Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2485: Monk apprentice

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

The Abbot of Ganming Temple looked miserable but was not fatally wounded.

Roaring towards Cheng Feng at this time, wow ~~~

The dark wind disaster seemed to be summoned, and the struggle was more intense.

Even Cheng Feng has a feeling of being unable to grasp!

"Want to recapture this picture? It's a dream!"

Cheng Feng raised an eyebrow, grasping the hand of the dark wind disaster map, pulling it tightly.

The next moment, the body suddenly flickered and appeared in front of the abbot of Qianming Temple.

Then there was no nonsense, another punch went up.

This time, Ganming Temple stayed mentally prepared.

When Cheng Feng rushed, he urged Fo Li to condense a layer of Fo Li shield around his body to protect himself.

However, in the face of Cheng Feng's punch, there is no use for birds.

The layer of Buddha's power shield immediately deformed violently in the moment of a fist, and sunken inward.

Huh! When the deformation reached its maximum, the fist had hit the face of the Abbot of Ganming Temple.

Beat him up again, tumbling constantly in the air.

"Git! Git!"

Being beaten again, the abbot of Ganming Temple became angry.

While screaming in his mouth, he raised his ring knife, preparing to slay Cheng Feng.

However, wait for him to come out.

Cheng Feng was already on his side, kicking him on the wrist of his knife.

Click ~~~

Hearing only the sound of a broken bone.

The hand abbot of Qianming Temple was detached from his body.

At the same time, there is the top sacrificial level sword, also flying into the cloud.

Huh! Cheng Feng chased out.

It was so fast that he caught the ring knife flying back to the cloud.

Take a look at it and earn it in Wanjian.

After preparing to fight, throw it to the Devil Sword and swallow it.

"Old thing, do you want to continue?"

Cheng Feng returned and returned, standing in front of the abbot of Qianming Temple.

Eyes on the other, asked coldly.

"Why are you a little beast so fast?"

At this time, the abbot of Ganming Temple had not yet awakened from the blow just now.

You know, he is also a famous figure.

Even when Thirty Months really saw it, they had to dread three points, but they were beaten by Cheng Feng.

Like a three-year-old child, his heart is cold.

"My mouth is still so dirty!"

Cheng Feng's face sank: "It seems you haven't hit enough!"

"That being the case, let's continue."

Whispering, a black lightning shot, flashed around the abbot of Ganming Temple.

No matter how dodging and defense of the Abbot of Ganming Temple, do nothing.

About a minute later, the abbot of Qianming Temple sat paralyzed in the air.

In front of him was a pair of broken iron powder, which was caused by a shield broken by Cheng Feng's fist.

As for the abbot of Ganming Temple, his whole body was broken and he couldn't even sit still.

If it weren't for repair, it would have been out of breath.

"Should be comfortable now?"

After violently extorting the abbot of Qianming Temple, Cheng Feng slightly raised his fist.

Dan Dan said: "In fact, this is already good. Compared to the torture I suffered in the dark wind disaster, this is all pediatrics!"

Cheng Feng's words are true.

He has been counted countless times in the map of the dark sun disaster.

That kind of inhuman torture, and despair, is enough to make a living!

The injuries sustained by the Abbot of Ganming Temple at this time are not worth mentioning at all.

"Little beast, I underestimated you."

The abbot of Qianming Temple made a resentful voice: "However, you can't live too long."

"Even if your practice is to reach the level of semi-holy perfection, it is doomed to escape!"

"I'm a little curious."

Cheng Feng said: "I have no injustice with you, why do you count me? What good is it for you?"

"Did you come to kill me because of the reward offered by Lancang Temple?"

"A reward from Lancang Temple? Hehe ~~~"

The Ganming Temple abbot gave a disdainful smile: "I fell into this field, and I definitely can't live, I'll tell you the truth."

"I am the abbot of Ganming Temple, with the legal name Ganming. I have received a powerful order from outside the territory to kill you."

"Once you succeed, you will get a lot of benefits, and it will not matter if you make a Buddha body!"

"Well, there are more than one extra-territorial power who want me to kill you, all of them are super powerful!"

"Extraterritorial power?"

Hearing here, Cheng Feng's mood fluctuated: "It really is these old things!"

Cheng Feng already knew about the powerful killing outside the region.

He entered Tiancang Holy Prison just to avoid it.

I just didn't expect that he had just arrived from the northwestern area of ​​Tiancang Holy Prison to the southern area, and there was a great power outside the country to contact the abbot of Ganming Temple to kill him.

It can be imagined that someone outside the territory knows his whereabouts!

"Dark storm, kill me!"

When Cheng Feng's mood fluctuated.

There was a flash of blood in the eyes of the Abbot of Ganming Temple, and a growl was made.

Then, the dark sun disaster map that was caught by Cheng Feng actually burst into a heavy black light.

Like a black dragon, he just broke free from Cheng Feng's hands.

Open the mouth of the blood basin and swallow Cheng Feng!

"court death!"

Cheng Feng suddenly woke up, raised his fist, twisted his waist, and put the strength of his whole body into his fist.

Bang ~~~

Then a punch blasted out, directly punching the black dragon who devoured himself.

Turned into a picture again and flew to the horizon.

puff! The counterattack of the dark sun disaster map was broken, and the abbot of Qianming Temple was hit by lightning.

His face suddenly turned pale, and a spit of blood came out.

"Old thing, actually playing with me."

Cheng Feng raised his hand and grabbed the abbot of Qianming Temple, and said coldly, "Say, how is this painting containing the dark wind disaster controlled?"

"If you answer truthfully, I can give you a happy life."

"Otherwise, I'll make you taste more painful than the wind and the wind!"

When it came to being blown by the dark wind, the abbot of Ganming Temple involuntarily shuddered.

Obviously know how painful that taste is.

"Cheng Feng, you can't kill me."

However, the abbot of Ganming Temple did not want to die, and coughed, "I am the top ten ancient temples in Nanyu, a disciple of the monk of the suspension temple."

"You killed me, my master will avenge me."

"Monk of the suspended temple?"

Cheng Feng's eyes contracted.

Monk, this is a peculiar existence of Nanmen Buddha.

There are only ten statues in the entire Southern Region, which is the strongest existence of the Buddha in the Southern Region.

It is rumored that the monk has cast the body of a Buddha, which is equivalent to a giant who created the realm.

Perhaps the rumor is a bit exaggerated, but there is absolutely no falsehood in the half-step Buddha body.

In other words, the monk of the Suspense Temple is at least a monk with a combat power comparable to that of the perfect semi-sacred.

If the other party kills, it is really a huge threat to Cheng Feng!

But Cheng Feng wasn't scared. He groaned for a moment and then said, "Go dry, you have to die."

"I want my life, even if the Monk of the Suspended Temple can't save you." "So, I will give you half a minute of thinking time, it is best not to mistake yourself!"

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