Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2569: Visit each house

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"Senior Dragon, hiding is useless."

Cheng Feng said, "Those people treat us as pigs and sheep, and they will harvest after they are fattened."

"By then, except for the individual 'seeds' left behind, everyone will have to die!"

"I know."

Long Cangling nodded: "In the rumors, there have been several annihilations in Tiancang Holy Prison."

"Actually those disasters are those people harvesting us."

"Water something with our vitality!"

"Senior Dragon, now that you already know the truth, I don't have to explain it too much."

Cheng Feng nodded and immediately said: "I have received the news that something big will happen in Tiancang Holy Prison in the near future."

"Tian Cang Holy Prison's impenetrable barrier to space may be torn open."

"So, also ask the seniors to gather their clan together, and I will send them to a safe place."

"After the Tiancang Holy Prison is torn open, they will be sent away from this place to live a stable life in the real world!"

"Oh? Tiancang Holy Prison may be torn in the near future?"

Upon hearing that, Long Cangling's eyes lit up: "Actually, I also heard some rumors."

"It is said that there was a big demon head, who was released from the south of Tiancang Holy Prison."

"Even the warden of Heaven Cang has gone to suppress it in person."

"Midfielder, the big thing you said is related to this rumor?"


Cheng Feng nodded: "The demon head was actually released by me, and the warden of Heaven Cang was not an opponent."

"So, we need to be prepared as soon as possible, maybe at that time, the Heavenly Prison will be torn apart."

"Haha ~~"

Long Cangling laughed: "I'm ready to call all the core members of the clan to King's Landing."

"What to do in the future, please ask my son."

"Senior Dragon, I want to send you all into a small space."

Cheng Feng said: "The space is called the Blood Prison Secret, and it can be shuttled around the Heavenly Prison, which is very hidden."

"After Tiancang Holy Prison is torn apart, I will be able to escape immediately!"

"Blood Prison?"

Long Cangling's eyes lightened: "I've heard that this seems to be a treasure created by the blood prison saint."

"It is rumored that people can be sent directly to Tiancang Holy Prison, and countless people are looking for it."

"Unexpectedly, it fell into the hands of the son."

"I'm lucky too."

Cheng Feng faintly replied, and then accompanied Long Cangling to reach the sky above Junlin City.

I saw that the construction of Junlin City is exquisite, and the grand atmosphere of the building is quite like the presence of the emperor.

Cheng Feng glanced casually and found that the city of Junlin was already full of people.

They are all members of the core family of the Dragon family, as well as relatives and friends who have no relationship.

"Senior Dragon, have all the Dragon family arrived?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng asked.

"Almost all."

Long Cangling said: "As for those who haven't arrived, just go with them!"

Obviously, some people of Long Cangling abandoned.

It should be the rebels of the Dragon family, ready to let them live and die in the heavenly holy prison!

"Well, that's fine."

Cheng Feng nodded: "Since the people are all together, please ask the seniors to do me a favor and then send everyone to the blood prison secret place."

"Please," Long Cangling said.

"The Dragon family should have the Northwest Territories. How can the major powers be contacted?"

Cheng Feng groaned a bit and said, "I want to ask the seniors to pass a message to several familiar strengths through the special channels of the Dragon family.

"Let them prepare a lot in the near future, after the Heavenly Prison is torn apart, they will have a chance to escape."

"This is simple."

Long Cangling said: "Who the boy wants to send a message to, tell the old one."

"Tianli Temple on Tianli Mainland ..."

Cheng Feng thought about it and said a few names.

When Long Cangling heard this, he immediately arranged for people to spread the letter.

"By the way, if Senior Long has someone who knows him well, he can also send one or two."

Cheng Feng said: "The premise is not to disclose too much, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

"Thank you son, I will be more careful."

As soon as Long Cangling's eyes brightened, he immediately arranged.

After a long time, everything was arranged.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng didn't delay, using the hand of God, uprooted the entire city of Junlin, and sent him into the blood prison.

Be side-by-side with the home town of Yuan, and be a neighbor.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, now that things are over here, are we going to leave for the sea of ​​no delusion?"

As soon as Junlong Mountain's family was sent into the blood prison, the avatar of the world-famous demon asked impatiently.

"Not urgent."

However, Cheng Feng waved his hand: "The friend who is able to tear up the banned array without the banned zone is still busy."

"When he's finished, let's not be too late."

"Okay." The ghastly nodded.

Although he was anxious in heart, he also knew that if he could not break the blockade of the banned zone, even if they arrived, it would be useless.

"Since there is still some time, why don't we go around?"

Cheng Feng's eyes narrowed, remembering some of the people who had hunted him before.

At that time, unable to fight back, he could only escape in a hurry. Now, it is time to visit the other party.

"We don't care."

The sword devil shrugged, which meant that everything obeyed Cheng Feng.

"All right, let's go to the Wang family first."

The Wang family is the royal family of the Qilian Mountains.

In fact, the entire Qilian Mountains belong to the Wang family.

The former Yuan family was an affiliated family of the Wang family.

Since Cheng Feng entered the Yuan family, the Yuan family's rise slowly, and it immediately upset the Wang family.

Many times sent people to target Cheng Feng, and even intended to kill Cheng Feng.

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng's growth rate is much faster than they thought.

Several killing operations ended in failure!

Now Cheng Feng has stood at the pinnacle of Tiancang Holy Prison, but I want to see how the Wang family still ‘kill him’!

Moreover, in addition to the royal family, there are also the royal family.

The Jun family is the second family of the Tianjia mainland, second only to the strength of the Jun family.

Several times before, he organized masters to attack Cheng Feng.

In the worst case, if the Dragons weren't shocked, the Juns would be afraid to attack the whole family and crush Cheng Feng and the entire Yuan family.

After reaching the realm of Cheng Feng, Xiu was very fast.

Within a few minutes, they immediately returned to the Qilian Mountains from the Longjia Junlin Mountain.

Even, they have stood over the ancestral land of the Wang family.

Today's royal family has fallen.

With Wang Feng's ancestors killing Cheng Feng and being killed by Cheng Feng, the Wang family plummeted.

It was approached by the family that had been oppressed by it, and various kinds of suppression and revenge.

Today, it is on the verge of fragmentation.

With the arrival of Cheng Feng, the tyrannical breath emanated slightly, directly panicing the entire royal family.

The surviving members of the royal family roared, all soldiers and soldiers, carrying out various defenses.

Unfortunately, the strength is too weak.

The composition of the line of defense is no different from that of paper. With a slap of Cheng Feng, he can shoot the entire royal family into a fan!

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