Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2564: Bayonet

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Under Qian Linyun's attack, although Cang Sheng was extremely miserable, his body was full of scars.

However, the will to fight is getting higher and higher, and there is even more overbearing coercion on the body, which is truly a sanctuary!

Once the sanctuary takes shape, it means entering a small fortune.

At this moment, the prestige is spinning at a high speed like a hurricane, and there is a tendency to condense!

"No, that Cangsheng is going to consolidate into a sanctuary!"

"Senior Qian, hurry up, kill him!"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's face changed greatly.

Because Cang Shengruo succeeded in consolidating the sanctuary, he would not fear Qian Linyun and Yu Xuanzi's sanctuary suppression.

At that time, it is absolutely easy to deal with the small fortune of the two weak with the power of the fortune of the fortune of the peak state!

"Hahaha ~~~"

"Master Cangsheng is about to succeed!"

"You dogs are waiting in a mess, your doomsday is coming!"

Compared with Cheng Feng's nervousness, the remaining seven or eight people laughed excitedly.

It seems that Cang Shengxiu has made great progress and defeated Cheng Feng's pictures.

However, at this time.

Qian Linyun's face suddenly showed a smile.

"Finally wait for you ... to be promoted."

Qian Lin murmured: "Swallowing you at this time should have the most nourishing effect on me?"

As the words fell, Qian Linyun's body shape changed greatly.

Hands stretched out, like a ten-year-old demon, rushed to the Cang Sheng who is condensing the sanctuary.

"Damn thing, get out of this saint!"

The face of Qian Linyun rushing, Cang Sheng was a little panicked.

When he finally scolded, he threw purple purple stones.

The power is very powerful, it can easily kill the perfect semi-holy.

At this time, hundreds of purple thunderstones were thrown out. If Qian Linyun continued to impact, it would be bound to be blown up.

Not only that, Cang Sheng also threw a knife after the purple thunderstone.

This knife is spiritual, and is interspersed with purple thunderstones, like an invisible assassin, dormant to launch a deadly assassination on Qian Linyun.

However, Qian Linyun turned a blind eye.

The forward momentum is not diminishing. When it is close to the purple thunderstone, it is humming ~~~

Open up your sanctuary.

The purple thunderstone, which was supposed to explode, stiffened stably, and no longer exploded.

At the same time, a strong repulsive force appeared, repulsing those purple thunderstones, and flying away.

Waiting away from Qian Linyun, bang bang ~~~

Only then did they explode, causing the whole sky to boil.

The power of terror surges and destroys everything nearby!

But to Qian Linyun, it failed to cause a little damage.

"This sanctuary of old things is so powerful?"

Cang Sheng's complexion changed. I did not expect that Qian Linyun had retained his strength before and did not fully trigger his sanctuary.

It suddenly broke out at this moment, and its power was several times stronger than just now.

His killer, purple thunderstone, was easily destroyed.

"Well, I still have a bayonet!"

But Cang Sheng is not desperate, he still has the ultimate killing trick, that is the knife.

This knife was polished from the core of a broken piece of supreme artifact.

You can hide yourself and automatically assassinate the enemy.

Qian Linyun destroyed the purple thunderstone, and the spirit was slightly relaxed for a moment.

call out! That little knife moved.

Like an invisible lightning, went straight to Qian Linyun's eyebrows.

To smash Qian Lingyun's spiritual entity and kill him completely!

"Hum, wait for you for a long time."

However, Qian Linyun had long expected.

When the knife approached, his mouth suddenly opened.

Wow ~~~

He actually swallowed the knife into his belly.

"What? The man actually swallowed the bayonet?"

"That guy is dead. The bayonet can assassinate everything, and the existence of a petite realm is no exception."

"The old guy swallowed the Lingling Knife, and it will surely kill the Ling Lingdao through his body!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw Qian Linyun swallowing the Ling Lingdao.

Immediately after, it was a ecstasy.

I felt that Qian Lingyun could not bear the puncture of the Lingling Knife, and he would die.

Even Cang Sheng smiled at the corners of his mouth.

Start to relax and continue to unite the sanctuary!

Because of the power of the bayonet, he was very clear.

He even used this knife to wreck a fugitive petty realm offense and unite a deep friendship for the defensive army that suppressed the super felon!

Qian Linyun is also a petty creature.

As long as it is a petit state, it will never stop the Ling Lingdao.

However, the next moment, the smile on Cang Sheng's face was frozen.

Because Qian Linyun's sanctuary is highly concentrated and condensed in his throat.

Immediately, his mouth opened.

A transparent knife, which was so impressively placed on the teeth, was the Ling Ling knife.

"What? The biting knife was bitten by that old thing?"

"What old tooth is made of? It's incredible!"

You know, the burrowing knife was polished from a piece of supreme artifact.

He has absorbed the essence of the Supreme Sacred Artifact, and has been warmed up with blood and flesh for many years by Cang Sheng.

Ordinary people don't say that they bit their teeth, even if the strength of the whole body is blocked, it is a dead end!

"Brother Qian is a very good tool."

On the side of Cheng Feng, Yu Xuanzi's eyes narrowed into a line: "He actually used the power of the sanctuary to the extreme of reaching the peak."

"Is this the pinnacle of petit creation? I'm really a lot behind!"

"What do you mean?" Cheng Feng was puzzled.

"My son, the reason why Brother Qian could use a pair of teeth, he bit the knife."

Yu Xuanzi explained: "It is because he uses the power of the Holy Land."

"Concentrating the power of the sanctuary on the tooth, making that tooth almost as good as the supreme artifact."

"Under this situation, there is nothing more than a fake supreme sacred weapon. Brother Qian can't help it!"

"So it is."

Cheng Feng nodded sternly: "Perhaps this is the reason why Qian Qian's predecessors are in the chest!"

After knowing Qian Linyun's card, Cheng Feng was no longer worried.

Looking up at the remaining coalition forces, a killing order was given.

Immediately, the three men opened fire and launched a lore on the seven or eight people.

After the time of Jo Mo Yi Huo Xiang, all the enemies at the scene were completely destroyed.

As for that Cangsheng, Qian Linyun was approached when his sanctuary was about to take shape.

With his mouth open, he sucked fiercely towards Cang Sheng.

Do not! !!

Cang Sheng growled.

But to no avail, the essence of his life rushed out of the body at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Mixed with the sanctuary that has not yet formed, Qi Qi plunged into Qian Lingyun's mouth.

Let Qian Lingyun show a thin body and quickly plump up. In an instant, he became just like an ordinary person.

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