Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2593: Enemy surround

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"No less than three."

Qian Linyun had already distributed the consciousness long before Cheng Feng ordered.

Slightly inductive, brow frowned slightly: "In my induction, there should be three phantoms in the peep."

"Two of them are small creatures, and the third is suspected of being big creatures!"

"Three spying old guys?"

Upon hearing that, Cheng Feng's brows frowned: "I'm afraid not only, maybe there are deep-witted generations hiding in the dark and seeing dormant."

"Once our track is revealed, we will pursue it."

"Cheng Feng, what shall we do next?"

The crisis surrounded, the sword devil frowned.

"Mixed into the crowd, just leave."

Cheng Feng groaned a little and said, "If the trace is not exposed, it is best. If it is exposed, kill him upside down."

"It's a big deal, I summon true magic to help out."

To this day, Cheng Feng has no scruples.

Not to mention, Zhen Mo Yan promised Cheng Feng that he could help Cheng Feng three times without conditions.

With real magic, you can kill the strength of the great creatures. If you are in a hurry, Cheng Feng will summon the real magic to kill the great creatures that are hunted down!

"Well, I agree."

Qian Linyun nodded: "We have come to this point, it is pointless to continue to cower."

"Instead, it has been avoiding for a long time, and more enemies have arrived, making things more troublesome."

"Let's go, choose an arbitrary position, and leave here first."

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng and others mixed in the crowd and flew away.

As for those peeping eyes, they seemed to be unaware, and continued to linger in the crowd.

However, a few minutes after Cheng Feng's departure.

Huh! A look disappeared.

After a while, another glance was noticed and disappeared.

As for the third look, it was still observed around the cracks in the heavenly holy prison.

He even ventured to look into the crack.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

At the same time, Cheng Feng and his team of six people have left Tiancang Holy Prison for millions of miles.

The warriors who left together gradually dispersed, leaving only Cheng Feng and six others together.

"Cheng Feng, the three spoiled fortunes exist, and it seems that we did not notice us."

Far away, the sword demon breathed a sigh of relief.


However, Qian Linyun shook his head: "The vision of that great creation always locks us in."

"Oh? Could that person see the clue?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned.

"It's possible."

Qian Linyun said: "However, it may also be that the other party is fishing in a large net."

"The divine thoughts are attached to all those who left."

"Anyway, the other person is so full of thoughts that it's okay to separate thousands of ways."

"That being the case, let's go on."

Cheng Feng thought: "Wait in a secluded place, even if his identity is exposed, he will not be able to do anything about himself, even if he is a great creature!

With no words, Cheng Feng and his team continued to move forward.

The speed has increased a lot. About a few hours later, I came to a meteorite belt.

This meteorite belt is full of dense meteorites.

Meteorites are large and small, dotted with hundreds of millions of miles.

"This is a good place."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyes lit up: "Let's go, let's enter the meteorite belt."

"Cheng Feng, and slow."

Qian Linyun stopped, "This meteorite belt is not ordinary, and it is surrounded by a starry storm."

"Once you fall into it, the existence of the Great Harmony Realm must also be resentful!"

"Oh, we should go in more."

Cheng Feng laughed: "Maybe you can use this terrain to solve the hidden dangers behind you."

The words stopped, Cheng Feng took the lead in entering the meteorite belt.

Qian Linyun saw a few people, groaned slightly, and followed in.

"Huh? These people entered the Qianmo meteorite field?"

At the same time, I don't know how many miles away, a gorgeous sedan crosses the sky.

A low voice came from the sedan chair: "I thought these people were suspicious before."

"Especially the white-faced man, but also the shadow of Cheng Feng's little thing."

"Now it looks like eight or nine are inseparable."

Cheng Feng and others not only concealed their martial arts atmosphere, but also changed their bodies.

Even people who are familiar with each other may not recognize them at a glance.

The unknown existence in this gorgeous sedan is just a little skeptical of Cheng Feng.

That's why they attached a ray of divine thoughts to Cheng Feng. As Cheng Feng entered the Qianmo meteorite field, they were immediately noticed by the other party.

Because at this time, no one would go to that Qianmo meteorite field for no reason.

Cheng Feng's behavior is too conspicuous.

"Haha, it really helps me."

There was an excited voice in the gorgeous sedan chair: "Don't let me run the risk of offending the Kingdom of God, and stay here for months."

"Once I grabbed Cheng Feng's little thing, and then made a furnace of elixir."

"That transcendence will be here."

Created realm, subdivided into three small realms.

They are petit creatures, petit creatures, and transcendence.

Once on the transcendence, those who are in the realm of the heavens and earth will be the most powerful figures, who can dominate one side and no one dares to provoke it.

It is rumored that the reason why the heavenly **** kingdom can stand in the stars for thousands of years is because the landlord of the heavenly **** kingdom is a transcendent being.

The man in the gorgeous sedan chair wanted to arrest Cheng Feng and become an elixir.

"Huh? No!"

After the goal was determined, the presence in the gorgeous sedan was about to leave.

Suddenly his brows froze, and he felt a danger: "The demon head who has been separated from the heavenly holy prison seems to be coming here."

"The demon head was terrifying, and rushed out of the heavenly holy prison to hunt down the two great fortune-making giants Thunder King and Dragon Mother-in-law.

"Not long ago, there was a sorrow from the starry sky, indicating that King Thunder and Mother-in-law had been killed."

"The strength is at least comparable to the power of transcendence."

"If you meet me and start a kill, then I will probably fall!"

"Damn it, **** it!"

The existence of the gorgeous sedan chair had sensed the breath of true magic, which put him in a dilemma.

On one side is the crisis of death, and on the other hand is his chance to impact transcendence. How should he choose?

"Mad, fight."

For a moment of groaning, the presence in the gorgeous sedan gritted his teeth: "My martial arts potential has been exhausted. Without the help of the heaven and earth medicine of Cheng Feng, this life is harder to go further."

"That being the case, it is better to fight together, this opportunity is rare!"

The existence of the gorgeous sedan chair was decided, and the sedan chair glorious flashed into the void.

In a blink of an eye, Fei She did not know how many miles, the Qianmo Meteorite Field was already in sight.

"Cheng Feng, not good."

At the same time, Qian Linyun's face changed greatly in the Qianmo meteorite field: "The deity who locked us in our existence has caught up." "At this moment, it is just outside the meteorite field."

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