Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2546: Red blood hand reappears

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng increased the infusion of divine power.

That map became bigger again, especially the area where the unforgettable sea was located, and it was greatly stretched.

Cheng Feng looked again at this time and immediately confirmed his conjecture.

This map is indeed a map of Tiancang Holy Prison.

Because the secret place of blood prison is in the sea of ​​forgetfulness, the picture presented at this moment in front of Cheng Feng is truly the sea of ​​forgetfulness.

"It's really a map of Tiancang Holy Prison."

Cheng Feng nodded thoughtfully: "And this map is densely lined with vertical and horizontal light."

"It's like coordinates, including all areas of the sea of ​​forgetfulness."

"Perhaps I have identified a point on the coordinates, and then I can use the power of Blood Prison to teleport me to the area where that point is."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng acted immediately.

I saw his divine power spur, and rushed to a point on the coordinates of the blood ruby ​​disk.

Wow ~~~

An overwhelming force suddenly appeared, pulling Cheng Feng into the void at once.

Next moment, 嘭 ~~~

Cheng Feng was pushed out vigorously.

Looking up, I found myself in a strange environment.

Looking at the map on the blood ruby ​​disk, the brightest point on that map has also changed.

"Sure enough."

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's face showed a smile: "This map is indeed a large coordinate."

"I want to go anywhere, just mark the place on the map and teleport me!"

Understanding this is a great boost for Cheng Feng.

He wanted to go anywhere, it was easy.

You can even teleport him directly to the Yuan Family City in the Northwest.

Don't worry anymore, you will be intercepted by the Tiancang law enforcement team.

The most important thing is that in the counterattack of Qixiong and others, Cheng Feng will have a huge advantage.

Can reach various anti-killing sites as fast as possible.

The members of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team were pursued with a fatal blow.

"I discussed it with Xiao Jin and asked it to fly west."

After clearing his thoughts, Cheng Feng immediately launched an operation: "I just used Blood Prison and just teleported from a previous place."

"Roughly, Xiaojin is probably near the northwest."

Cheng Feng estimated Xiao Jin's general position, and then without delay, he triggered the blood prison secret.

Huh! Teleported him.

After a few breaths, Cheng Feng came to a new sea.

As soon as it arrived, a huge wave surged.

The force was very fierce, causing the sea surface to roll up a wall of water thousands of meters high, and even the clouds in the sky were dragged down, the scene was terrifying.

"It seems that the other two members of the Tiancang law enforcement team have caught up with them."

Sensing this scene, Cheng Feng immediately guessed the clue: "Kill it directly, with Xiaojin's strength, it is easy to block a Tiancang law enforcement team member."

"I use Blood Prison and the small fire, which will quickly defeat another Tiancang law enforcement team member."

"Then they merged with Xiaojin and solved the remaining members of the Tiancang law enforcement team!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng cast a shadow-shaped method and flew towards the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, on the battlefield, two successful semi-holy men who were attacking the Dragon Lice Army suddenly converged.

Back to back on each other, the back looks abnormal.

It's as if I'm afraid of enemies and suddenly get out of the void to kill them!

In all likelihood, it was the news that Cheng Feng killed another Tiancang law enforcement team member.

"Jun brother, Wang Feng was actually killed."

On the battlefield, a young man with a mole on his face, a knife with an uneasy look: "Wang Feng, but a real and perfect semi-sacred man, is stronger than Yu Yong and Yang Kun.

"But he didn't even know what the enemy looked like, he was killed."

"Well, this enemy is tricky."

Jun Ge is a middle-aged man with a strong body. His eyes are like a torch, and he constantly looks around: "He should have killed Wang Feng for a short time, as short as Wang Feng didn't even have time to send a rescue letter to the team."

"It shows that the other party is very powerful and very close to us."

"Let's be careful, we must not repeat the mistakes of Wang Feng!"

As he was speaking, the Dragon Lice Corps suddenly became restless.

Under the leadership of Tianlong Liao Xiaojin, it turned into a big golden arrow.

Brother Xiangjun, kill them fiercely!

"This beast is really troublesome."

Moles youth frowned: "Each one is stronger than the top holy weapon, it is very difficult to kill."

"It's more difficult to kill in droves than to complete the semi-holy!"

In a whisper, the Mole Youth evoked the air of fortune and patted a hand to the Dragon Lice Corps.

Bang ~~~

The palm was slamming on the shore like a shocking wave, and it shook in the void.

However, the Dragon Lice Legion was not afraid.

When the palm slaps, all the dragon lice's surface glows golden light.

In particular, the little dragon lice Xiaojin is golden and fiery, like a little sun.

When I hit my palm, I stab it ~~~

The big golden arrow penetrated directly.

Slap Zhang Jin out of a hole, and continue to kill the two brothers.

"Mad, are these animals taking the wrong medicine?"

The mole young man's face changed slightly: "Suddenly, the guarantee of strength seems to have inspired their respective potentials, and they have to fight with us!"

"A bunch of dragon lice."

Jun brother said indifferently: "There are only a few hundred heads of the dragon dragon lice, and there is not much threat!"

"Let's go all out and try to get rid of this hidden danger as soon as the earth comes!"

However, at this time.

Wow ~~~

A **** red hand suddenly appeared, and slammed the mole young.

The Mole young man is very good, and he has been in the perfect semi-holy world for many years.

At the moment when the blood-red big hand patted it, he greeted it with a backhand in time.

Unfortunately, the power of the **** big hand is even better.

Both palms fought, and the palm strength of Mole Youth was crushed on the spot.

The big blood red hand was just covered with cracks, and with a flash of blood light, it quickly recovered as before.

At a faster speed than before, he arrived near the young mole and caught the young mole.

The next moment, he dragged the Mole youth to thousands of miles.

"Junk stuff, look for death!"

Brother Jun's response was not slow, the Holy Paper was faster than the Mole youth.

At the moment when the **** red hand appeared, a sharp force burst out from the body.

boom! The punch was like an arrow, and the **** red hand blasted away.

However, the Dragon Lice Legion has arrived.

Tian Long Liao Xiaojin took the lead and collided with that fist.

Brother Jun's punches are very strong, like a big gun.

Actually, Xiao Jin flew out.

After that, the remaining strength was shocked and shocked hundreds of extreme dragon lice behind Xiao Jin!

However, the army brother's offensive against the blood-red big hand was stopped by the dragon louse army. By the time he was about to strike again, Mole Youth had been dragged thousands of miles away by his blood-red hands.

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