him, but the power held in the heavenly prison also comes to trouble him.

Want to borrow his hand to help them out of trouble.

This made Cheng Feng frown, and his thoughts could not be calm for a long time.

"Geshe, I'm sorry, I can't help you."

After groaning for a long time, Cheng Feng took a long breath and responded to the evil spirit.

"Can't help me? Why?"

The world's fiend is puzzled: "You know, I'm your best partner at present."

"I can make a vow of the Cause, and I will never harm you after I get out of trouble.

"It can even take you as a disciple and cultivate you into a peerless man!"

"You may not really hurt me, but I still can't help you."

Cheng Feng resolutely said, "Because I can't put a scourge out for the world!"

"It's for this reason that you refuse to cooperate with me?"

After listening to Cheng Feng's words, the world's fiend was silent.

After a long time, he laughed and said, "I didn't expect you, Cheng Feng, or a hero!"

"No, I am not a hero and I cannot be a hero."

However, Cheng Feng shook his head: "I just do what I think is right, at least ashamed!"

"What a shame."

The voice of the ghastly demon is a little weird, and I don't know whether it is admiration or irony: "But what you need to know is that these people often die terribly!"


Cheng Feng was completely calm, and there were no more fluctuations in his heart: "But I have already decided, if you want to stay with me, please do it!"

"Cheng Feng, you have actually entered a misunderstanding."

The ghastly demon was silent for a moment: "I have said before that I am not a so-called evil demon. My name is just the general of the gods in the kingdom of heaven.

"Also, even if you don't help me, you can't stop me from getting out of trouble."

"At most it was the time to get me out of trouble and postpone it for a few days."

"What's more, after those people get out of trouble one step ahead of me, they will only make hell."

"I don't think there will be a living in the entire Heavenly Prison."

"You help me get out of trouble one step and let me strengthen the seals of those people, that's the real kindness to the world."

"Don't bother you."

Cheng Feng said indifferently: "I will report to the guardians of the Heavenly Prison and let them strengthen the seal in the restricted area."

"Hehe ~~~"

The ghastly demon laughed: "Do you think that the guardians will believe only by the words of your family?"

"Besides, do you think the defenders in the restricted area are absolutely loyal?"

"Don't go to the end. Instead, you have become a betrayal everyone shouts!"

The words of the fiendish demon made Cheng Feng's heart jump.

Indeed, if the super felons detained in the restricted area want to get out of trouble, tempting the defenders is undoubtedly the best choice.

Although the defenders in the restricted area were carefully selected, they were absolutely loyal to the Kingdom of Heaven.

And every so often, defense will be carried out, stifling possible hidden dangers in the cradle.

But who can guarantee that nothing will happen?

The Cloud Man appearing at this moment is a living example.

"Cheng Feng, let's talk about it today."

The ghastly demon said: "If you figure it out, you can meditate on the three words" Gu Xiaotian "in my heart, and I will show it when I sense it."

"I hope we can cooperate happily in the near future."

After that, the avatar of the ghastly demon turned into a cloud again and dissipated in the sky.

But Cheng Feng's mood was not calm for a long time.

It is really the words of the fiendish demon who spoke too many secrets.

Even Cheng Feng couldn't fully digest it for a while.

After a long time, Cheng Feng asked.

"Uncle Naland, do you say what this worldly fiend is saying?"

"This person has a great mind."

Nalan Changsheng said, "His words are half true, half true, and unbelievable."

"But he is right in one sentence, you are already in the game."

"Whether you help him or not in the future, the super-prisoners in the Heavenly Prison are already following you."

"A variety of means will be used to help you get out of trouble."

"And once they're out of sleep, I'm afraid they'll start with you first!"

"Huh, they don't think about it."

Cheng Feng said coldly, "The opportunity for them to get out of trouble is that they want me to open the coffin of the demon and demon and release the things that are detained inside."

"If I don't open the demon demon coffin, or simply throw away the demon demon coffin, they have to plan to fail."

"Cheng Feng, you think too simple."

Nalan Changsheng shook his head: "Even if you lose the demon monster coffin, they have their own means to let you pick it up again."

"You know, their avatars have infiltrated Tiancang Holy Prison, and even control many great forces."

"If you join forces against you, you can completely make you betrayal and be the enemy of the world!"

"By then, helping them out of trouble will be your only way out!"

Nalan's words were not exaggerated.

When 'truth' is in the hands of the other person, what the other person says to you is what you are!

"Uncle Naland, in fact, to elaborate, after all, I'm too weak."

After groaning for a long time, Cheng Feng suddenly said: "If I am strong enough, I can break any swear words and slander.

"Haha ~~~"

Nalan Changsheng laughed: "Cheng Feng, you see very thoroughly!"

"That being the case, I try to strengthen myself."

Cheng Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Strong enough to dominate his own destiny, not threatened by anyone!"

"It can take a long time and energy."

Nalan Longevity said: "I'm afraid you're too late!"

"I'll do it first."

Cheng Feng said in a deep voice: "As for not being able to do it, we will not know until it is done!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng took out His Holiness.

Give some of the treasures on your body, as well as several sacred papers and god-level paintings auctioned from the Tianli auction, to the Venerable Douyu.

Then he commanded: "Holy Fighter, bring these things to the Yuan Family of Tian Kai Continent in front of you."

"Leave things to Yuan Jiajiao, Yuan Chenggong, and let him break with me, lest I be involved."

"At the same time you are staying at the Yuan family. In case someone wants to harm the Yuan family, you help them."

"Master, I am only loyal to you."

Lord Douyi possessed wisdom and groaned.

"Allegiance to me, then listen to me."

Cheng Feng said indifferently: "If I can see you in the future, I will help you get a few pieces of Celestial God Crystal and improve your level."

Lord Doo has the ability to evolve.

As long as you integrate into Tianyuan Shenjing, you can evolve.

However, Tianyuan Shenjing is very rare. Cheng Feng needs some effort to get Tianyuan Shenjing.

It will be impossible at a half-time meeting.

"Master, take care."

His Holiness is very simple.

Seeing Cheng Feng's idea was decided, he gave Cheng Feng a fist. Take what Cheng Feng gave, turn around and disappear.

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