Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2525: Flame man

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"Hoo ~~~"

The sword demon took a long breath, and his expression was a little sloppy: "Cheng Feng, I've been overtaken by you after all!"

In fact, being overtaken by Cheng Feng, the sword demon had been mentally prepared a long time ago.

Just didn't expect that Cheng Feng would catch up with him so fast!

At the same time, he has a deep understanding of Cheng Feng's martial arts talent.

"Sword demon, my state of supreme will is a lot worse than you."

Cheng Feng converged on the will of the Supreme Knife, and said lightly, "My current Will of the Supreme Knife should be about 10% of the whole Will of the Knife?

"And your Kendo will have reached 80%, and you can condense into a complete Supreme Kendo will at any time!"

"so what?"

The sword devil smiled bitterly: "Your 10% sword will will be enough to match my 80% sword will."

"If I give you enough time, I will completely consolidate the will of the Supreme Blade and reach one star!"

"I'm afraid that the existence of the petty realm will be discouraged!"

Supreme Will has strict hierarchy.

From low to high, one star to seven stars!

One star is the lowest, and seven stars is the highest.

But the weakest star, Supreme Will, can easily crush the perfect semi-sacred.

"Is One Star the Blade Will?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's eyes showed a touch of expectation: "I hope that day will come soon!"

Looking ahead a bit, Cheng Feng converged his thoughts.

"Well, let's end this battle."

Cheng Feng said: "Since the blood prison has come, just go and see the transplanted Destiny Vine."

Destiny Fuji was originally the most important treasure in the Yuanyuan restricted area.

There were a total of five artificial fruits on it, but they were not yet mature, so Cheng Feng uprooted them and planted them in the blood prison.

Anyway, Blood Prison can also extract the essence of life in living things, which can provide nutrients for Destiny Vine.

It is the best choice to plant Destiny Vine for a while and wait for those artificial fruits to mature before picking.

Soon, Cheng Feng and the two came to the heart of the Blood Prison.

First a flaming mountain came into view, and then a thorny vine.

That vine is so special that it is not afraid of the burning of flames.

Climbing on a stone pillar on the top of the Blood Flame Mountain, each root must be pierced into the stone gap.

Extract the essence of life in the Blood Flame Mountain, nourish five artificial fruits and yourself.

Let the energy in the Blood Prison that is almost full be reduced at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

"No, that Destiny Vine is absorbing the energy of the Blood Prison."

Seeing Destiny Vine, Cheng Feng was originally very happy.

But then his face changed, and he descended on Destiny Vine.

"Cheng Feng, must prevent the destiny vine from absorbing energy in the blood prison."

The Sword Devil was anxious, and said quickly: "The external situation is changing rapidly, and we must ensure that the energy of the Blood Prison is always full."

"Otherwise, once the true magic rips up the Heavenly Prison, we need energy to escape when we need the Blood Prison to escape, then we are saddened!"

"Don't worry, I'll see it later."

Cheng Feng reached the top of the Blood Flame Mountain and watched the Destiny Vine.

That Destiny Vine has some wisdom.

Before being uprooted by Cheng Feng, at this moment when he saw Cheng Feng approaching, he was instinctively afraid.

"Two of the five artificial fruits on this destiny vine are about to ripen."

Cheng Feng watched for a moment and said, "If you don't let the destiny vine to absorb the essence of life, these two artificial fruits will not mature and the effect will be greatly reduced."

"It won't let it draw the essence of life."

The sword demon still insisted: "No matter how precious the artificial fruit is, it is more important than life!"

"How about this."

Cheng Feng said: "Let the Destiny Vine continue to draw the essence of life and nourish the artificial fruit."

"If the situation changes, I will pick off the artificial fruit in advance and refine it into a pure raw essence to add energy to the blood prison."

"If so, it's okay."

Hearing that, the sword demon nodded.

After the communication was over, Cheng Feng looked at the Destiny Vine.

Pass your meaning on to each other through divine thoughts.

Destiny Vine has wisdom. After receiving the message from Cheng Feng, Fangan must sink into the Blood Flame Mountain and absorb the essence of life in Blood Prison.

At this moment, wow ~~~

In the Blood Flame Mountain, a surge of energy began to growl.

"what's the situation?"

The sword demon was surprised: "Is the magma ocean in the Blood Flame Mountain about to erupt!"

In the Blood Flame Mountain, there is a magma-made ocean.

Power fires are strong and can erupt at any time.

The roar from the Blood Flame Mountain at this moment is very similar to the flame eruption.

"I'll see what happens."

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "If it is a volcanic eruption, I will suppress it!"

Stop, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng sank into the Flame Mountain.

Immediately, a blood-red flame reflected into Cheng Feng's eyes.

The red blood was terrifying, and the temperature reached an appalling level.

The rock wall of the Blood Flame Mountain is soft and muddy, even falling like a drop of water!

"Grass, so hot!"

On the side of Cheng Feng, the sword demon horrified: "This blood flame mountain has been burned by different fires all year round.

"Even if I procure the Holy Power to defend, my body is hot."

"Is there a super strange fire in the magma ocean of the Blood Flame Mountain?"

Is guessing, a red flame man, flying towards Cheng Feng.

As the flameman approached, a fiery fire wave rushed forward, and the temperature around it suddenly soared.

The sword demon hurriedly evoked all the divine power, condensing a thick divine power cover to cover himself, and there was a smell of smelt in his hair.

Even the divine shield is thinning!

Like a snowball burned by a fire, I'm afraid it will soon be burned through!

"Grass, what the **** is this?"

The sword demon screamed and hurried back.

At the same time greet Cheng Feng and ask him to retreat together.

However, Cheng Feng did not retreat, but opened his arms and hugged the flameman.

"Wipe, what do I see?"

When the sword devil retreated, he saw the picture of Cheng Feng embracing the flameman, and the whole person was stunned.

The heart tightened, worried and frightened for Cheng Feng.

Fearing that Cheng Feng was ignited by the flame man, burned into fly ash alive!

However, Cheng Feng did not burn.

After embracing, I actually talked with the Flameman, like an old friend who has known each other for many years.

"Cheng Feng, what are you doing!"

Seeing this, the sword demon guessed something in the heart.

"Sword Demon, this is a friend of mine."

Cheng Feng looked back at the sword demon and explained with a smile: "Before I saw that the fire energy was strong here, so I left this friend here and let it draw fire energy to improve it." It's a happy event! "

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