Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2481: Main point

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The body has nine acupoints, which is the essence of martial arts practice.

But one of Cheng Feng's nine acupoints, Xuemai Acupoints, has not been developed.

Because of this acupoint, since Cheng Feng changed his life against the sky, he has been occupied by Nalan Changsheng.

According to Cheng Feng's observations, it seems that there is a corpse hidden in his veins.

It should be the body of Nalan's eternal life. With the power of Cheng Feng's blood, he will nourish and hope to return to the peak in the future!

Now Cheng Feng is in a desperate situation, Nalan Changsheng finally decided to open Cheng Feng's blood veins.

Let Cheng Feng use the power of blood to save his life.

After all, Cheng Feng is a breeding ground for Nalan's longevity!

If Cheng Feng dies, it will also be a huge loss to Nalan Changsheng.

"Thank you, Uncle Nalan."

Cheng Feng is now dead.

Hearing the words of Nalan's eternal life, a light suddenly rose in his heart.

Immediately dare not delay, quickly condensed his remaining strength, wrapped in divine thoughts and rushed to the blood veins.

Cheng Feng's blood vein acupuncture has been sealed forever.

At this moment, a fine slit was opened, and Cheng Feng rushed forward.

Bang ~~~

The blood vein acupuncture knocked open and entered a new world.

"Is this my blood vein acupoint?"

After rushing into the blood veins, Cheng Feng raised his eyes and looked.

I saw a scent of flowers and birds around like a new world.

Directly ahead, a river full of vitality rushes, forming a lake in an unknown place.

"Uncle Naland? What's wrong with my veins ..."

Seeing this incredible picture, Cheng Feng was a little confused.

Because human acupoints are not the source of strength?

For example, the blood vein acupoint is the birthplace of blood vein power.

Those who have inherited the power of the powerful blood veins, once they have opened the blood vein acupoints, can quickly obtain various talents and supernatural powers.

Taking a closer look, Cheng Feng's bloodline power is super powerful.

His father is an ordinary person, but his mother is the true spirit of the earth.

On the power of blood, Cheng Feng inherited the power of the earth dome and was the son of the continent.

The earth dome continent is a core fragment of the first world, the sky.

It is enough to imagine how powerful Cheng Feng's bloodline is.

And this is the main reason why Nalan Changsheng stared at Cheng Feng!

"Cheng Feng, all this is normal."

A middle-aged man in a vintage robe appeared in front of Cheng Feng's eyes: "Everyone has a main acupuncture point and controls the other eight points."

"The main acupoint is the strongest and can be transformed into any form."

"Your main acupuncture point is the blood vein acupuncture point, which is developing a new world!"

"You ... Uncle Naland?"

Looking at the middle-aged man in the robe, Cheng Feng's eyes widened.

Because he was born with Nalan for a long time.

But Nalan was born for the first time.

I feel the other person is gentle and elegant, and is a very charming person.

"I'm just a remnant of Nalan's life."

Nalan Changsheng laughed: "However, Nalan Changsheng is now!"

Seeing Nalan Changsheng for the first time, Cheng Feng was a little emotional.

After talking to Nalan Longevity for a long time, I remembered the business.

"Uncle Nalan, you said that my blood vein acupoint is the main acupoint, and is developing a new world?"


Nalan Changsheng said: "In fact, the reason why you can be regarded by me as a warm place for the remains is because of your blood.

"You have two kinds of super blood, one is the blood of the sky."

"The other is what I haven't seen through till now!"

"However, even with the blood of the sky, I can gradually repair the corpse and finally return to the top!"

"What? I have two super bloods?"

Cheng Feng was startled: "One of them, even Uncle Nalan can't see through?"

At this point, Cheng Feng wondered again: "No, I have the so-called sky blood, it should be my mother's sake."

"But where did the second super bloodline come from?"

"Is it ... because of my father?"

Just thinking of this, Cheng Feng shook his head.

Because Cheng Feng's father, Cheng Feng, knew very well that he was just an ordinary person.

In this case, Cheng Feng got the second super bloodline?

Isn't his father Cheng Xinghe?

While Cheng Feng was thinking wildly, Nalan Changsheng spoke.

"Cheng Feng, don't think blindly."

"Your father is Cheng Xinghe."

"The reason why you can give birth to the second blood power is because of your father Cheng Xinghe."

"Or you Cheng family is not an ordinary person."

"Born with a super bloodline, but unable to open it, he has always been inactive."

"It wasn't until I settled in your veins that I discovered the power of that super vein."

"But today, it is still hidden."

"I used a lot of methods to borrow a little bit to give my broken body a huge nourishment!"

"Sure ... is that so?"

After listening to Nalan's words, Cheng Feng was stunned.

Never thought that his family is still a family with super bloodlines!

It was ridiculous to think that my own family was almost wiped out by a small broken border martial artist!

"Cheng Feng, don't think about it."

While Cheng Feng's thoughts were disordered, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "The current priority is to use the power of your bloodline to survive the devastation of the seventh form of the dark wind."

"As for these secrets, it's not too late to wait until you've passed the danger!"

Speaking, hey ~~~

The closed Blood Vein Aura is cut by the blade.

You do n’t need to ask, it ’s because of the dark wind disaster.

Cheng Feng was shocked and asked: "Uncle Nalan, can this Blood Vein Acupuncture hold the cutting of the dark wind?"

"This cannot be determined."

Nalan Changsheng said: "But the power of the two blood vessels in the blood veins should be enough to keep you safe!"

One of Cheng Feng's two bloodlines is transforming the world.

The other is to turn it into a river of life, open up and supplement the new world, and make it continuously complete.

The two complement each other, which can be called Cheng Feng's biggest dependency.

Unfortunately, it was monopolized by Nalan Changsheng before, and only one or two have been borrowed until now.

"The river of life!"

Cheng Feng took a deep breath and rushed into the river of life.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng's broken body began to rise wildly.

Outside, Cheng Feng had already been cut into tens of thousands of pieces of meat by the dark wind disaster.

But all of a sudden, all the diced meat converged.

Then, under a vigorous force, they quickly grew together.

In a blink of an eye, fingers, bones, internal organs are formed ...

However, the dark wind disaster has not yet dispersed.

As soon as Cheng Feng's body condensed, he was dealt a devastating blow again.

All the flesh and blood gathered together was cut into small pieces again.

But Cheng Feng did not give up. He was agglomerated again after being destroyed. Although the whole process was very painful, as if being beaten again and again, Cheng Feng has always been the same!

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