Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2548: Fang Qixiong

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Fang Qixiong's team, five people have died in the hands of Cheng Feng.

This made Fang Qixiong furious, but he was also frightened.

He raised his hand and took out a purple knife.

The knife looked sparse and ordinary, but as Fang Qixiong took it out, it gave off a heart-breaking breath.

The existence of petty fortune exists, I am afraid that it can be severely damaged, or even killed!

It is a big killer!

"This sword sealed the power of Lord Prisoner, which was originally used to deal with fugitive super felons."

Fang Qixiong whispered: "This time, it will be used to kill you!"

Out of speech, Fang Qixiong sensed the position of another group of members.

The next moment, flying away.

At the same time, Cheng Feng has already used the power of Blood Prison to rush to the place where Hell's Heiyan is.

Drilling out of the void, he just saw the **** black flames fled.

Behind him, a Tiancang law enforcement team member is pursuing.

This Tiancang law enforcement team member, Xiuwei has reached the level of perfection.

With his strength, he could have quickly caught up with Hell.

However, he did not do so, but hung behind Hei Heiyan, playing with Hei Heiyan like a cat catching mice.

"Look for something dead."

Cheng Feng saw this scene, his eyes flashed cold.

Immediately nonsense, he launched a lethal kill.

I saw a big **** hand suddenly appeared beside the Tiancang law enforcement team member.

I have to grab it and wait for it ~~~

The new emperor's fire turned and burned it into fly ash!

"Cheng Feng, you are here."

Hell Heiyan stopped flying and flew to Cheng Feng.

Seeing the members of the Tiancang law enforcement team burned into the ashes by the new emperor, their eyelids couldn't help jumping.

He fought with this person for a long time, knowing the opponent's power.

But it was burned by the new emperor's fire.

Let Hell Heiyan know deeply how big the gap between him and the new emperor was.

"Hell, are you okay?"

Cheng Feng's gaze swept over Hell's Heiyan to investigate each other's condition.

"I'm fine."

Hell Heiyan shook his head: "It's extremely cold ice flames. There should be two days of Tiancang law enforcement team members pursuing it. It is more dangerous at this moment."

"Well, let's help him here."

Cheng Feng nodded, immediately took the bleeding ruby ​​plate, calculated the distance, and put away Hell's Hei Yan.

Wow! Disappeared.


After half a minute, there was no place in the sea.

Two men are besieging a blue woman.

The blue-clad woman is good at a school of martial arts, and every attack carries a chilling chill.

Drift into the sea and freeze the blue water into a stack of icebergs.

However, although the blue women's strength is strong, it is far from being the opponent of those two men.

Because those two men, Xiu Wei has reached the level of perfection semi-holy.

It was extremely cold Bingyan, with two other members of the Tiancang law enforcement team.

"Cheng Feng, these two members of Tiancang Law Enforcement Team, should want to conquer the extremely cold ice flames."

Hell's Heiyan's voice sounded: "Otherwise, I am afraid that the extremely cold ice flame would have been killed already!"

Extremely cold ice flames, like Hell's Hei Yan, are only half-step emperor level.

The strength is barely comparable to the perfect semi-holy.

Facing the attack and kill of two members of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team, it must be impossible to stop it.

"Well, I can see it too."

Cheng Feng nodded: "Also, Bingyan Bingyan is very clever, and he has a long time with the other side."

"Hell's Hei Yan, you and the extremely cold ice flame, first drag a Tiancang law enforcement team member."

"It's convenient for me to kill another Tiancang law enforcement team member!"

"Understand." Hell nodded.

Immediately, 唰 ~~~

Fly to the battlefield.

As for Cheng Feng, it was the force that triggered the blood prison secret place and attacked another Tiancang law enforcement team member.

With the help of Xinsheng Emperor, it took less than a few minutes to blast it into slag!

The second Tiancang law enforcement team member saw this, and his hair was erected.

Immediately to repel the extremely cold ice flames and **** black flames, away from the distance!

It's a pity that Cheng Feng has already followed him.

Waiting to escape too far, the portable blood prison mystery was killed.

Divide three by five and kill two.

Wow ~~~

After killing two members of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team, Cheng Feng evoked the Blood Prison, and drained the flesh and blood essence of the other side.

Due to advance preparations, the bodies of the two members of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team were not burned to the ground by the new emperor.

There is still a lot of fresh flesh and blood left. After being absorbed by the Blood Prison, not only will it replenish the consumption of the Blood Prison in the battle, but there will be a lot of surplus.

Absorbed by Destiny Vine and Wan Bingshu and nourished a lot.

"Half-sacred is indeed half-sacred. The essence of life contained in the body is too rich."

Cheng Feng smiled with satisfaction: "Next, if possible, I still try to preserve the bodies of members of the Tiancang law enforcement team."

"It can play a huge role in training Destiny Vine and Man Bing Shu."

Thinking so, Cheng Feng was not idle.

Hell Heiyan and Bingyan Bingyan were called to the side, then he opened the secret place of blood prison and rushed to the next place.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of miles away.

"Bai Jigang is also dead?"

Fang Qixiong's face changed when he ran, and he roared, "This must be the miscellaneous thing that killed the three Wang Feng just now!"

Fang Qixiong was very angry. His Majesty originally had eleven members, but now he has died eight.

This was a heavy blow to him.

The law enforcement team to which he originally belonged ranked fifth among the law enforcement team under the ruler of Tiancang.

Now, I'm afraid it's the absolute last!

"My Majesty members, three more are alive."

Fang Qixiong stopped: "According to the opponent's behavior style, my team is dispersed and destroyed one by one.

"Next, be sure to do something with the last three, I will never allow this to happen!"

Thinking of this, Fang Qixiong's eyes closed slightly.

While sending a letter to the last three members of the Tiancang law enforcement team, let them be on guard.

On the other side, the opponent's position is locked and ready to teleport.

In Fang Qixiong's hands, there is a miniature teleportation array.

When the idea was settled, he immediately started the teleportation.

Huh! The whole person disappeared.

By the time it reappeared, it was already two million miles away.

"Master's miscellaneous, I finally catch up with you."

Fang Qixiong came out of the teleportation array and just hit Cheng Feng.

Without saying a word, he punched Cheng Feng.

Fang Qixiong's practice is that he is intimidatingly close to the small fortune, and has strong strength.

Although this punch was ordinary, it was defeated in the void.

The force of terror squeezed the air, and before it hit Cheng Feng, it made Cheng Feng's breathing difficult.

"Not good, it actually collided with the middle-aged man with a hawk nose."

Cheng Feng has just arrived here, watching the situation of the sword demon, but was suddenly attacked. Quickly urged the power of the three martial arts flowers, poured into the demon sword, and stabbed them up.

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