Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2504: Skyrocketing

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng immediately opened his eyes and looked at the Emerald Gourd.

"Little guy, help me quickly."

"The emerald gourd turned into a chubby gourd baby.

At this time in the crater of the Flame Mountain, throw stones into the volcano to play.

Seeing Cheng Feng anxiously, he hurriedly asked, "How can I help you?"

"Give me some of the essence of your life."

"Again, okay!"

Emerald gourd doesn't seem to care much about the essence of life.

Hearing Cheng Feng's need, he opened his mouth and sprayed a large stream to Cheng Feng.

Wow ~~~

The essence of life poured on Cheng Feng's body, like a dragon absorbing water.

The life essence of the big stocks was integrated into Cheng Feng's body.

Turned into pure energy, rushed to the flower of martial arts that has not yet formed.

Let that flower of martial arts grow at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the entire flower of martial arts took shape.

Cheng Feng reached the rumored state of three flowers gathering.

The whole person is full of energy, and the atmosphere is harmonious, as if fused with heaven and earth.

Between raising his hands and feet, a horrifying force burst out.

Let the sword demon guarding the side, can't help but be moved!

"So strong, really strong!"

The sword demon's heart couldn't calm down: "It feels no worse than me!"

"The point is, the boy Cheng Feng doesn't seem to be condensed with the sacred pattern, and is still ascending to heaven."

"Is this the rumored polar genius? He has reached the extreme of the heaven?"

Polar realm is the existence of cultivation to reach the limit of a certain realm.

These characters are outstanding.

There are not many respects throughout the history.

As long as they didn't die, they all made a name for themselves and eventually became super titans.

Cheng Feng is just one such existence.

He showed that he reached the extreme state in the broken state, and even broke it.

Now it has reached the extreme in Dengtianjing, which is called history!

"Little guy, all right."

At this time, Cheng Feng felt that his body was full of energy.

It seems that there are three rounds of sun shining, and one punch can hit the planet!

Although he feels that his three martial arts flowers can grow further, he can grow further.

But the strength in the body was too strong, so that the jade gourd stopped spurting the essence of life.

Otherwise, continue to ascend, and Cheng Feng either rushes into the fortune.

Either the body continues to have too much energy and explodes directly!

The emerald gourd was very obedient, and as soon as Cheng Feng ordered, he stopped.

Without the essence of life, the improvement of Cheng Fengxiuwei began to change, and eventually stopped completely.

But even so, Cheng Feng's current strength has reached a scary level.

Three flowers of martial arts bloom in unison, the power of divine power is magnificent, and thousands of martial art ascended to the top of the heaven together are far from comparable.

"Hey, a nice little snack!"

At this moment, a laugh suddenly sounded in Cheng Feng's ear.

Cheng Feng turned around and found that the coffin of the demon and demon who had originally flew into the clouds touched the edge of the Blood Flame Mountain in silence.

A black demon claw was condensed, and he actually grabbed the emerald gourd.

Obviously felt the body of the emerald gourd, that mass of life essence.

Want to grab it and eat the nourishing body!

"True magic, how dare you!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face sank.

At the same time, he punched away at the claw that captured the emerald gourd.

This black claw is very powerful.

It should be the true magic that accumulated for a long time before it hit the strongest blow.

The true Saint of the Thirty Streaks will be forcibly taken away, unable to break free!

But, bang ~~~

With being punched by Cheng Feng.

The black claw exploded directly.

Like clay, there is no resistance at all!

And after Cheng Feng's fist blasted the devil's claw, there was still power left, and he was on the coffin of the demon monster.

Huh! If the coffin of the demon monster was struck by lightning, it turned into a black spot on the spot, disappearing without a trace.

It was actually a blow by Cheng Feng!

"Fuck, Cheng Feng's strength is so abnormal."

The sword demon saw this scene in his eyes, and his face jumped wildly: "No wonder those who are locked in the restricted area want to ask Cheng Feng for help."

"I'm afraid this kid can do wonders!"

At this moment, the sword demon convinced Cheng Feng orally.

Although his firepower is full, he may not lose to Cheng Feng.

But Cheng Feng's development potential has to exceed him by several grades.

Following Cheng Feng in the future may be a good choice!

"Oh, that bad guy wants to eat me."

At this time, the emerald gourd reacted.

Taking up two short legs, he hid behind Cheng Feng in an instant.

"The little guy is not afraid."

Cheng Feng laughed: "That bad guy has been beaten away by me and won't eat you."

"That bad guy was beaten away. There's another here."

Emerald Gourd fingered the sword demon, and said timidly: "He wants to eat me too, I can feel it!"


I heard that the sword demon's face showed an unnatural look.

Because the emerald gourd is true, he did have the intention to eat the emerald gourd.

I thought I was hiding very well, but I saw it at a glance.

"Little guy, don't worry."

Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled: "This person is my friend. He just joked with you just now. He won't eat you. Don't worry!"

"Really?" The Emerald Gourd was deeply suspicious.

"Really, I won't eat you."

The sword demon coughed, revealing an ugly smile.

Wanting to get closer to the Emerald Gourd, instead of scaring the Emerald Gourd to Cheng Feng, he didn't dare to show up after a long time.

"Haha ~~~"

Cheng Feng laughed: "After the sword demon, your respect is even scared to me, not to mention the emerald gourd."

At this point, Cheng Feng had a clever move: "Yes, little guy, you don't have a name yet?"

"I'll give you a name. I'll call it" Green Gourd "!"

"Green gourd?"

Emerald gourd's eyes lit up: "Okay, okay, I have a name, I have a name!"

"Cheng Feng, your level of name is really enough."

Compared to the joy of the emerald gourd, the sword demon pouted, his face full of contempt.

Because Cheng Fengqi's name is too weak.

Fortunately, the wisdom of the emerald gourd is only equivalent to three or four years old children.

Otherwise, they will definitely sniff.

"Haha, the name is just a code name."

Cheng Feng didn't take it for granted: "The emerald gourd is first of all a gourd, and the whole body is emerald green. The name green gourd is just right."

"Oh, wait for the green gourd to grow up and see what it says."

The sword devil smiled, and didn't bother to comment.

"Okay, let's get back to business." Chatting with the sword demon for a moment, Cheng Feng's look suddenly said, "Now that you and I have made great progress, it's time to go to the Heiyuan restricted area."

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