Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2557: Pinch blaster

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The fiercely-known hundred soldiers were completely destroyed by Cheng Feng?

It took a long while for the members of the Yuan family to react.

Looking at each other, the eyes were still incredibly shocked.

And, irresistible ecstasy!

"Hahaha ~~~"

"Cheng Gongzi is mighty, Cheng Gongzi is mighty!"

Do not know who it is, suddenly raised his arms and shouted.

With this, everyone at the scene began to shout.

Even the solemn and serious Longyou Tieqi was infected and shouted.

Let the whole sky be filled with deafening sounds.

"Cheng Feng, are you very popular!"

In the sky, the sword demon frowned, in a ridiculous tone.


Cheng Feng smiled slightly and took Yuan Chenggong to the place where Bing Sheng fell.

"My son, are these three?"

Yuan Chenggong's cultivation was not high, and only two sacred patterns had just emerged.

But his eyesight was not weak, and he could see that the three sword demons were unusual.

"They are all my friends."

Cheng Feng casually said: "This guy, for example, is very famous in Dongyu, nicknamed Sword Demon!"

"Sword Demon ..."

Yuan Chenggong nodded, and immediately moved in a terrifying expression: "The Sword Demon of the Eastern Region? Is it the" Sword Demon "that is known as the first murderer of the Eastern Region!

"Well, that's him!"

Cheng Feng said slightly.

However, falling into Yuan Chenggong's ears was no less than a thunderstorm.

Because the sword demon is far-fetched, it is slightly better than Bingsheng.

Although Yuan Chenggong hasn't been to the east area of ​​Tiancang Holy Prison, the word Sword Demon has long been heard.

When I learned that the swordsman in black beside Cheng Feng was the famous swordsman, the shock in his heart could hardly be described in words.

"The swordsman in black is a sword demon, so who are the two beside him?"

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Yuan Chenggong glanced at Qian Linyun and Yu Xuanzi: "These two look like ordinary people, but the sword demon respects them very much."

"When I walked, I was a little slower, and I was far above the sword demon."

"The son of Feng Cheng has made such existences and can finally resolve the danger of my Yuan family."

Thinking about this, Yuan Chenggong's body shook with excitement.

The joy on his face emerged, and it was too thick to melt.

Cheng Feng ignored Yuan Chenggong, cast his stars to catch the moon and walked away, and immediately outside the main city of Yuan's house, the pit smashed by the soldiers.

Bing Sheng condensed thirty sacred patterns. Although Cheng Feng had a heavy palm just now, he did not kill them.

At this point, he had climbed out of the deep pit, and was frightened, and wanted to escape.

"Bing Sheng, I remember you."

Cheng Feng looked at the escaping soldiers, and said lightly, "I remember that in the Northwest Territories, I was hunted down by your warriors."

"If I didn't run fast, I'm afraid I'd die in the other's hands."

"At that time, I was planning to" communicate with you "when I had enough strength."

"I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself, lest I go to see you again."

When speaking, Cheng Feng raised his hand and grabbed Bing Sheng.


An overwhelming force rose into the sky and grabbed Bing Sheng overwhelmingly.

"Do not!!"

Bing Sheng was horrified, accelerating his ability to feed.

At the same time, a few black stones were also thrown away.

"Xuanshi Yinlei?"

Seeing the black stone, the sword demon's brow raised, "This thing is said to be a thunderbolt thunder that can only be collected during the sacrifice. It is very poisonous and can destroy people's spirits."

"But there should be no threat to you."

"Can it hurt someone's thoughts?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng thoughtfully: "Then I won't let it come close."

The words stopped, and the great power of the grasping soldiers suddenly accelerated, holding the few black stones Yin Lei in their hands.

嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

Xuanshi Yinlei exploded, forming a heavy invisible shock wave, trying to destroy Cheng Feng's thoughts.

But Cheng Feng's devotion is very powerful and has long been condensed into a spiritual entity.

Faced with the invisible shock wave used, Cheng Feng's spiritual entity opened his mouth and snarled.

All the shock waves were scattered by the sound waves, which failed to pose a slight threat to Cheng Feng.

As for Yuan Chenggong, there are three people protected by the sword demon, which is unscathed!

Not only that, Cheng Feng continued to attack the soldiers after destroying Xuanshi Yinlei.

Although Bing Sheng was desperately accelerating, Cheng Feng was still in the hands of great power.

Like an ant, he was caught back.

"Do not!!"

"Master Cangsheng save me, save me!"

The soldiers were reluctant to growl hysterically.

Ask for help from an being called Cangsheng.

However, Cang Sheng did not take any action, leaving Bing Sheng to be caught by Cheng Feng.

"Cang Sheng?"

Looking at Bingsheng, Cheng Feng thoughtfully said: "It seems that you are not the culprit who besieged the Yuan family this time, and there is a guy named Cangsheng."

"Tell me, where is Cangsheng holy."

"Cheng Feng, Cang Sheng is a supreme existence that is infinitely close to the mini-environment, and you can't provoke it far."

Bingsheng was caught in Cheng Feng's hands, his face was full of humiliation: "I have worshiped Lord Cangsheng, it is his little brother."

"If you are not good for me, Lord Cangsheng will kill himself!"

"A semi-sacred being infinitely close to the little creation?"

Hearing the words, Cheng Feng said coldly: "Oh, just a small character, he dared to come and shoot him!"

"It's you, want that death?"

"Cheng Feng, you ..."

Bing Sheng's face sank, and he shouted, "You don't know the strength of Lord Cang Sheng at all, and the ten I add up are not his enemies."

"You had better……"


However, Cheng Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, holding the hand of Bing Sheng slightly to force, directly deforming the body of Bing Sheng.

The words that weren't finished were stuck in my throat.

"Okay, I ask you one last question."

Cheng Feng said: "Tell you, whoever instructs you to be an extraterrestrial power that I start, I will give you a happy."

"Cheng Feng, you dog stuff ..."

Bing Sheng did not answer, but called scolding Cheng Feng.

"court death!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was more lazy to ask, and directly blasted Bing Sheng's body.

At the same time, God's thoughts were evoked, and the soldiers' broken thoughts were searched, and some information was captured.

It was learned that Bingsheng obeyed the Apocalypse.

The Emperor of Apocalypse issued a high reward. Once Cheng Feng is killed, ten Liupin Shendan will be rewarded.

Bing Sheng's worship of the elder brother Cang Sheng, the knot took over this task.

Together with Bingsheng and others, they threatened the Yuan family and forced Cheng Feng to appear.

Bing Sheng is the first group of people, Cang Sheng and others have not yet set out.

"It turned out to be the Apocalypse!"

After learning this, Cheng Feng whispered coldly: "It seems this old miscellaneous piece has never forgotten me."

"I wrote it down. After my martial arts mastery, I will definitely have this old mess for a while!" "Give him some unforgettable memories!"

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