Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2605: Fortune's Nest

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Cheng Feng's speculation is true, this broken body that absorbs the spirit of creation is the true deity of Nalan.

This person had been beaten to death by the supreme soul and soul almost thousands of years ago, and almost died.

Fortunately, the corpse was kept, searching for geniuses in various ways, cutting off each other's blood and acupoints to maintain the vitality of the corpse.

It didn't run until it met Cheng Feng.

Now it is necessary to swallow up the formidable air born by Cheng Feng to repair his corpse!

"Let's take it!"

Being devoured by the deity of Nalan Changsheng, Cheng Feng did not panic. Instead, he said, "I have Cheng Feng today, thanks to your help."

"This time I will repair your body even if I don't step into the fortune!"

With a word of silence, Cheng Feng suddenly made a force, which greatly increased the speed of spurting and creating gas in the body.

Time passed. About half an hour later, Cheng Feng's brow frowned.

"The heaven and earth fruit that was born from the mutilated heaven and earth fruit has been dried by Uncle Nalan."

"But looking at Uncle Nalan's situation, there is still a long way to go to fully recover."

"So that's it!"

When speaking, Cheng Feng raised his hand to take out the second fruit of heaven and earth, held it in his hand and began to refine.

With it, the exhausted spirit of creation in his body became full again.

Gradually, heaven and heaven.

Among the large cocoons, Cheng Feng's second heavenly and heavenly fruit held in his hands had very little left.

As for Nalan's longevity, his dry body has become full.

In particular, an eyeball on that half of the head became more exuberant.

"Cheng Feng, the wound on my body is almost repaired."

Outside of the callus, Nalan's soul body smiled: "Next, after you refine the remaining part of the heaven and earth fruit for me to absorb, you will start to hit the martial arts realm!"

"You still have a heaven and earth fruit, which should be enough to open your way to transcendence!"

After absorbing the essence of nearly two heavenly-level heaven and earth fruits, Nalan Changsheng was wounded and killed by the Soul Supreme, and finally he was repaired 7878.

Moreover, this is the result of many preparatory work that Nalan Changsheng has done over the years.

If it is a first injury, add a hundred heaven and earth fruits together, I am afraid it will not cure!

"Well, congratulations, Uncle Naland, back to the top!"

After hearing the words of Nalan Changsheng, Cheng Feng also looked happy.

"Hahaha ~~~"

Nalan Changsheng laughed: "I just repaired my old injury. It's a long way to go back to the top!"

Although Nalan Changsheng said so, his heart was very happy.

Because for his existence, as long as the wound is repaired, returning to the top is only a matter of time!

The two talked a few words, and Cheng Feng immediately converged his thoughts and continued to refine the heaven and earth fruit.

After half an hour, 嘭 ~~~

The heaven and earth fruit was smashed into powder.

As for Nalan's longevity, a missing leg has grown out.

But even so, Nalan's body was terrifying, with only one third of his two arms left.

There are four or five small holes in the chest, and you can see the other side of the body.

The head is only half, and even the brain can be seen, which is shocking.

However, Nalan Changsheng stopped absorbing the good fortune at this moment.

All of his injuries have been harmless.

As long as he finds one or two Tiandibao medicines, he recovers in minutes.

"Thank you, Nalan!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng said with a smile.

In fact, Nalan Changsheng can continue to absorb the breath of creation.

These injuries can be repaired within a short time.

But Nalan Changsheng did not do this, but gave Cheng Feng convenience and gave him enough power to impact higher realms.

"Work hard, you are the only person I have valued for thousands of years."

Nalan Changsheng laughed: "I hope that in the future, you can surpass me at the peak, standing in the heavens and the world, and martial arts are the best!"

Whispering, Nalan's eternal body came out of the cocoon.

Toward the soul body of Nalan's eternal life, then the two of them merged together.

Nalan, once a peerless powerhouse, has finally returned!

As for Cheng Feng, there was no distraction.

He took out the last fruit of heaven and earth and was ready to formally work for himself.

"Cheng Feng, what are you doing?"

This last moment of heaven and earth fruit is the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, following Cheng Feng last.

It was Cheng Feng's mother, Jiang Xue, who left it for Cheng Feng.

It is also the highest of the three heavenly and heavenly fruits.

The cargo was so alert that it was noticed by Cheng Feng as soon as it was taken out, and shouted sharply.

"Do nothing."

Cheng Feng smiled faintly: "I want you when I am, just do me a favor!"

"Small favor, I can't help with this one, no one!"

The dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit was tight and refused flatly.

"Oh, don't worry."

Cheng Feng pretended not to hear: "We are also old friends, I will not kill you."

After speaking, Cheng Feng held the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit in his hand and began to absorb and refine.


"Cheng Feng, you asshole, vampire, executioner!"

"Hurry up, let me go!"

The dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit yelled, intending to break free from Cheng Feng's hands.

But Cheng Feng's current strength is even stronger than that of the perfect half-sage.

Although the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit is strong, in Cheng Feng's hands, he cannot escape at all.

Can only be refined by Cheng Feng, the essence of the body's essence is quickly lost, and poured into Cheng Feng's body.

In less than a joss stick time, Cheng Feng's body was filled with a tumultuous gas.

Then he couldn't bear it anymore and sprayed out from the body.

However, Cheng Feng had three large cocoons of martial arts flowers outside, which blocked the leakage of the created gas.

With the continuous filling of the natural gas, the cocoon continues to expand and expand.

By the end, the spirit of creation in the cocoon was so strong that it could not see the inside of the eyes.

However, Cheng Feng continued to refine the dragon-shaped world.

Until the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit was almost squeezed out and became dying, Cheng Feng was taken into the soul ring.

Then, Cheng Feng was wrapped in the rolling natural gas, and began to hammer and wash his whole body.

In silence, the whole person is reborn.

As time passed, it was another three days.

In the sky, the long-brewed storm finally became large, producing a taste that swept across the cold valley.

At the same time, several people in Qian Linyun noticed anomalies in the canyon stronghold.

They found Cheng Feng's departure, fearing that Cheng Feng had an accident, and went out searching.

Soon, Cheng Feng was turned into a cocoon.

"My God, that seems to be the nest of creation!"

"It is rumored that only when the peerless genius hits the realm of fortune, will it condense the fortune of the fortune."

"Once it breaks out of the nest, repairing at least is the pinnacle of the small creation." "Even, someone directly reached the big creation!"

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