Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2496: Slayer

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"Master, I have an impulse to advance."

The spirit of the Devil Sword emerged, and his face was very painful: "But the strength is so much worse that I cannot do both!"

"Want to advance, but not strong enough?"

Cheng Feng thought deeply: "Did you have absorbed the magical energy that made you reach the standard of promotion?"

"But there is not enough weapon essence absorbed, which prevents you from being promoted."

"Well, almost."

The spirit of the Devil Sword nodded, and the pain in his face became stronger.

"This is easy."

Cheng Feng nodded, took out all the weapons in his soul ring, and threw them all to the Devil Slayer to let it devour.

But not enough!

Far from enough!

So Cheng Feng took out a ring knife, a top sacred Buddha soldier.

After seeing this weapon, all monks of Buddhism must be crazy about it, and it can be described as valuable.

But Cheng Feng didn't even take a look, and threw it directly to the sword.

Wow ~~~

The Devil Sword completely melts and wraps the Ring Sword.

In an instant, the essence of the ring knife was absorbed by the slayer.

However, it is not enough to cut the magic sword to enter the top holy level!

After thinking about it, Cheng Feng patted his heart.

The appearance of a black knife was the baby Cheng Feng extorted from the king of grain medicine.

It is rumored that the object was polished from a fragment of a supreme artifact.

This object can carry the will of the Supreme Blade, which is Cheng Feng's card for victory.

But this time, in order to advance the Devil Sword, he gritted his teeth and threw it to the Devil Sword.

The black knife is indeed a fragment of the supreme holy weapon.

Wrapped by the Devil Sword, the blade exudes thick black gas.

Let the whole Blood Flame Mountain fall into deep darkness.

The sword demon was originally healing and was awakened directly.

Seeing the horrifying picture in front of me, I thought that the demon monster coffin was out of sleep, his sword was rolling, and he pierced the sky of the blood prison secret place!

"Sword Demon, don't get excited!"

Cheng Feng hurriedly appeased: "My weapon is being upgraded, don't worry!"

The outbreak of the sword demon let Cheng Feng realize the power of the sword demon.

Eighty percent of Kendo ’s will is enough to kill the thirty Saints!

Even if it is a semi-sacred sacrifice, you can compete for the best.

"Your weapon is advancing?"

Hearing that, the sword demon exhaled a long breath: "I was shocked just now, I thought the demon monster coffin was out of sleep!"

At this time, not only was the sword demon scared.

The existence of the demon monster coffin was also startled.

Stop hitting Fu Mo Zhen, a surprised voice came out of the coffin.

"A fourth-tier monster is advancing to the fifth-tier?"

"It's really interesting to see the birth of a fifth-tier monster in these places!"

The words fall, hum ~~~

The enchanted sword wrapped in the black knife suddenly felt soaring.

As if on the Blood Flame Mountain, a black mushroom cloud set off.

A large number of weapon essences exploded with the explosion of magic.

Wow ~~~

The Devil Slayer absorbed it wildly.

The magic that caused the surrounding skyrocketing was as if torn by a tornado.

In his breath, he retracted into the sword again.

Not only that, the suction also penetrated the Fu magic array, and the black gas emitted by the demon monster coffin was also taken away by more than half.

Let the ever-changing Devil Sword finally stabilize the form.

It turned into a black dragon-shaped sword.

The handle is the mouth of the black dragon, the blade is the trunk of the black dragon, and the tip is the tail of the black dragon.

Between the black swords dancing, it was like a magic dragon dancing.

Fierce and mighty, making it difficult for people to breathe!

"Hoo ~~~"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's eyes brightened: "Cut the devil, have you finally been promoted?"

"Huh? It doesn't seem to be complete ..."

Cheng Feng originally thought that the Devil Sword had completed the promotion.

I was about to pick it up, but suddenly felt that the sword was still incomplete.

There seemed to be something else on the black-skinned sword that didn't grow out.

However, at this moment Cheng Feng had no weapon on his body to devour.

Unless Thousand Machine Tower, War God Armor, Heavenly Burial Flag ... these commemorative things are thrown to the Devil Sword to devour.

"Cheng Feng, I can help you."

At this moment, the sword demon suddenly shouted.

Next moment, 咻 ~~~

He threw the sword in his hand into the sword.

Not only that, the sword demon also drew his **** with the index finger and pierced the sword.


A sword flew out of the sword demon's body.

Just like a sword rain, he flew towards the sword of slayer!

The quantity is tens of thousands!

"So many swords?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was taken aback: "These swords should have been collected by sword demons over the years?"

"Every one is a boutique, and among them are swords that are comparable to top holy artifacts!"

"Absorbing the essence of these swords, is Devil enough to reach the top level of holy artifacts?"

Wow ~~~

Cheng Feng's voice just fell.

In the sky, the handle of the Devil Sword suddenly opened and turned into a dragon's mouth.

Thousands of swords that threw sword demons all swallowed.

The next moment, the blade of the Devil Sword became deeper and heavier.

The pieces of black dragon scales, like steel cast iron casts, gave an indestructible feeling.

The blade is even more aggressive and sharp.

Especially near the handle of the Devil Sword, a hook-like silver-edged handwriting appeared.

That word is not human, but Cheng Feng can make sense.

Just a glance, you know, that's the word 'kill'!


Cheng Feng raised a brow: "Is this word the real name of the Devil?"

When Cheng Feng got the Devil Sword, the word "Devil Demon" was engraved on the sword.

Cheng Feng believes that the devil is the name of the devil sword.

Now the Devil Sword changes, and new text appears. Perhaps this word is the real name of the Devil Sword!

"Kill? Isn't this sword really a killing sword?"

At the time of Cheng Feng's dark confusion, a suspicious voice came from the coffin of the demon and demon.

He seemed surprised to see something incredible!


After hearing about it, Cheng Feng hurriedly asked, "Do you know the origin of Demon Slayer? Does it have a real name?

"Impossible, the killing knife is the town of the soldiers and demons. It has been controlled by the soldiers of the soldiers and demons. It cannot appear here."

The existence of the demon monster coffin did not answer, but said to himself: "This knife should be a fake, with some charm of the sword, even I was almost deceived!"

The existence of the demon monster coffin seems to know the sword.

At this moment, it was determined that the Devil Sword was a counterfeit, and the excitement gradually calmed down.

But Cheng Feng's thoughts were writhing in his heart, and he shouted, "Hey, what's going on with the sword?"

"Slayer knife, that's a nine-pin monster!"

Cheng Feng had not expected that the existence of the demon monster coffin would reply. Never thought, the other party actually answered: "There are only a dozen or so pieces in the entire demon world!"

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