Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2595: Eight-armed God King Palm

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This giant elephant is very large, almost covering a small half of the meteorite belt.

With the pace of the old domain master, a horrific force burst out from the giant elephant.

Originally, Qian Linyun and Yang Wuwei joined forces to trigger the energy fence, which can also block the old domain master.

But at this moment, 嘭 嘭 嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

All the energy walls were smashed into powder by the old domain master.

"Brother Yang, use your hole cards!"

Seeing this, Qian Linyun's face changed completely.

He greeted Yang Wuwei and took the lead in exhibiting a heavenly martial art.

In a blink of an eye, Qian Linyun's shoulders suddenly grew six arms.

The number of his arms reached eight.

Subsequently, the eight arms came out together, giving a dense rainy palm, and bombarded the old domain master who came forward.

Yang Wuwei was not idle either, he spread his hands.

Wow! A big gun suddenly appeared.

Wait until all the forces of creation in his body are poured into the big gun.

The big gun rose in the wind and turned into a length of 100,000 meters.

With Yang Wuwei shooting out with a gun, 噗嗤 ~~~

Void generates electricity.

The tip of the big gun burst out a bright light, and went straight to the eyebrow of the old domain owner of the Elephant Domain.

After the fire was fully opened, Yang Wuwei broke out into a super powerful combat force.

First, Qian Linyun, with eight arms like runners, hit hundreds of thousands of palms between his breaths.

Each palm can easily explode a perfect semi-sacred, but hundreds of thousands of palms at the same time focus on the old domain master of the elephant domain.

Even if the old domain owner was a giant who created the realm, the momentum of Pentium couldn't help it.

Immediately after, Yang Wuwei stabbed him.

"Break me!"

The owner of the old domain ran wildly, and punched in the run.

Bang ~~~

Boxing blasted against the tip of the big gun, making a deafening noise.

Immediately, the force of terror surged away, shaking Yang Wuwei's big gun soaring out of the way and sinking into the depths of the meteorite field.

"What? The existence of the Great Creation Realm is so strong?"

Seeing this, the brow of the sword demon raised.

He originally thought that Qian Linyun and Yang Wuwei joined forces with the two strongest men in the top of the world, even if they could not beat the old domain master.

At the very least, it can also block each other.

However, only one move failed.

But at the same time.

Bang ~~~

In the distant starry sky, a low explosion came.

You don't need to know, there must be another reincarnation, and it was killed by true magic.

The last one left, once resolved, will turn around to kill the old domain master of the iconostasis.

However, in the current situation, can Cheng Feng hold up to the moment when the true magic anger comes?

"Little thing, you can't escape!"

Repelled Qian Linyun, the old domain owner's eyes were as fierce as staring at Cheng Feng.

It's like looking at a delicious dish that makes people feel cold.

Cheng Feng is no exception, with a layer of goosebumps on his body.

Immediately gritted his teeth and took out the supreme sacred weapon ‘Golden Gun’ that was obtained not long ago!

"Senior Yang, pick up the gun!"

Before, Yang Wuwei's big gun was blown away by the old domain master.

Without weapons at this time, the strength must fall sharply, and the old domain master cannot be blocked.

Then Cheng Feng threw the regrettable golden gun to Yang Wuwei, at least he could bypass Yang Wuwei ’s soaring strength.

"Extinction marksmanship, a pity!"

Yang Wuwei is a master of martial arts.

The big gun used before, missing a top holy weapon, could not fully exert his strength.

At this moment, receiving the regrettable golden gun thrown by Cheng Feng, the whole popularity suddenly changed.

She exhibited her strongest killing move and shot it out with a shot.

The old domain owner who was rushing around couldn't help shrinking his eyes.

"A salted fish has a bit of ability!"

He sensed the horror of Yang Wuwei's shot and was afraid to despise it.

Fists in both hands, blasted out fiercely.

Bang ~~~

As the boxer clashed with the gold gun, a loud noise came out.

Meteorites within tens of thousands of miles were shaken into dust.

As for the two sides at war, it was a pity that under the bombardment of tyrannical forces, the golden gun had undergone a certain transformation.

However, Yang Wuwei always held the body of the gold gun tightly and did not let him out.

The mighty force passed into Yang Wuwei's body along the golden gun, shaking Yang Wuwei with blood flow in his hands, and cracks appeared in all internal organs.

The whole person couldn't help but go backward thousands of miles.

On the other hand, the old domain owner of the iconic domain, but his face turned red.

The ghost image of the giant elephant suspended above the body suddenly contracted and became a full circle smaller before the powerful lateral impact was resolved.

The strength of both sides can be seen at a glance.

However, just as the old domain owner was frustrated, Qian Linyun broke out.

"Eight-armed **** king palm, slaughter God and destroy Buddha!"

I saw Qian Linyun using a unique method, and rushed out of him numerous giant palm prints.

These palm prints condensed together, it is an angry blow from Supreme God.

Bang ~~~

This palm hit the old domain owner.

Because the old domain owner was defeated first, he failed to do his defense in time, and was hit by a blow.

The giant elephant phantom shrank several times in a row, and it failed to completely resolve the attack of the palm of the hand.

The part that was hit was directly exploded and opened, and a large pit appeared, which was shocking!


Angry, the old domain owner was furious.

It is a shame to think that the existence of his magnificent creations was repelled by the two top-level warriors who had withered the original creations.

After flying horizontally for thousands of miles, he immediately stopped.

Take out a piece of transparent spar and open it with a sharp blow.

Wow ~~~

A large amount of pure heaven and earth vitality rushed into his mouth.

Let the giant elephant phantom be restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a blink of an eye, the big hole made by the palm of the eight-armed **** king was repaired.

Not only has the state not weakened, it is better than just now!

"You two rubbish, you're almost dead!"

The injury has not yet recovered, and the eyes of the old domain owner of the Elephant Domain suddenly stared at Qian Linyun and Yang Wuwei.

An astonishing killing sprang up, ready to kill the two.

The two did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly displayed their strongest defenses to block.

However, the old domain owner stunned a shot, his body suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, it was almost in front of Cheng Feng.

"Not good, the old domain owner of the Elephant Domain broke the line of defense."

"Hurry up, protect your son!"

Yu Xuanzi was the first to notice something bad.

Originally preparing to retreat, but the light flashed in his eyes, but came forward to protect Cheng Feng.

Seeing this from Wangzun and Wang Xian, Mozun also gritted his teeth and took out his hole cards to resist the attack of the old domain master.

In addition, Qian Linyun reacted and killed the old domain owner.

The intention is to persecute the old domain owner and let him give up his attack on Cheng Feng.

However, after finally breaking into Cheng Feng's side, would the old domain owner of the Elephant Domain give up? I saw that he ignored Qian Linyun's attack and fit into the three of Yu Xuanzi.

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