Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2506: Deep into the restricted area

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"Okay, Black Tiger, Yang Jun, you two each bring a team of defenders."

The dark-faced man nodded and said, "Go and capture the two daring guys, and let the world know that I know the power of Heiyuan Town Guard Corps!"

"Keep your orders!"

The strong man and the black tiger bowed to the handsome young man Yang Jun.

Immediately stood up, led their respective teams, and killed the direction where Qian Kuo Lin Cheng Feng was.

At the same time, Cheng Feng glanced at an eagle hovering in the sky.

Dan Dandao said: "Heiyuan Closed Rangers Legion Corps should have borrowed the news of the death of these five people."

"Now, it's time to go."

The words come to an end, 噗嗤 ~~~

The eagle died, and the sky fell.

He is a dark whistle who is the guardian of Heiyuan.

"Cheng Feng, come with me!"

Hearing the order, the Emerald Gourd stepped up its short legs and led the way.

Cheng Feng looked at the sword demon and set off for the Yuan Yuan restricted area.

Soon, Cheng Feng's three straddled millions of miles and came to a deep abyss!

This abyss is very large and deep, spreading into the depths of Qiankuo Forest, there is no end.

"Little guy, is this the Yuanyuan restricted area?"

Standing on the edge of the abyss, Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune to see.

When I saw the dark mist dazzling on the abyss, and my eyes penetrated the dark mist, I could see the picture inside.

Because under the abyss covered by the dark mist, it is not decay and decay, but lush.

Trees and flowers are everywhere, like a fairyland on earth!

"Cheng Feng, this is just the edge area."

Emerald Gourd said: "The real abyss still needs to travel a few hundred thousand miles inside!"

"So far?"

Cheng Feng was surprised.

He thought that the green grass in the abyss should reach the core.

Unexpectedly, it is the edge of the Yuanyuan restricted area.

"Cheng Feng, come with me."

The emerald gourd ignored Cheng Feng's shock, greeted him, and walked down a dark misty place toward the abyss.

"Let's go in and see."

Cheng Feng suppressed the surprise in his heart and entered the abyss with the sword demon.

"Well? These dark mists are not right."

Upon entering the thick fog, Cheng Feng's brows raised, "It seems to be the same as living, but he is repelling outsiders to enter."

"Well, indeed."

The sword devil nodded: "This should be a defense method deployed by the defenders of Heibuchi. Outsiders will be rejected if they enter."

"Even sending a message to Heibu Town Guard Corps!"

"But fortunately, the black haze was very light on this route that Green Gourd chose."

"Let's shrink our size, and we can hide the investigation of the black mist."

Speaking, the sword demon's body suddenly narrowed.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a human-shaped sword with a width of less than three inches.

Those black mist rushed over, cut by human blades like water, and dissipated to the sides.

As for Cheng Feng, it is a means of performing shrinkage.


The body was shrunk almost ten times and turned into a child.

Easily mixed into the abyss, the living dark mist was unaware of it.

"It's so full of life!"

Half an hour later, Cheng Feng and his team arrived in the abyss.

Standing in a piece of flower vanilla green, taking a deep breath, the pores of the body were uncontrollably relaxed.

The air is filled with extremely pure life essence, no wonder the flowers and plants here will grow so rich.

"Cheng Feng, the essence of life here, I am afraid that it is emitted from the depths of the Yuanyuan restricted area."

The face of the sword demon was not calm, and speculated: "I am afraid that the Yuanyuan forbidden zone has drawn the essence of life in the southern area of ​​Tiancang Holy Prison and a large area."

"The artificial fruits it produces are absolutely extraordinary."

"It is estimated to be a lot better than the rumored Liupin Shendan!"

"I only need one to push Xiu into a perfect semi-sacred realm."

"It can even go a step further and seize the petty creatures ..."

At this point, the sword demon's face is already full of smiles.

"Green gourd, lead the way."

After absorbing the essence of life in the emerald gourd, Cheng Feng knows the preciousness of artificial fruits better than the sword demon.

Definitely more advanced than Liupin Shendan.

So suppressing the excitement in the heart, let the Jade Valley lead the way to the core of the Yuanyuan restricted area.

"follow me!"

The Emerald Gourd runs with its short legs running at a very slow speed.

Cheng Feng followed them and flew for hours. A black steel fortress appeared in front of Cheng Feng.

This steel fortress is large and covers thousands of miles.

Above the steel fortress, there is a heavy hood covering the high-speed iron fortress inside.

Not even a fly wants to enter the fort.

To make matters even worse, there are eight defender teams stationed around the Iron Fortress.

Each team of three hundred people is a master with at least ten holy patterns.

They are constantly inspecting the Quartet, and any wind and grass move can not hide their eyes!

"Is this the Black Canyon Closed Area?"

Cheng Feng lifted his eyes and looked at it, unable to help but move: "In these places, the perfect semi-sage cannot be attacked!"

"Especially that heavy shield, it should be a super array!"

"Contains the texture of creation, I am afraid that it is from the real hand of the creation!"

"We want to go through the shield, it's impossible!"

Cheng Feng has the eyes of good fortune. At a glance, he can see the tight line of defense in the Yuan Yuan restricted area.

It's impossible to get in!

"Cheng Feng, don't forget the green gourd."

However, the sword demon grinned: "The green gourd can come out of the Yuanyuan restricted area, and it can certainly go in!"

The sword devil said so, in fact, there is no bottom.

The words ended, looking towards the Emerald Gourd with anticipation.

"Cheng Feng, I can come out of it, mainly because someone was making trouble in the fort."

The emerald gourd face shows the color of memories: "The troublemaker is very powerful, and you are much stronger than Cheng Feng."

"Every body of black gas erupted, shaking the whole fortress with shock!"

"I seized the opportunity to choose the weakest part of the fort and swallowed a large amount of blue flames."

"Burned out a small hole in the fort before escaping!"

"I'm not sure if the little hole is still there!"

"Some trouble in the Yuanyuan restricted area?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and said flatly: "That must be a super felon detained in the Yuanyuan restricted area!"

"The green gourd is lucky and seized the opportunity of the super felon to make trouble. We are not so lucky."

"So, wouldn't we be in vain for this trip?"

The sword devil is unwilling.

After making a big fortune, it got stuck at the last minute.

This taste is very uncomfortable.

"Bailai? This is not my style of behavior." However, Cheng Feng said lightly: "Since there is no opportunity, let's create the opportunity ourselves!"

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