Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2476: Calabash is alive

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"First, I'm going to kill the **** who killed Master Linfeng!"

Impatient temperament was hot, and even when he saw the first seat of the Zhan Monk Hall, his temperament remained unchanged.

"Do you know who the killer is? Know his strength? Do you know where he is?"

A thin monk walked out of the hall.

As I walked, I asked Lin Ran.

"First seat, I know he is in Qiankuo Lin."

Lin Nu said: "As long as I go there, no matter who he is or how strong he is, he will die under my fist!"

"Arrogant, stupid!"

The first Zhan Monk Church was furious: "I let you guard the Zhan Monk Church for ten years, and I want to grind your temper and let you know that there are people outside and outside the sky."

"It seems that this decade has been wasted, and your temper has not changed at all!"


Seeing the first anger of Zhan Monk Hall, Lin Nu hurried to his knees.

But the wildness in the eyes has not changed at all!

"Ah, that's it!"

Seeing this, Zhan Seng Tang waved his hand for the first time: "It seems that your temperament cannot be changed at all, and I no longer care about you."

"Hello yourself in the future!"

"Master, I am confident that the beauty in this world can block my iron fists!"

When she was angry, she said, "I'll go and get that **** back and listen to your hair."


The first member of the Zhan Monk scolded, "Wait for your teacher to come back in the air, listen to his suggestions, and then set off!"

"Master!" Lin Nu wanted to win one or two.

"Ok, deal."

But the war monk's first seat has turned and walked deep into the hall.


Evergreen forest.

Cheng Feng knew nothing about what happened outside.

At this time with the sword demon obliquely through thousands of wide forest, away from this place of right and wrong.

Perhaps the movement of Cheng Feng killing Lin Feng and others was so great that it deterred all people and monsters.

The two of them flew all the way without encountering an interception.

Simply take out a few things from killing several people in Linfeng and deal with them one or two.

Cheng Feng killed four war monks in Lancang Temple in total, of which Lin Jun and Lin Nan both used Buddha sticks.

After the death, only two iron rods were left, and the iron rod in distress was cut into two pieces by Cheng Feng.

Lin Yao used the ring knife, leaving only one ring knife.

As for the keepers, the wind left three things in total.

A bone flute, an emerald gourd, a defender token.

"Sword Demon, is there anything you like?"

Cheng Feng glanced at the sword demon and asked.

"I only need one sword, and everything else is optional!"

The sword demon is obsessed with swords and does not value other things.

"Okay, I'm all smiling at those things."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled slightly.

Throw the ring knife and two Buddha sticks directly to the Devil Sword to devour.

"Huh? A magic soldier?"

Seeing this scene, the sword demon frowned, recognizing the essence of the sword.

"Yes, I am a magic soldier with a knife."

Cheng Feng said: "However, the magic has been eliminated, only the advantages of the magic soldier have been retained, and the master is no longer gnawed!"

"Cheng Feng, the magic soldier is not so simple."

However, the sword demon shook his head: "Especially your demon soldier has such a powerful devouring ability, I am afraid it is even more difficult."

"Once it's grown to the extreme, the whole world will shake!"

"Sword demon, you think too much."

Cheng Feng didn't care: "My magic soldier is now comparable to the fourth-tier magic soldier at most. If I want to reach the ninth-tier, I don't know how much material to consume.

"It is estimated that my life has been exhausted and I may not be able to reach it."

At this point, Cheng Feng could not help asking: "Yes, you are known as a sword demon, and your sword should be a demon too!"

Magic sword with sword demon, this is the perfect match.

However, the sword demon shook his head.

"My sword is just a high-end holy weapon, not a magic soldier!"

"Huh? Not a magic soldier?"

Cheng Feng is a bit strange: "Shouldn't it, the sword demon doesn't have a magic sword, so what is the sword demon?"

"Haha ~~~"

The sword demon grinned: "Cheng Feng, the reason why I am called a sword demon is that I am good at kendo."

"Second, I killed a lot of people, so I got the name of the sword demon!"

"So it is!"

Cheng Feng nodded suddenly.

Because there are too many killers, there are many dancers called demon heads.

It's not that they are practicing martial arts.

The sword demon should be one of them.

In fact, the sword devil did not tell the truth.

He has a magic sword, a magic sword with a strong magical nature.

It was precisely because the magic sword was so demonistic that it caused the sword demon to lose control, causing huge killings outside the realm.

He was arrested by a master sent by Tiancang God Kingdom and put into Tiancang holy prison.

Since then, the sword devil has sealed the magic sword and is prepared to never use it again.

This is true even when in desperation!

"Sword demon, look at this thing."

Chatting with the sword demon for a while, Cheng Feng will get the defender token from Linfeng and throw it to the sword demon.


The sword demon saw the town word on the token and guessed, "Is this token a symbol of the defender?"

"Where did you get it?"

"Lingfeng monk."

Cheng Feng said: "After I killed Linfeng, this token flew out of his body and wanted to fly into the depths of the vast forest."

"I'm guessing that there is a restricted area for super felons in this vast forest."

"The Linfeng is one of the keepers of the restricted area."

"Cheng Feng, if your guess is not false, things may be a little tricky."

Sword Demon Road: "Killing the Keepers is equivalent to declaring war by the Keepers' Legion."

"The whole Tiancang Holy Prison has no such force to dare to do it."

"I know."

Cheng Feng nodded: "But I have already done it, so I can only find a way to balance it."

"This is not easy."

The sword devil said: "If this restricted area is more turbulent, then the defenders here may be out of duty and will not make much of this matter."

"If the restricted area is calm and someone secretly provokes."

"I'm afraid there will be an army of defenders coming to join us and chase us!"

"Grass, it's really a wave after wave."

Although Cheng Feng had already guessed the result, at this time he could not help but turned black.

With one hand, he threw the token directly to the slayer, and swallowed it.

Then took a closer look at the bone flute.

"This should be a flute to control the beast."

The sword demon is well-informed and introduced: "If you are proficient in the method of controlling the beast, this thing can help you."

"Enables you to control thousands of monsters and take them for your own use!"

"The way to control the beast?"

In Cheng Feng's soul ring, he contained a secret book to control the beast.

But Cheng Feng really has no time or energy to look at, and has been put on the shelf.

Now that a soul-control flute has been obtained, it is not possible to study it again.

"Take it away, and wait for a chance in the future." Shaking his head, Cheng Feng put away the soul-control flute.

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