Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2502: Semi-finished product

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Through a readme of the Emerald Gourd, Cheng Feng inferred a lot of news.

At the same time, I also faintly guessed the "Abyss" of the Emerald Gourd, I am afraid it is near.

"Artificial fruits should all be planted in restricted areas."

Cheng Feng secretly said: "The Emerald Gourd says that it escaped from an abyss, and the restricted area in the depths of Qiankuo Forest is called the Yuanyuan restricted area."

"It is inferred from this that there is a good chance that the planting of emerald gourds will be the Yuanyuan restricted area!"

Cheng Feng's inference has another basis.

The emerald gourd was obtained by Cheng Feng from the defender Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is the guardian of the Yuanyuan restricted area. The artificial fruits he obtained are most likely to come from the Yuanyuan restricted area.

"Is Yuanyuan closed?"

Cheng Feng thought deeply: "According to the emerald gourd, there are still several artificial fruits on that vine."

"If I touch them in and take them out, it's a fortune!"

"Not only can the Blood Prison be filled with energy, but it can also be filled many times."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng's face was covered with a smile.

But at this moment, hum ~~~

An overwhelming coercion suddenly came from thousands of miles away.

It was as if a dragon had awoken, and people couldn't help breathing for a few seconds.

"Yeah, it's terrible!"

The Emerald Gourd was startled, and hurriedly hid behind Cheng Feng: "Are the bad people here? Want to catch me back?"

"Little guy, don't worry."

Cheng Feng laughed: "Everything is with me, and when bad people come, I will run them away!"

Listening to Cheng Feng's words, the jade gourd Changsong breathed a sigh of relief.

The nervousness was relieved involuntarily.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng nodded with a smile and flew thousands of miles away.

See the emerald gourd, and quickly follow.

And when chasing Cheng Feng, his fat body changed, and he actually grew two pairs of chubby hands and feet.

The upper half of the gourd turns into a round face.

Lie on the shoulders of Cheng Feng with both hands and feet, very stupid!

"Will you change yourself?"

Cheng Feng glanced and continued to fly towards the direction where the pressure came.

In a blink of an eye, I saw the King of Yao Yao standing with disappointment beside the heaven and earth oven.

Li Yun comforted, it seemed that alchemy had failed.

A strong pressure came from the Dan furnace, exactly the same as the pressure that Cheng Feng had sensed before.

"Guyaowang, what's the situation?"

Cheng Feng flew to Gu Yaowang and asked.

"My son, I have a load."

Gu Yaowang said with a remorse, "I failed to make Yuyue Longmendan for the sixth time!"

"Failed again?"

Cheng Feng had some regrets in his mind, but didn't care too much: "Don't think about it, failure will fail!"

"After all, it's Liupin Shendan. It can't be done all at once."

"I believe you, if you try a few more times, you will be successful in refining!"

"My son, the teacher is not a complete failure this time."

At this moment, Li Yun interjected suddenly: "This furnace Yuyue Longmendan failed in the last step."

"So the elixir in the Dan furnace is a semi-finished product."

"Although it is not as effective as the finished Yu Yue Long Men Dan, it is also quite effective."

"The effect is more than four or five times stronger than that of the five-pin **** Dan Qianlong Dan!"

"Oh? Let me see."

Cheng Feng's eyes brightened and he flew over the Dan furnace.

Open the lid of the Dan furnace, 咻 ~~~

Suddenly a train flew out of the Dan furnace, going to the sky.

"Good guy, come down!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face showed joy.

Raising his hand to the claw of the dragon, a large amount of divine power gathered, condensing into a divine hand, grabbing the dragon.

The next moment, he snapped it back.

"This is the semi-finished Yu Yue Long Men Dan?"

After the dragon was caught, he struggled hard in Cheng Feng's hands.

The force is very large, and it is stronger than the 20 Saints.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng has become the first of the nine undead bodies, and his strength has soared.

If it had been changed before, it would have been run away by that dragon!

"Give me your share!"

Cheng Feng shook his hands hard, and the violent power broke out, catching the impetuous dragon.

Then Cheng Feng spread his hand, and a somewhat incomplete elixir lay in the palm of his hand.

"Not bad."

Holding the elixir in hand, Cheng Feng felt a powerful force, hidden in the elixir.

Involuntarily praised: "Guyaowang, you are doing very well."

"The effect of this elixir is stronger than ten Qianlong Dans together!"

"My son, this is a failed work."

However, the king of grain medicine shook his head and said, "Give me a month, and I promise to make a real fish leaping Longmen Dan for my son."

"As for this elixir, it is better to throw it away, it is not worth taking by the son!"

"Hahaha ~~~"

Cheng Feng laughed: "Okay, I believe you will not let me down."

"But this elixir does not need to be thrown away."

"I can give it to others and I can make a good helper!"

This fish leaps Longmen Dan, although it is a semi-finished product.

However, it is easy to get a repairer to stand still and raise the repairer to several steps.

Especially Cheng Feng, now is the time to devour the elixir of condensed flowers of martial arts.

Swallowing this semi-finished fish diving Longmen Dan, at least can condense a flower of martial arts.

"My son, this fish-leaving Longmen Dan is a semi-finished product."

Cereal King said: "So when you use it, there will be a lot of elixir impurities left in the body."

"It's okay to give it to someone, but don't take it yourself!"

It turned out that the king of grain medicine proposed to discard this elixir because he was afraid that Cheng Feng's martial arts foundation would be shaken after taking it.

However, his worry was somewhat redundant.

Because Cheng Feng has a large devil's flesh disc, which can expel all impurities from the body.

Taking as much elixir will not leave sequelae.

"Mr. Gu is interested."

Cheng Feng nodded: "By the way, there are materials for refining elixir, right?"

"My son, there are."

Cereal King said: "Enough for me to refine for a year and a half."

"That's good."

Cheng Feng said: "Now the outside world is more chaotic. You can rest assured that you are here."

"When the mess is over, I'll send you out for a stroll."

"No, it's fine here."

Gu Yaowang shook his head, and at the same time raised his eyes and swept the Quartet: "Also, the boy just used the means to make the place full of flowers."

"Walking through the heavenly holy prison, I am afraid it is difficult to find a place comparable to this place."

"I am going to retreat here to practice alchemy until I become Yumeng Longmen Dan!"

"Okay, then you go on."

Cheng Feng nodded, and flew out of Wan Jian with his emerald gourd.

In fact, Cheng Feng originally planned to spray the jade gourd into the essence of life in Wanjian to absorb and refine it. But after the King of Yao Yao said that, he put away the plan.

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