Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2608: Terror

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"Be calm and restless!"

Cheng Feng's gaze swept away, and he saw the arrogance of Dan Jie, far from being able to withstand a few people in Cereal Medicine.

So appease the king of grain medicine, the ray of divine incarnation lifted up the heaven and earth oven, and flew out of the million sword map!

Rumbling ~~~

With Cheng Feng taking the world and the sword out of the Wanjian diagram.

The sky in Hanchuandiyuan suddenly became deep and dark.

Obviously Dan Jie was also brought out by Cheng Feng!

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Qian Linyun was all tight and felt the terror of Danjie.

"That seems to be a godsend!"

"The power is very strong, reaching the level of the heavenly sacred calamity!"

"Is it true that after the break-up of Cheng Feng's son Xiu Dao, Tiandao will drop Tianjie?"

The crowd was unclear, so they thought it was Cheng Feng who was about to cross the road.

"Several seniors, this is Dan Jie."

Cheng Feng's thoughts returned to the body and began to speak.

"Dan Jie?"

"I've seen Dan Jie before. It's a panacea, but the power of the natural disaster is far less scary than it is now!"

"Did it happen that Jiupin Shendan failed?"

Jiupin Shendan, even in the wide starry sky, is a rare treasure.

Countless creatures have broken their heads and can't get one.

At this time, Qian Linyun's eyes could not help but brighten.

Because if their guess is correct, then their hope for a breakthrough is here.

As long as you can get a Jiupin Shendan, there may be a glimmer of hope to enter the great fortune!

"Several seniors are in no hurry."

Cheng Feng didn't answer, but smiled: "After the end of Danjie, will this elixir be Jiupin Shendan?

Whispering, Cheng Feng opened the heaven and earth oven.

咻咻 咻咻 ~~~

Ten full golden little suns burst out of the Dan furnace.

Immediately go to the sky, far away.

It's a pity that the heavenly calamity has already occurred.

Bang ~~~

The force of terror descended from the sky and hit the ten little suns.

Suddenly the bomber flight escaped, and Jinguang weakened a lot!

Not only that, Boom Boom Boom ~~~

After the wave of robberies that day, the second wave, the third wave, the fourth wave ... came one after another.

The bombarded Jindan continued to fall from the air, and Jinguang kept shrinking, all retracted into the elixir.

Even the fist-sized elixir began to shrink.

The essence is restrained, and the layers of impurities splash out and turn into dust!

"Wipe, it seems that Danjie is helping Jiupin Shendan."

"Every time elixir can be hammered once after being exposed to it, the impurities in the elixir will be tempered out for one point!"

"That's the case, I'm afraid Danjie is part of alchemy."

"Only the elixir that can withstand the baptism of Danjie is" True Dan "!"

"Human power, allowing elixir to avoid elixir produced by ebb, can only be regarded as 'virtual elixir'!"

"The effect of the elixir is much worse than Zhendan!"

Seeing this, several people in Cheng Feng understood the importance of Dan Jie.

Originally Cheng Feng also planned to carry down the robberies of those elixir.

Now that idea is gone.

Time passed, about half an hour later.

Click ~~~

Dan Jie reached the extreme, and the ten elixir that had been bombarded by Dan Jie finally couldn't bear it.

One of the gods clicked, shattered, and was blasted into a powder by a thunder!

"Unfortunately, a Jiupin God has been scrapped!"

Seeing this, Qian Linyun had a few pains in his eyes and his eyes leaped wildly.

"Several seniors, that elixir has not been scrapped."

However, Cheng Feng said: "The essence of it has been absorbed by the other nine elixir."

Sure enough, after the elixir was destroyed.

A stream of Guanghua flew out of the **** of the elixir and sank into the elixir near it.

The light of those elixirs has been strengthened a lot, and the ability to resist the bombing of Thunder has increased a lot.

However, the other pills that didn't get the Chinese herbal medicine Guanghua were a bit difficult.

In a few minutes, hey ~~~

Another elixir was smashed.

That's it, wait till the end of the entire Dan disaster.

With only ten pills, there are only six left, which is 40% off!

"Are there only six?"

Looking at the black clouds in the sky gradually calming down, six longan-sized Jindan shuttled among the black clouds.

A smile appeared on Cheng Feng's face: "It's not bad, although the number is a little bit, but the effect is better than dozens!"

When speaking, Cheng Feng was going to use his means to catch the six elixirs!

Unexpectedly, wow ~~~

A big hand covering the sky suddenly reached out from the western cloud.

In order to encompass the world, the six pills should be taken away!

"No, someone wants to grab the elixir!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face was gloomy.

With a low drink, a punch blasted up.

Cheng Feng's realm barrier has now been completely opened, and he can be called a peerless wizard who can directly reach the great fortune.

But because there is no holy crystal absorption, the power is still at the previous level.

With a punch, the power is equivalent to a perfect semi-holy.

Booming in that big hand in the sky, the effect is minimal!

"Mad, look for death!"

"Dare to grab God, it's tired and crooked!"

However, Cheng Feng still has five masters of fortune.

At the moment of Cheng Feng's shot, they also shot all together.

The power of terror roars the world, oh ~~~

The big hand that covered the sky was smashed.

However, the master who covered the sky didn't give up.

The second big hand covering the sky has been stretched out and continues to capture six gods.

"Brother, get rid of that mess!"

Qian Lin was in flames, greeted others, and rose straight into the sky, flying to the place where the master of the cover of the sky was located.

Yang Wuwei was unwilling to fall behind and rushed out.

The cultivation of the pinnacle of the mini-environment has been revealed, and the master who covers the sky has a little bit of jealousy.

As a result, the action of covering the sky with six big masters was slowed by half a beat, and blocked by Yu Xuanzi's three martial arts.

Cheng Feng took the opportunity to use God's hand.

Wow ~~~

All six gods were captured!

"Huh! The elixir has not been snatched."

Cheng Feng exhaled: "Otherwise, my hard work will be wasted!"

Cheng Feng refined this furnace of elixir to promote the practice of Qian Linyun's people and help him enter the realm of great fortune.

At that time, several people from Qian Linyun came to help Cheng Feng, his left arm and right arm.

If there is a great fortune to kill, it can also be fearless, so that Cheng Feng has enough growth time!

"Son, what level have these six elixirs reached?"

Seeing that Cheng Feng took the elixir, Yu Xuanzi did not help Qian Linyun because he was afraid that someone would **** again.

Instead, Cheng Feng surrounded the center and protected it.

"Jiu Pin, it should be Jiu Pin Shen Dan!"

Cheng Feng held his hands tightly, and did not take a closer look at the elixir, but already knew the level of the elixir, and absolutely reached the level of nine grades.

"It's really Jiupin Shendan?" "My God, in my lifetime, I saw Jiupin Shendan with my own eyes, it's really dead without regrets!"

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