Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2536: Terror Power

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

Qian Linyun also laid a lot of backhands in the Southern Region.

The teleportation array in the town is one of them.

"It's just right, it can save a lot of time."

After listening to Qian Lingyun's words, Cheng Feng's face showed a smile.

Then led by Qian Linyun, he fell into a mansion in the city.

There was a family member in the mansion. After the three of them came, Qian Linyun did not alarm anyone.

Entering from a sealed vacant room in the mansion, following an underground passage to the ground, a large teleportation array came into view.

It was built by hollowing out the bottom of the mansion.

"Start the teleportation team!"

The three Cheng Feng stood in the teleportation array and ordered.

Qian Linyun listened and activated the teleportation array.

Wow ~~~

A strong light flickered and wrapped Cheng Feng's three.

The next moment, the three disappeared.

Teleportation in the Void, very fast.

The three of Cheng Feng were dragged into the void channel by the force of the formation, and instantly left millions of miles away.

Under normal circumstances, at most a few minutes, Cheng Feng and they could cross the southern region and reach the northwestern region of Tiancang Holy Prison.

However, when Cheng Feng was halfway through their journey.

Bang ~~~

In front of the Void Channel, it was suddenly smashed by a powerful crit.

"No, our whereabouts were found."

Qian Linyun's face changed greatly, and he shouted, "Hurry up, hide behind me."

"The power to break through the void channel seems to come from the warden of Heaven Cang!"

In shouting, Qian Linyun stretched out his hands and pushed forward sharply.

Om ~~~

The two invisible giant powers appeared out of nowhere, like towering waves.

After the void channel was smashed, the space storm generated was pushed away to prevent the storm from hurting Cheng Feng.

However, as the space storm was pushed away, an appalling picture suddenly came into view.

I saw that it was a huge iron hook, much larger than Wan Yue Juyue.

On the sharp hook, there was a cold chill.

Cut in the void, tearing the void apart like a tofu.

Fall on a solid space barrier, and gradually sparkle!

At this moment, this horror iron hook is approaching Cheng Feng.

Once hit, I am afraid that the existence of good fortune will be cut into pieces!

"Grass, that's Tianxue Chen Gou!"

Cheng Feng's face was gloomy: "Isn't the prison governor of Tiancang fighting with true magic? Why are you staring at us suddenly?"

At this time, Cheng Feng really had the urge to scold his mother.

It was originally thought that the prison governor of Tiancang could only treat Zhenyan as his opponent. In the eyes of the other person, he was no different from the ants and did not care.

I never thought that the prison governor of Tiancang actually left true magic and came to deal with himself!

"Cheng Feng, the warden of Heaven Cang did not follow us."

The appearance of the prison chief Tian Cang made Cheng Feng and the sword demon emotionally disordered.

However, Qian Linyun remained calm and Shen said: "This time, Chen Chen killed him, but he only came to us while attacking the real magic."

"As long as we are carrying this blow, we can live!"

When talking, Qian Linyun's body began to glow.

Along with that, his two hands began to glow.

When the light is extreme, 嘭 ~~~

It seemed as bright as a bright beam of light, going to the thorny Tianxue Chen.


After two explosions, the attack line of Tianxue Chen Gou was slightly shifted by the two strong lights.

Rubbing Cheng Feng and the three, tearing away the sky.

"Hum, blocked!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng exhaled: "Tianxue Chen Gou was blocked by Mr. Qian!"

However, Cheng Feng and the pair just relaxed.

puff! Qian Linyun vomited blood in his mouth.

Obviously just blocking Tianxue Chen Gou just now, the load on him was too great, and the lungs were injured by the shock.

Moreover, Tianxue Chen Gou is composed of a hook and an iron chain.

The iron hook was pushed away by Qian Linyun, but the iron chain roared past, and the power generated was not trivial.

The pressure was down, and Cheng Feng and the two were in pain.

"Go!" At this moment, Qian Linyun sighed.

Strong light burst out of the body again, entangled Cheng Feng with the sword demon, and flew out from the broken void channel.

Fall from an unknown sky!

"Mr. Lin, are you okay?"

The three of Cheng Feng were suspended in midair, and when they saw Qian Linyun's face turned pale, he was worried.

"No problem."

Qian Linyun waved his hand: "Just now, I was just stubborn with Tianxue Chen and hurt my lungs."

In fact, with Qian Linyun's strength, the peak time was enough to play against the warden of the Heaven Cang.

The reason why he was defeated as soon as he fought was because of his dryness and severe loss of vitality.

Strength is at the bottom of life.

I am afraid that even the warriors who have just entered the petty realm can't beat.

However, this state can be compensated by giving Qian Linyun time.

"It's all right."

Cheng Feng nodded, then looked up at the sky.

I saw in the sky that blood Chen Gou was still shooting into the distance.

Steel chains across the sky, making a deafening frictional sound, make that person shudder!

Fortunately, Chen Gou's target locked in Zhen Mo Yan and no longer attacked Cheng Feng.

Otherwise, Cheng Feng will be killed within a few strokes.

"Let's speed it up."

At this time, Qian Linyun's voice sounded: "I feel the breath of chasing troops, I am afraid that I am a member of the Tiancang law enforcement team!"

"Tian Cang Law Enforcement Team?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "It is rumored that the Tian Cang Law Enforcement Team is a secret force under the control of the Tian Cang Warden."

"Each member ’s practice is above the semi-sacred level of perfection."

"It is the reliance on persuading the heavens to suppress the heavenly holy prison!"

"Yes, it's this team!"

Qian Linyun said: "As far as I know, this team has a total of 20 teams, each team has 12 people."

"Tianxue Chen Gou didn't kill us this time, the prison chief Tiancang must have felt it."

"At least, two Tiancang law enforcement teams will be sent to hunt us down."

"Two Tiancang law enforcement teams?"

Cheng Feng frowned, and whispered: "In this way, it is the hunting down of twenty-four perfect semi-sage masters."

"It's not that simple."

Qian Linyun shook his head: "These days, the law enforcement team is also proficient in combined attack."

"The power of each member can be superimposed on one person, and a good attack force erupts."

"And the warden of Heaven Cang will give the baby."

"It will not be too difficult to kill the small forged martial arts warriors!"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng took the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team seriously.

He had previously seen through the method of divine thought and had seen Zhen Mo Yan fighting with a Tiancang law enforcement team.

At that time, the true magic fire was fully open, and the piece of armor killed by the Tiancang law enforcement team was not left.

This gave Cheng Feng a feeling, but the Tiancang law enforcement team felt so.

But we must know that the real magic power, but enough to shoulder the crest of the crest of the realm.

You can't find a few in Tiancang Holy Prison!

"This should still be the southern region." Qian Linyun observed the terrain slightly and said, "But it should not be far from the northwest region."

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