Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"Uncle Lin Fury is anxious."

At this moment, the abstinence monk said: "Master Qianming is not a demon head, he is just drenched in magic."

"Just extract the magic from his body and he will return to normal!"

"Drenched in magic?"

The anger was unabated: "Where was he soaked with magic? Why didn't the Suspense Temple ignore it?"

"It's a shame that this kind of thing happened in the temples!"

"Uncle Lin Fury, let's wait again."

The abstinence monk said indifferently: "The person named Cheng Feng may help us find the answer."

The words stopped, and the eyes of abstinence glowed with gold, watching from a distance.

On the battlefield, Cheng Feng fought dozens of punches with the old monk.

Each punch was fully fired, breaking in the void.

If you change to someone else, you have to be beaten in minutes.

Although Cheng Feng was physically strong, he also had some headaches at this time.

Because in this confrontation, he was actually at a disadvantage.

With each punch of the old monk, he can take it one step back.

Moreover, as time went on, the strength of the old monks continued to increase.

"Is this the power of the devil?"

Cheng Feng was surprised: "I feel like this will continue, I'm afraid I will lose in the hands of this old thing!"

The change of the old monk gave Cheng Feng a superficial understanding of the power of the demon.

It's no wonder that the magic army has been able to sweep across the heavens and earth, and it is indeed special.

"Cheng Feng, this clever old monk should just be demonized by an enchantment."

Nalan's longevity voice rang in Cheng Feng's ear: "His strength is ten thousand miles worse than that of the true demon."

"What? The real demon is so scary?"

Cheng Feng was not calm.

The old monk Qianming was so powerful, but still far from the true demon.

When meeting the real demon, wouldn't Cheng Feng have no power to fight back?

And Cheng Feng is among the warriors, and still exists!

"Cheng Feng, don't think too much."

Nalan's eternal life comforted him, "The reason why the old monk Qianming can overwhelm you is that his cultivation is too strong for you."

"If you are in the same realm, you can crush it!"

"Uncle Naland, what if a real demon is in the same realm as me?"

"True, there are many different kinds."

Nalan Changsheng groaned a bit: "In my estimation, in the same realm, you should be able to compare with the weakest kind of true demon!"

"Ah? I can only stand up to the weakest real demon?"

Cheng Feng's cheeks twitched.

He thought that in the same realm, he could at least keep up with most real demons.

As a result, they can only compete with the weakest true demon.

This caused a big blow to Cheng Feng!

"Cheng Feng, the true demon is a descendant of the devil, and is inherently stronger than other races."

Nalan Changsheng said: "You can compare with the weakest true devil, it is already invaluable."

"Of course, you can become stronger."

"As long as you cultivate the nine undead bodies to the highest level, your life form will be transformed nine times."

"By then, it will definitely be on top of the true demon."

"Even, go beyond it!"

"Is Nine Calamities dead?"

In Cheng Feng's mind, a strong desire for cultivation emerged.

However, these are the last words. At present, what Cheng Feng needs to do most is to defeat the demonized old monk.

Boom boom boom ~~~

After the monk Qianming demonized, his speed became super fast, a little faster than Cheng Feng.

While they were breathing, they fought thousands of punches.

Thousands of steps were taken back by Cheng Feng, and there were signs of bang in his fist.

Cheng Feng is indeed weak in the simple competition of strength.

"Mad, this is not a way to go."

Cheng Feng was a little dull.

He originally thought that he had survived the dark wind disaster, and became the first of nine undead bodies.

This time out of difficulties, will be able to sweep the audience.

I never thought that on the body of the old monk Qianming would be defeated.

"Yes, the demonization of the old monk Qianming was caused by the attack of magic."

Cheng Feng suddenly flashed, and secretly said, "If I get rid of the enchantment in the old monk, his demonization will disappear."

"I want to beat him then, isn't it as easy as killing an ant?"

"But the question is, how can I get the magic out of him?"

At this moment, hum ~~~

The cutting magic knife on Cheng Feng's back suddenly trembled.

Passed to Cheng Feng a kind of extremely desperate thought.

It wants to eat and eat things from the old monk!


Perceiving this scene, Cheng Feng's eyes lit up: "The Demon Slayer is a demon soldier, and it must be able to devour magic."

"As long as I pierce the demon into the body of the old monk, the magic that invades the old monk may be swallowed by the demon."

Cheng Feng's guess is quite reasonable.

However, the best choice is still the demon monster coffin.

In that coffin, a true demon was buried, and the magic was the tonic it needed.

The existence of the demon demon coffin only needs to take a sip, and it is estimated that the magical energy in the dry old monk will come out of the body.

But the demon monster coffin is not easy to control. If it becomes stronger after swallowing up the magic, it will cause a greater evil.

So using the Devil Sword is at least relatively safe.

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng held the Devil Sword in his hand.

Facing the old monk with a punch, he slashed straight away.

Stabbing ~~~

The demon sword cut the fist of the old monk in the middle, but did not cut it in.

It was as if a layer of steel had been struck, and a harsh metal friction sounded.

It turned out that the body of the old monk was covered with a layer of black scale armor.

In particular, the scale armor on the fist front is thicker, and even the sharp edge of the magic sword cannot be cut through.

After the knife, only a small cut was made on the boxer, without hurting the flesh.

However, the Devil Sword produced a unique suction when he crossed the Qianming old monk fist.

It looks like an invisible mouth, and **** sharply along the little mouth.

A small amount of black gas was sucked into the slayer.

Let the blade of the Devil Sword become deeper and deeper.

The sharpness has also increased a lot.

Cheng Feng raised the knife and chopped it again, stabbed it ~~~

The sharpened sharpening demon sword sharply opened an opening larger than the circle on the body of the old monk.

Suck ~~~

Another black gas was sucked from the body of the old monk by the devil sword and merged into the body.

Roar! !!

The anomaly of the demon sword made the old monk Ganming aware of the danger.

A pair of blood-red eyes swept over the slayer, and he uttered a dreadful growl.

Actually abandoned Cheng Feng and rushed into the sky at full speed.

"Haha, it works!"

As for Cheng Feng, there was a flash of joy on his face: "Look at this old thing now, what else can be done."

As the words stopped, Cheng Feng played his role in catching stars and taking steps.

The whole person turned into a black lightning and went straight to the old monk. In the breath, he chased the side of the old monk.

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