Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2451: Mighty sword

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"Huh? It turned out to be her?"

Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune, and at a glance, one of the two people who flew in was Xue Fu, a beautiful auctioneer.

Brow could not help but raise a surprise.

Because when he was at the Tianli auction, he didn't notice any problem with the other party.

"This woman is very good at hiding."

Cheng Feng's eyes contracted: "And the repair is also very deep."

"At least fifteen sacred lines have also condensed. No wonder I didn't notice it at the beginning!"

"Mr. Cheng Feng, you are really busy!"

Xuefu walked towards Cheng Feng slowly with her slender legs: "I asked servant Yu Sang to ask me to wait for a while. You actually killed him, which really made me sad."

Xuefu's voice is pleasant and pleasant, like the sound of a piano played, which makes people unable to extricate themselves.

But Cheng Feng didn't get drunk at all and went straight to the topic.

"Miss Xuefu is looking for me, I don't know why?"

"I can't find you anymore?"

Xue Fujiao said with emotion.

"Hehe ~~~"

Cheng Feng smiled slightly: "Miss Xuefu, I am a simple person."

"What's the matter, let's just say it's okay!"

"Giggle ~~~"

Xuefu Jiao laughed: "Cheng Feng, I am coming to see you today, just to see the situation of the coffin of the demon and demon."

"Gods and monsters coffin?"

Cheng Feng showed such a look: "Miss Xuefu, not long ago, the magic demon coffin changed."

"I lost it for my own protection!"

"Lost? Where did it go?"

"Why is Miss Xuefu so concerned about the coffin of the demon and demon?"

Cheng Feng asked: "Is the abnormal change in the coffin of the demon and demon originally related to Miss Xuefu?"

"Giggle, how could I have something to do with the variation of the coffin of the demon demon?"

Xuefu shook her head: "I only know that the gods and demons may be buried in the coffin, which is very dangerous."

"Where did you throw it? We better find it first!"

"In the event of an accident, the consequences are disastrous!"

"This please rest assured."

Seeing Xuefu's hypocrisy, he always played Tai Chi with himself.

Cheng Feng also simply accompanied him, and laughed, "I have lost the coffin of gods and monsters in a very hidden place. No one but me can find it."

"Since this thing is extremely dangerous, let it be left there, and never be lost to the world!"

"Cheng Feng, this won't work."

Upon hearing this, Xuefu was anxious: "The coffin of the demon monster must be found, and it must be kept by you!"

"Oh? Why is this?"

Feng Cheng puzzled and asked.

"Because this is my father ..."

In a hurry, Xue Fu was about to tell a secret.

The old lady next to her interrupted suddenly: "Miss, why not talk nonsense to this guy?"

"Let's take him down directly. Naturally, where is the demon demon coffin?"

"Catch me? Hehe ~~~"

Cheng Feng smiled: "Are the two finally dismounted?"

"It's okay, in fact, I also pretend to be a little uncomfortable. Let's open the skylight and talk brightly, so comfortable!"

The conversation between Cheng Feng and Xuefu just now was very boring.

It's better to put everything on the bright side and avoid wasting time.

"Cheng Feng, say!"

The old lady's eyes were stubborn, staring at Cheng Feng fiercely: "Where have you hidden the coffin of gods and monsters?"

"If you are honest, I will not care about you when I am old."

"Otherwise, you must taste life is better than death!"

"Old man, do you have that ability?"

Cheng Feng glanced at the old lady and noticed that the other party's cultivation was unfathomable.

But he didn't reveal his face, pretending to look blank.

"Well, do you have this ability in your old age? You'll know right away."

The old lady looked stale, but her character was very radical.

The words stopped, and when the crutch in his hand was lifted, he pressed over to Cheng Feng.

The crutch is made of green bamboo, and it is crisp and tender.

But as it was pierced by the old lady, it suddenly turned into a huge green python.

Open your blood basin and open your mouth, and head straight for Cheng Feng.

"The strength of this old thing is very strong, I'm afraid that there are twenty holy patterns."

In the face of this green python, Cheng Feng's brows raised slightly, but his hands did not move at all.

It seems that the python has been scared by the incoming python, and it will be swallowed by the python.

"Hum, how much thought do you think?"

Seeing this, the old woman hummed coldly, "It turns out, it's vulnerable!"

It's just that the old lady's voice has just fallen.

Stabbing ~~~

A sword light emerged out of nowhere and fell into Lu Mang's mouth.

The next moment, the python toward Cheng Feng was cut in half by a sharp edge.

Hundreds of miles away, the old woman sneered.

Suddenly the smile freezes, and the crutch in his hand is thrown away like a snake.

And urged the Holy Power to retreat backwards.

But it's late!

As soon as the crutch was off his hand, it broke into green powder.

Later, a sword light fell into the old lady's hand, and the crumbling hand was cut directly!


Seeing this, Xue Fu was horrified.

While rushing to assist the old lady, she looked at Cheng Feng with shocked eyes.

To be precise, it is the sword demon looking towards Cheng Feng's side.

Because the sword light just shot from the sword demon's hand.

"Miss, we are in trouble."

The old woman covered her wounds with her hands, and the blood was constantly pouring out, making her pale face even paler.

"Mother-in-law, who is that person?"

Sheff took out the healing medicine and attached it to the old woman's broken arm, but it had no effect.

It seems that there are thousands of invisible blades that are constantly cutting the old lady's wound.

Make her wound unable to heal!

"That man seems to be the rumored murderer‘ Sword Demon Lone Hero ’!”

The old woman was jealous: "This person is rumored to have practiced Kendo and has developed the will of Kendo."

"Even the presence of thirty sacred patterns is not necessarily his opponent."

"I never thought that it would be confused with Cheng Feng!"

"Sword Demon, Duguxiong?"

Xuefu's face was dignified: "Isn't this person in Dongyu? Cheng Feng has never been to Dongyu!"

Xuefu was also confused.

But soon, there was a flash of light in her mind.

"Mother-in-law, I know what happened."

Xue Fu said: "Before I followed Cheng Feng, the other party seemed to have entered the legendary blood prison."

"The blood prison secret place shuttled around the heavenly holy prison, collecting masters of martial arts to enter the blood prison order."

"Perhaps Cheng Feng and the sword demon met in the secret place of blood prison."

"Blood Prison?"

Upon hearing this, the old lady's heart turned upside down: "Miss, I heard the master mention that the secret place of blood prison is a trap at all."

"Everyone who has been seduced into a blood prison has never lived out."

"Now the two of Cheng Feng are alive from the blood prison." Doesn't this mean that Cheng Feng may have surrendered to the blood prison? "

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