Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 243: Dark Devil's Hand

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Chapter 243 The Black Demon Hand


When this knife hit Cheng Feng. ※% 桑 ※% 舞 ※% 小 ※% said.

At the beginning of time, Cheng Feng's hands became numb for a while, and he almost lost consciousness.

And at the same time, Cheng Feng ’s primal-level blue sky knives turned out to be trembling violently. It seemed that they could not stop the opponent ’s chops, and the knives had to break.

"My blue sky knife actually wailed?" Cheng Feng was startled.

"Cheng Feng, this is because the opponent's iron knife is not as simple as it appears on the surface, but a god-level high-ranking soldier."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "And your blue sky knife is only a god-level first-level, can not hold the opponent's continuous beating."

"However, it seems that the forging material of your blue sky knife is not ordinary. It is probably contaminated by something, so it has dropped the grade. It should have been a god-level high-level soldier."

"Otherwise, if the opponent is so fiercely chopped, even if it is not chopped, a crack will appear."

After listening to Nalan Changsheng's explanation, Cheng Feng suddenly felt open, and then ignored the tremor of the blue sky knife, directly urging the purple thunder refining formula to the extreme, and devoured Wang Bowen's thunder knife madly.

Buzzing ~~~

At this moment, Cheng Feng was like a black hole in the shape of a human being, and Wang Bowen's thunder sword was cut, and as soon as he approached him, he was completely absorbed.

At the same time, Cheng Feng's body was also tempered through the whole body with Kongyang Honglei carrying the sword.

Let his body become like a red thunder!

"Very well, the first layer of my Zi Lei's refining tactics has been practiced."

After cutting Wang Bowen's thunder and lightning knife to the third knife, Cheng Feng's first layer of purple thunder refining formula was practiced.

This is a pleasant surprise.

It should be noted that Cheng Feng originally planned to use the inferior thunderstone, to collect the red thunder in the sky during a thunderstorm, in order to cultivate the purple thunder.

The reason why he just spent a total of five million yuan of top grade stones and bought the inferior thunder stone is just preparing for it.

However, I never thought that, with the help of Wang Bowen's thunder knife, I had already become the first layer of Zi Lei's refining tactics and laid the foundation.

Then, Cheng Feng only needs to store the second-level thunderbolt Mingyang orange thunder with this inferior thunderstone, and then he can start to practice the second layer of purple thunder.

And when he has completed the first three layers of the Purple Thunder Exercise, he will be able to practice God-level top boxing martial arts-Thunder Cannon Boxing!

"Unexpectedly ... Cheng Feng actually solved the third form of Wang Bowen's thunder knife in such a strange way?"

"This guy is too terrible!"

In the Tianxuan Hall, everyone saw Cheng Feng, and actually swallowed the horror Thunder Dragon that Wang Bowen cut out. They didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, the huge Tianxuan Hall became silent and the needle could be heard.

At this time, Wang Bowen was speechless.

He originally thought that if he showed his sword skills, he would be able to push Cheng Feng's cards.

But never thought that Cheng Feng is like an unfathomable bottomless pit, making people more and more desperate.

"No fight, you guy is a monster."

So Wang Bowen was discouraged, and withdrew a seven-foot iron knife, and said bitterly.

"Don't fight anymore?" However, Cheng Feng still felt uncomfortable.

He also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to practice Zi Lei body training techniques for a while.

But no matter what he said, Wang Bowen wasn't going to die, so Cheng Feng could only ‘relentlessly’ stop.

"Tian Xuan bet on Game 4 and Cheng Feng won and won 100 million yuan."

Seeing the victory and defeat, boss Li fell to the stage of life and death. He first glanced at Cheng Feng, seeing that the other party did not consume much, so he said: "Next, the first battle of Tian Xuan will be held. Please prepare for the two sides. Come on stage later and die! "

With the end of the gambling battle between Wang Bowen and Cheng Feng, the much-anticipated battle of life and death of Tian Xuan is finally about to begin.

On this day, the battle between death and death is not a joke. Once on the stage, it will endlessly die. In the end, only one person will leave alive.

Moreover, the two sides in the battle for life and death are still Cheng Feng and the Tiemu family who are deeper than the sea, and everyone naturally looks forward to it.

Not long after, the deceased of the Tiemu family, the young man wrapped in a black cloth on his arms, boarded the Tianxuan life and death stage and stood opposite Cheng Feng.

This young man's eyes were fierce and cruel, like a beast.

As soon as he came to power, Cheng Feng locked his eyes, and only after Boss Li gave an order to start, he would jump up and tear Cheng Feng apart.

"what's your name?"

Cheng Feng looked at the black cloth youth and asked, "You also saw my strength just now, but the old dog of Tiemu Zhengxiong still sent you to fight with me for life and death. It can be seen that he didn't put your life at all In your eyes, seeing you as a mustard, why should you replace this messy life! "

"Little beast, you don't have to worry about it, you're instigated."

Under the stage of life and death, that Temu Zhengxiong said coldly: "Ozong is a dead man who has been cultivated by my Temu family for many years. He is loyal. When you meet him this time, you will be born of a small animal."

"Ouzong?" Cheng Feng ignored the shouting of Temu Masao.

"Cheng Feng, you have to be careful."

At this time, Dadao Wang Wuyin entered the secret: "If I read correctly, this young man named Ou Zong is one of the top dead men cultivated by the Temu family. This person should be soaked in 'black "Warcraft's blood, after the constitution has been transformed, practice an evil martial arts technique called" Black Devil's Hand. "

"You should also see that this person's hands are thicker than ordinary people, and they are also wrapped in black cloth, because the black devil's hands have been cultivated, making his hands different from ordinary people."

After listening to Wang Wu's voice, Cheng Feng suddenly became cautious.

At the same time, the boss Li, who was suspended above Tian Xuan's life and death stage, issued a command to start.

"Cheng Feng, suffer!"

After hearing the start command, Ou Zong roared, and his body shook as he approached Cheng Feng. Immediately, his thick arms were drawn to Cheng Feng's throat.

Huh! Cheng Feng took out the blue sky knife and chopped it on Ou Zong's arm, but made a sound of iron stone clashes.

At the same time, a strong surge came, making Cheng Feng's face flushed, could not help but take a step back.

Ou Zong's arms were extremely powerful, as if in his arms, a ferocious beast lay dormant and mighty.

But what made Cheng Feng even more surprised was that Ou Zong's hands were inaccessible.

Cheng Feng's first-level magical weapon, the blue sky knife, was chopped on the opponent's arm, just as he had chopped two iron bars, leaving no knife marks.

"I don't believe your arm is stronger than my blue sky knife."

Although Cheng Feng was surprised, he was more convinced of his blue sky knife. Eighty-eight rivers of vitality broke out in his body at the moment, cutting out an astonishing sword.

Om ~~~

Cheng Feng split this knife, and saw a azure blue light burst out, with a kind of death cold.

However, that Ou Zong gave out a hilarious smile, actually reached out his right hand, facing the blue sword light, grasped the blue sky knife stiffly. .


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