Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2560: Good fate

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"Huh? Is this Imperial Beast Bag good?"

After conquering the Royal Beast Bag, Cheng Feng evoked a divine thought and entered the Royal Beast Bag to see.

Found in the Royal Beast Bag, there are actually a few vast spaces.

In each space, there are a group of monsters.

Different levels, but cruel nature, fighting each other.

The defeated are eaten by the winner and become the nutrients for the winner to advance.

This is truly a method of 'boil the beast', surviving the fittest, and finally leaving the most powerful monster to enter the next space.

"There are seven spaces in the Royal Beast Bag."

Cheng Feng's eyebrows raised: "In the top space, there is only one monster and three heads."

"Just by the fierce vibe emitted from your body, you can scare the top-level monsters alive!"

"Roughly estimated, the combat power is comparable to the perfect semi-holy, and it should be Qi Lin's killer."

"Unfortunately, Xiao Jin moves too fast."

"Before he released the beast, Xiao Jin was killed!"

Cheng Feng's analysis is true.

This three-headed beast is indeed Qi Lin's strongest hole card.

It can even be said that all the monsters in the first six floors of the Imperial Beast Bag serve this monster.

When a monster breaks through the first six floors and reaches the seventh space, it will only be killed by this monster and become the other party's food!

It is this almost cruel breeding method that makes the three monsters stronger and stronger.

If this goes on, soy sauce may break through the false heavenly level and become a true heavenly level monster!

"Very good, really good."

Cheng Feng looked at the Royal Beast Bag, the more satisfied he was: "This thing is just a blood **** beast tailor-made."

"I put the blood beast into it, let it advance, change, and be powerful!"

"When you reach the seventh floor and face the three monsters, you may be able to counter attack and kill them."

"By then, there will be a real heavenly monster for my use!"

The blood beast is a monster that Cheng Feng brought out from the continent.

Growth potential is great, but suffer from not having enough time and opportunities.

This Royal Beast Bag offers this opportunity.

As long as the blood **** beast is strong enough, it will become Cheng Feng's left and right arm in the future.

If you end up in the Royal Beast Bag, that's a good death.

After all, the nature of the blood **** beast is easy to fight with similar people!

"Blood beast, I hope you will not let me down."

Cheng Feng whispered, took the Blood God Beast out of the old Imperial Beast Bag and put it into the new Imperial Beast Bag.

Then the two Royal Beast Bags were put away, and Yuan Chenggong had no time to talk to them.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, what did you experience after leaving?"

"Strength has actually grown, almost abnormal!"

At this time, Yuan Chenggong had not yet awakened from shock.

Qi Lin's beast group struck strong, but was easily slaughtered by Cheng Feng.

If it wasn't for your own eyes, you would have thought you were dreaming!

"This trip can be described as a death."

Cheng Feng laughed: "But fortunately, I came back alive and my strength soared."

"Mr. Cheng Feng, the old man in my family did not read it wrong."

Dragon Makino, the leader of the Longyou Iron Riding Horse, came to the front road: "He said that you are by no means a thing in the pool, and it will definitely fly into the sky."

"And have a deep friendship with my dragon."

"That's why the old man risked extermination and supported you to the end."

"It seems that **** is still old and spicy!"

It turned out that the reason why the Long family came forward and sheltered the Yuan family was the decision of the old patriarch of the Long family.

The old patriarch of the Dragon family was a member of the Dragon family when he was not imprisoned in the heavenly holy prison.

May have a relationship with Long Aotian, the old Canglong who lives on the earth dome continent.

That's why after learning about Cheng Feng's identity, he continued to help Cheng Feng.

"Master of the Dragon Family?"

Cheng Feng was a little curious: "I never seem to have met the grandfather of your family, right? Not just dating ..."

"Mr. Cheng Feng, are you from the earth dome right?"

Dragon Makino does not answer the question.

"Good." Cheng Feng nodded.

"Then you know Mr. Ao Qing?"

"Ao Qing? But a dragon?"

Of course, Ao Qingcheng Feng remembered that it was in the restricted area of ​​the Dome continent.

Follow the emperor butterfly and be called the strongest of the demon tribe.

When he was in the dome continent, he helped Cheng Feng a lot.

"Yes, Mr. Ao Qing, it is a dragon."

Long Makino said: "My old man had received the favor of the Canglong tribe when he was outside the Heavenly Prison."

"The blood of a dragon is bathed, so the blood of dragons is in the body."

"And in this day armor the mainland, create a huge foundation."

"And not long ago, my father learned that a Canglong tribe appeared in a heavenly class called Ao Qing."

"He was on the continent, and with the help of your son, he was able to cross the level of Heaven."

"He learned that you strayed into Tiancang Holy Prison, so he asked my Dragon family to help him."

"It can be regarded as his reward for your gratitude!"

"So it is."

Cheng Feng suddenly realized that he finally understood the reason why the Long family helped him: "So, senior Ao Qing got a fruit of the world!"

In the sky of the sky, Cheng Feng once sent some low-level heaven and earth fruit out.

Those heaven and earth fruits were sent out by the talented disciples who entered the sky to fight for the fruit, among them the disciples of the demons.

Ao Qing just got a little bit, so he could break the limit and become a heavenly existence.

In the end, he got rid of the imprisonment and escaped from the continent!

"Now that Ao Qing has benefited, the Emperor Yuhuang, Emperor Huangtian, and the predecessors of the academy should also have the fruits of heaven and earth.

Cheng Feng secretly said: "Especially for the Emperor Feather, he should have obtained a fruit of heaven and earth, which must be soared into the sky."

"Now maybe you have seized the great fortunes and become a giant in the world!"

In the sky of the sky, Cheng Feng sent a lot of low-level world fruits.

The first is to repay, and the second is to resolve disputes.

For example, Emperor Huangtian, but a Supreme Being, he did not capture the fruits of heaven and earth for himself.

Therefore, Cheng Feng didn't have a problem, and gifted a fruit of heaven and earth to the son of the desert, and let it be brought to the desert emperor.

In this case, with the vast mind of Emperor Tiantian, after Cheng Feng left Tiancang Holy Prison, the other party should not pursue hunting.

It even helps a little while others hunt.

For Cheng Feng, it is not a bad thing.

After all, Cheng Feng can hold the three highest quality heaven and earth fruits in his hand.

Any one is enough to create a giant of great fortune.

Taking Cheng Feng by himself will be his greatest guarantee to surpass the billions of geniuses and impact the peak of martial arts.

"Shock the fortune, and don't rush into it at this time."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Although my current practice can be shocked at any time, there is too much movement."

"In case of interference, the consequences are unimaginable!"

"It is best to wait for the heavenly holy prison, choose a hidden place, and then transcend half a step to seize the small creation, even the great creation!" "By then, no one would want to bully me!"

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