Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2614: Three disasters

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Perhaps it was the light clouds and light winds that Cheng Feng had crossed before, which angered Tiandao.

The seventh-level disaster that came this time is almost the same as the ordinary nine-level disaster.

Qian Linyun, now a powerful person in the realm of transformation, can't help but be astonished.

"Mom, how can this dog thing be so vicious?"

"Seventh-level Tianjie is almost as close as nine-level Tianjie?"

"It's clear that you don't want Cheng Feng to be a son, and the robbery is successful!"

At this time in the sky, Jieyun had become purple and black, and the pressure of horror fell from the sky.

Qian Linyun felt a little short of breath.

Not dare to neglect, pass a voice to Cheng Feng.

"My son, be careful."

"Your gods are a little weird. The power is so outrageous!"

"If you can't handle it, stop running the Holy Power, and don't impact the higher realm."

"Under this situation, the heavenly road may be dispersed!"

"Senior, I know."

Cheng Feng knew in his mind that he had long noticed the evil of Tianjie.

However, he has refined the Jiupin Shendan.

The medicine powers the whole body, and it is impossible to stop the operation at this time.

What's more, he has enough confidence to withstand the bombardment of this calamity.

So, let go of the holy force in your body and lift your hands to welcome the coming of the calamity.

Rumbling ~~~

The thick sky thunder blasted on Cheng Feng's body.

But Cheng Feng evoked the divine power in his body and propped up a divine power shield outside his body.

Tian Lei blasted on it, exploding into darkness, but failed to smash the shield of Holy Power.

It just made the shield of Holy Power thinner a lot, and at the same time, the Holy Power was also tempered that day to make it stronger.

"Oh my god, this is Chengfeng, son Cheng Feng!"

Seeing this scene, Qian Linyun was frightened for a while: "I only hope that the medicine of the nine-pin **** of pill will only promote the cultivation of the son of Cheng Feng to the level of the Seven Sages."

"Otherwise, even if you have passed the seventh-level disaster, the eighth-level disaster will reach an unprecedented level."

"Even, it is not weaker than the Great Harmony that I just crossed!"

"By then, the trouble will be big!"

Qian Linyun's worry is not without reason.

It should be noted that the heavenly path at this moment is not the earth dome or the heavenly path in the heavenly holy prison.

It is the sky in the starry realm, complete and intact.

Once angered this Tao, it would be a disaster for Cheng Feng.

Even if Cheng Feng's repair is not enough, he will forcibly lower the horror penalty and knock Cheng Feng down to earth!

And, it's a bit cumbersome.

The medicine of Jiupin Shendan is very powerful, and Cheng Feng's realm can increase the energy consumed, although it is more than several times stronger than ordinary people.

But that nine-pin **** of panacea was enough to make Cheng Feng hit the eighth level calamity.

It's a good thing to change as usual.

But at this moment, it is a thunderstorm!

"Forget it, let's wait for the son to pass through the seventh-level Tianjie."

Qian Linyun couldn't help it. He bit his teeth and said, "If it doesn't work, I will forcibly intervene, hoping to interrupt Tianjie!"

Just when Qian Linyun was worried.

Not far away, the seventh-level Tianjie has reached its peak.

That horrible power has the potential to shake the world.

Let the large cold river deep abyss, all winds and clouds.

Cheng Feng is in the midst of a scourge, like a page of flat boats, which looks very dangerous and may capsize at any time.

However, he does have a good helmsman.

When the boat is about to be overturned, it can turn around and survive forcibly.

So, wait ten minutes after the storm.

Cheng Feng stands in the midst of the sky robbery, although he looks a little embarrassed, he has no injuries.

On the contrary, the holy power in the body was forged by the scourge of the sky, and the whole person is like a sword that has been sharpened for thousands of years.

"Huh, this wave of sky robbery is a bit tough!"

Cheng Feng exhaled slightly: "If the power is stronger, I would be a bit dangerous."

"Now, the Jiupin Shendan has almost half of its medicinal power remaining."

"I still don't hit the realm. I will wait for the repair to settle for a while, and then I will not be late."

Practice stresses relaxation.

Has been forcibly promoted to repair, although it will make your strength soar.

At the same time, like a pulled bow, the bow string is pulled too tight, and sometimes the bow string may break.

Therefore, Cheng Feng thought for a moment, and then decided to temporarily stop in Qijiao.

Wait until the repair of the promotion is consolidated, and you have complete control before you hit the realm.

However, the half of Jiupin Shendan in his body cannot be wasted.

After all, Jiupin Shendan is valuable, and currently there are only two left.

"Otherwise, let me cultivate the undead body of Nine Calamities!"

Cheng Feng groaned a little, his eyes lit up: "Nine robberies, there are nine weights in total, and I became a heavy weight."

"Now my body has been reborn, and I have more than half of the potion of Jiupin Shendan to back it up. I may be able to rescue Jiuju undead in one breath to the point of three or four!

Do it when you think.

Cheng Feng recalled the cultivation method of Jiu Jie's undead body, and the next moment, he was immersed in the cultivation.

Soon, among the three disasters, the second natural disaster appeared, and Cheng Feng was involved.

As for the calamity in the sky, it is somewhat unwilling.

In the end, Jieyun fought violently, and a terrorist force flew out of it, and merged into the second natural disaster.

Then, the robber disappeared that day!

"Huh, the boy finally stopped the follow-up disaster."

Qian Linyun breathed a sigh of relief first, then frowned again: "However, he was swept away by a natural disaster behind him, and his power was not weaker than that of the seventh-level heaven!"

"I don't know if you can resolve the disaster that day!"

At this time, Qian Linyun did not know how to help Cheng Feng.

Can only stand by and wait for the development of the situation.

time flies.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period, the four of Yu Xuanzi have refined their respective Jiupin Shendan, and their cultivation has grown.

For example, Yu Xuanzi, reached the six calamities.

Ancient Yuntian, reached the Seven Calamities fortune.

Wang Xian, reached the realm of six calamities.

Even the sword demon, has reached the three calamities.

The overall strength has improved qualitatively!

"Don't you come out yet?"

At this time, Yu Xuanzi several people came outside the canyon stronghold.

With Qian Linyun, guarding Cheng Feng during the disaster that day.

The natural disaster that rolled Cheng Feng should be a world of its own.

During the natural disaster, Cheng Feng could neither see nor intervene, and could only wait outside.

It has been several days since Cheng Feng was involved in the natural disaster, but nothing came out.

If it wasn't for the vortex that day's disaster was still changing, Qian Linyun would have to guess that Cheng Feng had already died!

"My son hasn't moved yet." Qian Linyun frowned. "However, he should be fine."

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