Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2576: The secret in the box

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However, the material of the star core coffin is far from being comparable to the iron core.

The coffin of the star core is made by casting the essence of hundreds of stars.

The star core iron is just a material of a star essence.

Of course, even this is not trivial.

So the entire Canglang Lake was blasted, but it was unscathed and buried in the mud.

"My son, it is very difficult to extract the iron from the nucleus."

Yu Xuanzi said: "Even if you are a warrior, you will not get much."

"This thing is here, I'm afraid some secrets are hidden."

"Well, I think so too."

Cheng Feng nodded: "Perhaps the secret about the King of Kings may not be there."

"Just, how do I open it?"

"The star core iron box is hard to open by brute force."

Yu Xuanzi said: "I guess this thing should be spiritual."

"We figured out why this box exists, and maybe we can open it."

"Find out why this thing exists?"

Cheng Feng frowned, secretly: "I'm afraid this will take some time, let's go, let's go out first."

"Let them see it, too, hoping to brainstorm and open this box."

Said, Cheng Feng grabbed the star core iron box and flew out of the ground.

"Cheng Feng, have you found it?"

At the entrance, the sword demon saw Cheng Feng and asked.

"Found a star iron box."

Cheng Feng threw the star core iron box to the sword demon: "Look, see if you can open it."

The sword demon took the star core iron box and took a closer look at it for a long time without seeing why.

Because this box is tightly connected all over the body.

The body surface is also free of any dots of text and lines, making it impossible for people to lower their feet.

Not to mention it is open, even the slightest history of it cannot be guessed.

"Cheng Feng, this thing is an iron golem."

The sword devil shook his head: "Or else, shatter it?"

"It doesn't work by brute force."

Cheng Feng shook his head: "Look at this giant palm print, the shooter's cultivation is afraid of infinitely close to the small fortune, but he can't break it.

"With you, can you open it?"

"Uh, I'm afraid I can't."

The sword demon shook his head, knowing that he could not open.

"let me see."

At this moment, the avatar's clone suddenly said: "I have seen objects created by iron cores."

"It is rumored that this object can carry the spirit and soul, and is more suitable for the soul than the human body."

"Perhaps the mental body that holds someone in this box is not necessarily."

In the explanation, the ghastly demon has taken over the iron core iron box.

He evoked divine thoughts, forming an incomprehensible frequency, and poured it into the iron core of the star core.

Suddenly, the iron core box reacted.

A thin line appeared in the original airtight box.

"Sure enough."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyes lit up: "The world's fiendish, can you open this box?"

"let me try."

The ghastly demon replied, and then continued to evoke divine thoughts.

Let the changes in the star core iron box become more and more dramatic.

It seems like the next moment, the star iron box will open.

But at this moment.

Wow ~~~

An outrageous force emerged out of thin air and turned into a huge palm.

It was as if the sky suddenly subsided, slamming towards the four persons of Cheng Feng.

That power was terrifying, and palm strength wasn't even close, making people feel like their bodies were about to break.

"Not good. It has attacked us."

Yu Xuanzi Xiu was the highest and the most responsive.

At the time of the huge palm blast, the air of immediate creation erupted, and the same palm was shot.

Yu Xuanzi's palm is very exquisite. Although he hasn't recovered yet, his palm strength also follows.

Along with the big palms in the sky.

Bang ~~~

Like a thunderous roar.

Stop the horrible bombardment of that huge palm!

However, Yu Xuanzi's face changed.

"My son, the strength of the coming person is infinitely close to the petty realm."

"Although I am a petite creature, I have been detained in the Heavenly Prison for too long, and my strength has not been restored."

"If I simply compete for power, I'm not an opponent!"

Hearing Yu Xuanzi's remarks, Cheng Feng's look was also dignified.

"The one who comes is supposed to be the King of Kings."

Cheng Feng's thoughts turned sharply, and he quickly guessed the identity of the enemy: "He was afraid to keep hiding near this place and wait for the rabbit, but found that we were not in a hurry to start.

"It wasn't until we found the iron core iron box that the assault was launched."

Cheng Feng's guess was only wrong.

That is, the comer did not hide here to wait for the rabbits, but received a letter from Qingfeng City Lord Li Guangwu before rushing over.

This person originally wanted to start with Cheng Feng immediately, but did not expect that Cheng Feng actually found clues.

So Anna wanted to kill her, waited for Cheng Feng to find the star iron box before launching the attack.

Unexpectedly, I encountered a hard bone.

"It's a bit funny, but you have run into a fugitive super felon?"

As Yu Xuanzi's big palm was blocked, a middle-aged man with a long shawl stepped from the clouds.

A pair of eyes flickered in cold light, killing his mind, "Since this is the case, this book will suppress you. It can also be regarded as a small favor by the prison governor of Heaven!"

This person is impressively Wang Kun.

He is full of confidence. Although he cultivates infinitely close to the petit realm, he has no fear of the real petit realm.

It seems that I know Yu Xuanzi's short board, and at the same time I am afraid that he also has some kind of hole cards!

"Who are you? Why did you kill us hard?"

Seeing Wang Kun, Cheng Feng burst into a cold voice.

"I'm a passerby."

Wang Kun is very cautious and doesn't mention his identity at all: "boy, if you give me the iron box in your hand, I can give you a happy life."

"Otherwise, this seat has some means to make you worse off!"

"metal box?"

Cheng Feng held the star core iron box in one stroke and asked, "Do you recognize this box? What's in it?"

Cheng Feng wants to follow Wang Kun's words and ask the origin of the star core iron box.

"I don't know what's in the box."

Wang Kun said: "Perhaps you give me the box, and I will know it when I open it."

Hum! suddenly. The surface of the star iron box flashed.

The next moment, a frightened voice came out.

"Can't give him, can't give him."

"He's a demon, an executioner. Give me to him, and I will die!"

"Huh? Who are you?"

Hearing the sound, Cheng Feng raised a brow and hurriedly asked.

"It turns out ... you didn't die?"

As for Wang Kun, his face was gloomy: "Maybe your body has been destroyed, and now you have only a little soul."

"That being the case, let me die completely!"

With the sound of the star core iron box, Wang Kun became desolate. The words came to an end, and a terrorist attack was launched directly, which would cause Cheng Feng and others to die!

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