Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2470: Battle

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Thousands of miles away, the defender Ling Feng rode the giant wolf and merged with the three men in Linkong.

Immediately formed a semicircle, surrounded by Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng stood with the sword demon and waited for the arrival of the other.


Volley stood a hundred miles away and went straight to the topic: "The two should not be from Nanyu. When they first arrived in Nanyu, they killed many disciples in Lancang Temple."

"Muffy, hate me at Lancang Temple?"

"No injustice."

Cheng Feng said indifferently: "I killed Guisi disciples, but it was a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding? Misunderstanding Nima!"

After listening to Cheng Feng's words, a monk beside Volley was angry: "You **** things, killing people not only do not know repentance, but also nonsense!"

"Brother, let's kill this **** directly and take revenge for the brother and sister!"

The monk was hot-tempered and transpirational.

Only after a volley order, Cheng Feng will be killed on the spot.

However, Volley did not order it.

"Linjun division, be calm and restless."

Lin Kong's cultivation of qi is deep, and he is not angry.

Instead, he looked at Cheng Feng and said, "You are talking about how to misunderstand the law."

"It's very simple. This was framed by someone."

Cheng Feng understands the anger of the monk in the army, so he doesn't care, and said lightly: "I originally went to your temple to help the temple's monks help suppress a demon.

"But he was provoked and confronted the eighteen war monks in your temple."

"In order to avoid misunderstandings at that time, the two of us had to control the eighteen monks and then chose to retreat."

"Unexpectedly, shortly after we left, we heard the death of the eighteen monks."

"Later, Guisi issued a warrant for the two of us. I had to wait until I could only escape."

"During this period, war monks in your temple intercepted."

"Fight and kill together, casualties are inevitable!"

"No bullshit, all the bullshit!"

After listening to Cheng Feng's words, the volley monk was lost in thought.

But the Linjun monk didn't believe it at all, and scolded: "Kill someone to pay for his life and owe money for debt!"

"You two **** have killed so many people in my Lancang Temple. No matter how sophistry, it is impossible to escape!"

"Brother, let's order, I must make these two **** pay the price of blood!"

"Sister, you should abstain from being agitated, and you've broken it."

Lin Kong Shen said: "As for this matter, there are many doubts."

"But two people, after all, you have killed many disciples in my temple, but you can't write it off with just one‘ misunderstanding ’.”

"Please ask me to go to Lancang Temple with me and explain to my deceased brothers and sisters!"

"Sorry, we can't go."

Cheng Feng shook his head: "I went to Guisi, I'm afraid I won't be able to come out alive again!"

Cheng Feng knew very well that the dispute between him and Lancang Temple had deepened.

There can never be a ‘misunderstanding’ to wipe out all hatred.

I went to Lancang Temple, and even if I could finally save my life, I'm afraid he would have to be imprisoned for life.

This result was not what Cheng Feng wanted.

"Two people, if you do n’t go, then I can only‘ please ’you go!”

Lin Kong's face sank, and the arrogant Buddha Wei spread out.

It seemed like a man of a thousand concubines, pressed on Cheng Feng's body, and Cheng Feng couldn't help sinking.

"Hoo ~~~"

Cheng Feng exhaled, "It seems that after all, a war is inevitable!"

"I am afraid that after this battle, the grudges between me and Lancang Temple will never be resolved again!"

The reason why Cheng Feng talked nonsense with the monk of Linkong was because he was lucky.

I want to resolve the grudges between myself and Lancang Temple through communication.

Unfortunately, this was only his wishful thinking, and he still had to fight in the end.

"Sword demon, do it!"

After the decision was made, Cheng Feng immediately said: "You are entangled with the three monks headed by volley, and I will leave one to solve."

"Wait for the other three people one by one, then I will help you solve the air gap!"

During the conversation just now, Cheng Feng was not idle.

He opened the eyes of the good fortune and found out by observation.

Four volleys have the strongest strength in airspace, the second in Linjun, the third in Linyao, and the weakest in the defender.

However, Lin Feng has a mount that is comparable to Shiwen Zhensheng, and is also proficient in beast control.

Although the repair is the weakest, it is also very difficult to deal with.

唰 唰 唰 ~~~

The sword devil is decisive.

After receiving the news from Cheng Feng, he killed three people in Linkong with a sword.

"Miscellaneous things, I've guarded you early."

However, the four volleys were well prepared.

Especially the hot character of the Lin Jun, grabbed a black gold iron rod.

boom! Slammed towards the sword demon.

But the sword demon was not panic, the sword swinged, separated more than a dozen swords, and daredly welcomed the smashing Wujin iron rod.

Not only did the power of Wujin iron rods be unloaded, but it also forced the Lin army to retreat.

Instantly resolve the first wave of attack by the army.

At the same time, most of the sword qi stabbed to the monk of Rinku.

Pierced the void and surrounded the monks.

However, the monk in Rinku was calm.

Only when Jian Qi was about to stab himself, he folded his hands and meditated on the Buddha's name.

The next moment, a great amount of Buddha power broke out from him.

The blowing white hunting sounded, and even the stabbing sword gas disappeared!

Demonstrated near-perverted strength!

But the sword demon seemed to have expected it. The sword in his hand was radiant, and the bright sword light burst out.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

It was actually piercing the Buddhist power around the monk.

Forced Linkong had to retreat, temporarily avoiding the edge.

On the other side, Lin Feng and Lin Yao teamed up to slay Cheng Feng.

Lin Yao held a ring knife in his hand and used a Buddhist sword technique to show his power.

When facing the wind, they clasped their hands together, evoking spiritual knowledge for mental attack.

Once Cheng Feng is hit, the consequences are unimaginable!

Fortunately, at this moment, the sword demon's long sword broke the offensive of Lin Yao.

Forced him to retreat again and again, and merged with the three of Linkong.

Only left the wind to ride the giant wolf, and continued to attack Cheng Feng.

"Two brothers, let's capture this person together."

Lin Kong glanced at Cheng Feng and said immediately: "As for the other person, temporarily give it to Master Lin Feng to deal with it!"

"After we capture this person, it's not too late to help."

"Okay." Lin Yao nodded.

Even if the Buddha's power is triggered, they use their strongest means to kill the sword demon.

The sword demon was so happy that he killed the sword together.

Meanwhile, the other side.

The defenders Lin Feng and Cheng Feng have already fought.

Lin Feng's spiritual knowledge is very powerful and seems to be materializing.

Attacking Cheng Feng's head was like a heavy hammer!

The most important thing is that the spiritual knowledge of the monk is similar to that of the warrior.

Suddenly struck by Lin Feng's spiritual knowledge, Cheng Feng's head reclined violently.

Ears buzzed and almost passed out.

This is also the result of Cheng Feng's extremely powerful divine thoughts, which shrank into a group of defenses when the spiritual attack came. If I change to someone else, I'm afraid I have already died!

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