Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2532: Star God Iron Pillar

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"True magic, now that you promised, please leave!"

Cheng Feng took a sigh of relief and lifted his hands off.

"You're worrying, I will attract enemies to you?"

Zhenyan's gaze is like a torch, as if he can see through people's hearts: "Relax, this seat will try to draw away the powerful enemies here, and keep them from paying attention to you."

"Besides, before I leave, I will help you solve a problem!"

The words ended, the real magic flames rose into the sky.

Roll up the rolling magic clouds, head to the top ten ancient temples in the southern region, and fly away from where the non-Buddhist temple is located.

Cheng Feng lifted his eyes to see, and saw that in that direction, a mighty Fowei gushing.

Illuminated the entire sky!

You can guess without asking, it must be the supreme existence in Wufo Temple.

"Often the master of that Buddha, is most likely a monk at the Temple without Buddha!"

The sword devil whispered: "Cultivation is indeed a bit horrible, and it is better than Yu Xuanzi!"

It is rumored that the monk of the non-Buddhist temple has cast a Buddha body.

It is equivalent to being a strong person in a small fortune, but it is in its heyday.

The strength of combat is naturally far superior to Yu Xuanzi.

Even Qian Linyun, who was detained in the Ghost Restricted Area, was inferior.

Once in the Nether Forbidden Zone, it is a big trouble!

Bang ~~~

When Cheng Feng spoke, hundreds of thousands of miles away.

The terrible explosion sounded.

This shows that Zhen Mo Yan has already turned into a monk in the Temple of No Buddha, so that the sky suddenly becomes half black and half white!

"Huh, fortunately, the true demon blocked the monk at the Temple of No Buddha!"

Seeing this, Qian Lingyun shot a bright light in his eyes and looked at Cheng Feng: "Mr. Cheng Feng, you really have the means."

"It can shock the real magic and let him use it for you!"

In the scene just now, Qian Lingyun all looked at him.

Admire Cheng Feng's courage and righteousness!

Because he dared to fight against real magic, there were too few and too few people to set aside life and death, and Cheng Feng was one of them.

Moreover, Cheng Feng has not used himself after he got huge chips.

Instead, it is used to clamp down true magic and protect the world!

This kind of mind and kindness cannot be found in the whole world.

"Senior, the true magic is the leader of the flames."

Cheng Feng didn't take pride in himself, shook his head and said, "I can't surrender them because of these existences."

"It's just using tricks to restrict it a bit."

"I hope he can keep his promise and return to the demon world as soon as possible, and it is a disaster to never return to our human world for life!"

"True magic should keep its promise."

The middle-aged man, who looks like a skinny middle-aged man, walks out of the Nether Forbidden Zone.

Integrating with the middle-aged monk, his body is slightly full: "It just made a vicious oath in the name of the demon ancestor."

"Unless he doesn't want to live, he will definitely keep his promise!"

"I hope so."

Cheng Feng finally glanced at the battle in the sky and immediately said, "Okay, this thing is useless now."

"Let's resolve the Ghost Restricted Area as soon as possible and leave here!"

Cheng Feng felt a big storm and was coming quickly.

In order to avoid being affected by the storm, leaving early is the right way.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, I have just broken the ban on me in the Nether Forbidden Zone."

Qian Lin Yun said: "You follow me, I will take you to conquer the treasure tree!"

The main reason Cheng Feng promised to save Qian Linyun this time was to get a million soldiers.

Because Wan Bingshu is a treasure, once it matures, it cannot even defeat the existence of a great fortune.

If Cheng Feng can get it, it will be a trump card for his victory!

"Senior please."

Cheng Feng nodded.

He followed Qian Lingyun and flew into the Nether restricted area.

I saw that the Nether forbidden area is very large, and it is full of iron pillars with ancient patterns.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, these steel pillars are forged from Xingshen Steel."

As Qian Linyun flew, he introduced: "The existence of the Great Creation on it has carved a banned holy pattern."

"I was trapped in it, and the spirit of creation in my body was suppressed, so I couldn't urge it."

"Be treated as a piglet and continuously extract the essence of life in the body to nourish that tree of soldiers!"

At this point, Qian Linyun's eyes exuded a deep chill.

You must know that each of these creatures has a strong self-esteem and pride.

Qian Lingyun, as a giant at the pinnacle of petty fortune, is a powerful figure who runs across the worlds.

But it was treated as a pig and sheep, and was locked in the heavenly holy prison to be a nutrient of a million soldiers.

For Qian Linyun, this is simply a shame!

"Senior, just get out of trouble."

Cheng Feng comforted: "After leaving Tiancang Holy Prison, find the black hands behind the scenes."

"Then unite all the warriors who have been poisoned, and let the black hands behind the scenes pay the price of blood!"

"It's hard!"

Qian Lingyun shook his head: "Being able to capture the existence of so many creatures has not caught the slightest concern."

"I'm afraid this black hand behind the scenes will not only be powerful, but also have a huge background!"

"Maybe it's the royal family of Heaven Cang Kingdom, but that's a super big Mac."

"Just a few petty fortune warriors can't shake it far!"

"However, this matter will never end there."

"My Qian Lingyun will use his life to make the black hands behind the scenes pay the price!"

Qian Lingyun faintly guessed the black hand behind the scenes, knowing that the other party's means are superb.

But Qian Lingyun wasn't scared, but he sank.

Be prepared to accumulate strength slowly, and when the strength is sufficient, give the opponent a fatal blow.

"Let's go. It's convenient to plant the Man Bing Shu."

With a long breath, Qian Lingyun converged his thoughts.

"Senior, the Star God Steel pillars are useless here, right?"

Cheng Feng suddenly asked: "If it's useless, I'll use the waste."


Qian Lingyun said: "If you want to use it, just move it away."

"No need to bother."

Cheng Feng waved his hand: "My weapon is a bit hungry, just to make it full."

After speaking, Cheng Feng pulled out the Devil Sword.

He patted the blade and threw it out.

Wow ~~~

The Devil Slayer was thrown and turned into a magic dragon on the spot.

The huge mouth opened and sucked sharply towards those Star God steel pillars.

The essence of the Star Kobelco pillar was sucked into the mouth by the Devil Sword.

The dragon that turned the slashing sword into a more slender body.

Scale armor chills, making people shudder!

When the sword demon saw it, his mind moved.

I also threw out my own magic sword. I want the magic sword to absorb the essence of the Star Kobelco to upgrade the level.

However, after the magic sword was thrown out, it was just like a little white rabbit.

Very timid hovering aside, did not dare to compete for the Star Kobelco with the sword.

"Wipe, you're too embarrassed." Seeing this, the sword devil's face turned black: "The fifth-tier magic sword was frightened."

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