Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2591: Opportunity to escape

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Horror is horrible!

The divine little warrior at the peak of Tiancang Dianchang, was actually swallowed up by the real magic with ants.

No one believed it!

However, the fugitive Dragon Mother-in-law and Thunder King felt that the breath of the governor of Tiancang had disappeared.

They numb their scalp and escape faster.

When they arrived at a weak area somewhere in Tiancang Holy Prison, they said their best means.

Bang ~~~

Forcibly open a small gap in the weak area.

The next moment, two beeps, the man was gone.

"Escape quickly."

In Tiancang's holy prison, the body of Zhenmaoyan is constantly full.

Black patches appeared on the body, giving an indestructible taste.

"However, after all, you have to be the ration of this seat."

When the words came to an end, the iron rod in Zhenmaoyan's hands had been completely characterized.

The power of terror condensed in the stick is much stronger than the Supreme Holy Grail.

He stabbed with an iron rod ~~~

The tip of the iron rod became sharp, like the tip of a gun, which further expanded the portal opened by the governor of Tiancang.

Then he evoked the thought of God and passed a message to Cheng Feng, thousands of miles away.

Next moment, 唰 ~~~

The true demon flame turned into a black lightning, chasing the fleeing Thunder King.

At the same time, there is no delirium.

Cheng Feng, who was hiding among the peaks of a submarine mountain, received news from Zhenmayan, and his face became very wonderful.

"Cheng Feng, what's wrong?"

Seeing this, the sword demon asked curiously.

"True magic kills the prison chief of Tiancang, tears the holy prison of Tiancang, and is hunting down two great fortune gods of the kingdom of God.

Taking a deep breath, Cheng Feng calmed down the thought of Xinzong: "He wants us to wait for the opportunity to leave Tiancang Holy Prison."

"What, Zhen Mo Yan killed Tian Cangdian Warden, and also repelled the two great creatures?"

Hearing that several people in the sword demon horrified.

You know, they were thinking in their minds before, that the real monster is facing the besieging of the three giants.

However, the reality is so unexpected.

"It seems that we still underestimate the strength of Real Magic."

A few people sighed, but the surprise in their eyes could not be calmed for a long time.

If you let them know that Zhenmao Yan has refined six weapons of sky punishment, I am afraid that her mouth will not be closed.

"Well, everyone, now that Tiancang Holy Prison has been torn, it is time for us to leave."

Cheng Feng took the lead in calming his emotions and said, "It would be very troublesome to prevent the God of Heaven from sending people back again."

"Well, that's true."

Tiancang Holy Prison, as an important breeding farm in the Kingdom of God, will not be discarded at will.

Tear the sky warden, there will be a new warden to take over.


After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng opened up his defense and flew out of the sea.

Immediately, his face jumped wildly.

I saw the immense immensity of the sea has completely changed the landscape.

You don't need to know, it must be the result of Real Magic fighting with the three superpowers.

"Go east."

Cheng Feng sighed and flew east.

Because the old nest of the prison chief of Tiancang is in the eastern region of Tiancang holy prison.

The place where Tiancang Holy Prison was torn apart is exactly where it is.

In addition, the mother-in-law of Long escaped from the thunder king, and also tore a small part of the heavenly prison.

However, the space there was unstable and the breach was small.

Maybe it has been repaired by Tiancang Holy Prison's self-healing ability, and Cheng Feng naturally doesn't go anywhere.

Soon, Cheng Feng and his team made a leap over Wuhai and entered the land.

I saw that the situation on land was ten times more tragic than that in undue waters.

Houses in cities and towns collapsed, mountains and gullies collapsed, and rivers and rivers were diverted, and ordinary people did not save one billion.

However, not everyone is dead.

There are also many people who have good luck and barely survived.

Most of them are condensed with the presence of holy patterns. At this moment, they are flying into the sky one by one, watching the look of Shino, their faces are full of horror and despair.

"Don't hold back anymore, the east of Tiancang Holy Prison is torn apart by a super being."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng shouted: "Where the fire rushes to, it will be able to escape from the heavenly holy prison, so that Tian Gao can fly as a bird and be at ease."

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, the eyes of those who were in a daze brightened.

All awakened from the panic, and gave birth to hope.

Then call friends and call friends, all rushed to the east of Tiancang holy prison.

In the meantime, the friends of these people told the news to their friends.

Those friends, then spread the news to their friends and relatives.

Such a pass ten, ten pass a hundred.

Soon, almost all the people who are still alive in Tiancang Holy Prison are aware that in the eastern area of ​​Tiancang Holy Prison, they have been opened a hole to escape from Tiancang Holy Prison.

So all the horses rushed to the East Region.

"Cheng Feng, what do you tell these people?"

The sword demon saw this, and asked a little puzzled.

"I'm helping both these people and me."

Cheng Feng groaned a little and replied: "Because outside the territory, I have many enemies, and there are more than one or two respects in the great creation environment."

"Those who have reached the sky with their hands and eyes must have known the news that Tiancang Holy Prison was torn apart."

"At this moment, maybe you are waiting outside the rift."

"I told everyone the news, and everyone left from that breach together, and it would be a cover for me."

"Well? Son Cheng Feng, how many enemies do you actually have outside the territory?"

Upon hearing this, several of Yu Xuanzi's eyebrows were raised: "Also, there is the existence of Xiuwei to achieve great creation?"

Everyone was deeply curious about the origin of Cheng Feng.

You have to know that the great fortune-making realms are all heaven and earth, high above.

Cheng Feng is just a little martial artist who ascends the heavens, and is not in the eyes of the other party.

However, there are many great creatures who kill Cheng Feng.

He didn't even hesitate to lower his body and squatted outside Tiancang Holy Prison.

"Yes, these old things are narrow-minded."

Cheng Feng said indifferently: "I got a baby that year. When those old things were known, I wanted to **** them, but I fled, and then I hated them."

"In order to avoid the pursuit of those old things, I had to enter the Heavenly Prison of Heaven."

"Now leaving Tiancang Holy Prison, it must face up to those old things."

"However, I am not the same person I was then."

"Teach me the flowers of martial arts to the extreme, and then rush into the realm of creation."

"They will be cockroaches to me!"

"By that time, it's hard to tell who is asking for trouble!"

"My son, it's not a shock to create a good environment!"

Regarding Cheng Feng's strength, Yu Xuanzi and others have already seen it.

Knowing that the other party is a martial arts wizard, talent is outstanding. But even so, they are not optimistic, and Cheng Feng can rush into the fortune.

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