Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2579: The Last Day of Wang Kun

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"Huh? There is no scourge in the heavenly holy prison?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "Is that impossible? Tiandao is omnipresent, how can it be circumvented by the Tiancang holy prison?"

"What's more, if Tiancang Holy Prison can really avoid Tianjie, wouldn't it have become a heaven for creation?"

"Will those who are consciously unable to survive the scourge of heaven, and enter the heavenly holy prison, will they not be able to survive forever?"

Indeed, most of the fortunes existed and died in the scourge.

If there is really a place that can avoid the hegemony, it is a paradise for them!

"Mr. Cheng Feng, what Mr. Yu said to circumvent the calamity is just a way of speculation."

At this time, the world-going demon interjected: "Tiancang holy prison, although it can avoid the scourge of heaven, but it also has a kind of invisible damage to the creature.

"This kind of damage can erode the origin of the martial arts warrior. If you wait too long, the repair will continue to fall."

"It is even possible to fall back from heaven to heaven!"

"It's like us, even after leaving Tiancang Holy Prison, Xiuwei recovered."

"But it's still a lot different from the peak."

"Especially when we cross the sky again, this 'weakness' will be infinitely amplified, and the probability of failure to cross the sky will greatly increase."

"It's called drinking thirst to quench thirst and die more thoroughly!"

"So it is."

Cheng Feng suddenly realized: "Perhaps it is for this reason that those who have created the realm don't come here and steal their lives."

"Because you are desperate, you may succeed."

"If you hide, the chances of passing the next calamity will be very small, and you will die!"

After understanding this, Cheng Feng refocused on Wang Kun.

"My son, the subordinate of the wise king, fled to the west."

Yu Xuanzi asked: "Shall we continue to pursue?"

"That guy is dangerous."

Cheng Feng frowned: "Especially on hand, there is a treasure from the King of Xian, which will hurt us if we are not careful."

"It's better to let him go and wait until Mr. Qian returns."

"Prince, such treasures as Soul Devourer are rare, and I am afraid that there are not many of them."

Yu Xuanzi analyzed: "Giving that person a small one is already a great gift. He should have only one in his hand."

"Perhaps we can catch up and kill him."

"It also prevents the other party from ventilating a letter to the wise king, causing greater trouble!"

"Then let's catch up and try."

Cheng Feng groaned a little and said, "However, safety is paramount, and we will withdraw if we find that the situation is not good."

"Understand." Yu Xuanzi nodded.

Immediately under the leadership of Cheng Feng, chased Wang Kun away.


"Huh, finally escaped."

At the same time, millions of miles away.

As Wang Kun flew, Changsong breathed a sigh of relief: "Mad, this time I've fallen into mold."

"I thought it was a few small characters, but I didn't expect it to be an **** who was good at camouflage. I almost made Lao Tzu overturn in the gutter!

"Fortunately, King Yin gave me a small soul-stealing bead, otherwise I'm afraid ..."

Thinking of the mighty strength of Cheng Feng, Wang Kun still has a lingering fear.

However, after the horror passed, there was a pain in my heart.

Because the soul-stealing bead is not an ordinary treasure, it is the material that will be born when the crest of the microcosm exists.

Even the King of Kings is one of the few.

Because the King of Kings needed him to enter the Heavenly Prison, and cleared some traces for him, he gave him a small one.

He had intended to treasure it carefully as a super hole card of his own.

I never thought that it was only a short while after entering Tiancang Holy Prison.

"The few **** pieces."

Wang Kun cursed in his heart: "It was all the miscellaneous pieces that caused me to lose a treasure."

"Nevertheless, I'm sure of one thing."

"The kid in black should be Cheng Feng who wants to be killed a lot."

"If I pass on his whereabouts, I might be able to get a few treasures and barely make up for my loss."

"In particular, Cheng Feng also dug out the iron core box containing the god's thoughts of the master of Wanlingmen from the ruins of the gate of Wanlingmen.

"The master of all souls knows the secrets of many kings."

"If it is spread through Cheng Feng and others, it will have a serious impact on Wang's reputation."

"So, I will report this news to Wang Shang, who will surely kill Cheng Feng at all costs."

"I am the King in the Heavenly Sacred Prison. The strongest combat force is bound to be reused!"

"Once the matter is settled, the future is near!"

Thinking of this, Wang Kun's face was covered with a smile.

Not only did they no longer hate Cheng Feng for a few people, but they expected Cheng Feng to obtain them for a longer time.

In this way, he will have more opportunities to perform in front of the wise king!

After having the idea, Wang Kun acted immediately.

Send relevant news to special powers outside the realm, and the wise king through special channels.

Just after doing this, Wang Kun suddenly felt a cold-hearted murder.

"No, Cheng Feng's miscellaneous pieces seem to have escaped the attack of Soul Devourer and caught up."

Wang Kun's face changed greatly: "The dead man is extremely powerful. Under the joint attack, the real petty realm is probably not an opponent."

"I must leave as soon as possible to avoid being poisoned!"

Wang Kun's cultivation is only infinitely close to the petty realm.

The reason why there was no fear before was relying on the Holy Order and Soul Eater, and then Yu Xuanzi Xiu was not restored.

Now that his hole cards have been consumed, naturally he dare not carry them against Cheng Feng.

Ready to run on the top, wait for the King of Kings and the extraterritorial power to send reinforcements, and compete with Cheng Feng four.

However, he wanted to escape, but Cheng Feng did not want him to escape.

The four were in a semicircular envelope and gradually surrounded Wang Kun in the encirclement.

What made Wang Kun embarrassed in particular was that Qian Linyun had rescued Mozun Gu Yuntian and another friend, Fang Tiancang.

At this time, the three came to the Tianyu continent, forming an encirclement circle with the four Cheng Feng.

Wang Kun's retreat was completely sealed off!

"Damn, **** it!"

Perceiving this, Wang Kun's face was ugly.

The feeling of death was approaching like never before: "What exactly did Cheng Feng do? How could there be so many experts to help him?"

"Did he release all the super felons in the forbidden areas of Tiancang Holy Prison?"

Thinking of this, Wang Kun's heart shrank.

Although the super felons in Tiancang Holy Prison, all of them have not been restored.

It is inferior to other masters who are infinitely close to the petty realm.

But that is one-on-one, if several super felons come together. Then he must not be an opponent, he will be torn on the spot!

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