Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2616: Devastation

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Cheng Feng's punch was not too hard.

However, the punch was blown out, but it produced an almost terrifying effect.

He penetrated the void directly, and fell on the smashed hammer in a blink of an eye.


The fist struck against the hammer, making a sound of iron stone impact.

The next moment, the sledgehammer bounced off and flew backwards.

The owner of the sledgehammer clenched the handle of the hammer tightly, and the tiger's mouth in his palm was shattered, and blood splattered.

The whole person flew backwards with the big hammer.

The brazen face turned wild, the arrogance on his face disappeared instantly, and a stormy sea set off in his heart.

"Wang Sanshui ..."

The side of the sledgehammer, the thin middle-aged man holding the bow was shocked.

Hurry up to evoke the Holy Power and grab the hammer hammer.

It took 90% of the strength to let the hammer hammer stop with his hammer.

"You, who are you? The Holy Power is so powerful?"

After taking Cheng Feng's punch, the arrogance of the sledgehammer king Wang Sanshui disappeared, and he looked at Cheng Feng with a shocked expression: "It was only seven times that he created the realm, but the Holy Power was much stronger than my eight who created the world ? "

The strength of the Holy Power is generally divided by the number of scourges spent.

Each time he crosses the calamity, the Holy Power is tempered by the calamity, creating a pattern.

Wang Sanshui has survived eight times of calamity, and the Holy Power has eight patterns.

Cheng Feng has passed through seven calamities, and there are seven patterns in the Holy Power. The two played against each other, and the depth of the repairs on both sides was clear at a glance.

"Hum, pick me again!"

However, Cheng Feng ignored Wang Sanshui's inquiry.

Raising his right hand, he punched Wang Sanshui with a punch that was stronger than before.

"You little thing, I really think I'm afraid of you?"

Seeing Cheng Feng being so strong, Wang Sanshui got angry: "Tell you, I just used three points of strength just now."

"Next, I want you to look good!"

Whispering, Wang Sanshui evoked all the power in his body.

Hum! The sledgehammer in his hand suddenly became larger several times.

The stars were dazzling and smashed with a hammer, and the power increased more than a few times.

However, it is still not very useful.

With the collision with Cheng Feng's fist, hey!

The big hammer was tilted, and the force of force was poured into Wang Sanshui's body along the hammer, and his arm holding the hammer was numb.

The blood leaked from his hand, and Hukou was actually cracked again!

"What? You ..."

This time, Wang Sanshui was completely shocked.

If he was hanged by Cheng Feng just now, it was because he did not exert his full strength.

So now he has no excuses.

Looking back at Cheng Feng, there was no slightest move.

It seems that Wang Sanshui, who defeated Ba Zhuang to create a realm, was completely expected.


Moreover, Cheng Feng did not give Wang Sanshui a chance to make bullshit.

After that punch, the low-level martial arts Thunder cannon fist that has not been used for a long time was directly used.

This thunderbolt is a martial art practiced by Cheng Feng when he first entered martial arts.

At that time, Cheng Feng's combat power could be increased several times, but now, because the level is too weak, the bonus effect on Cheng Feng is almost negligible.

However, through the operation of martial arts, the attack power of Cheng Feng Shengli can also be adjusted to the maximum.

At this moment, several punches were fired with the thunder cannon boxing, and the heavy punches were connected together, like a raging wave and a strong sense of flooding Wang Sanshui.

"It's too strong, it's too strong!"

Not far away, Qian Linyun saw this scene in his eyes.

Although I had already expected it, I couldn't help but move.

After all, Cheng Feng has just stepped into the Seven Calamity Reincarnation Realm, but has oppressed an old Eight Calamity Reincarnation Realm.

Moreover, no killing tricks have been used.

Otherwise, Wang Sanshui may be directly destroyed!

"No, that skinny has joined in."

Suddenly, Yu Xuanzi's face sank: "It's really shameless. He actually wants two emperors to create a realm and join forces to besiege the boy!"

It turned out that the skinny man who was watching the battle could not stand now.

Holding the strong bow in his hand, a cold and unrivaled sharp edge locked Cheng Feng.

As the opponent pulled the golden bow apart, a large bow formed by the Holy Power condensed above the bowstring.

A big arrow shot out and penetrated the taste of Cheng Feng!

"Brother Qian, I'll teach that shameless guy."

Yu Xuanzi couldn't bear it, and was ready to teach the thin man.

"Don't worry."

However, Qian Linyun obstructed: "All this, the son will solve it!"

He knew that the reason why Cheng Feng did it alone was to test his own combat effectiveness.

Moreover, the two eight robberies created a realm, and he believed that Cheng Feng could block or even defeat it.

Yu Xuanzi stepped forward to help each other at the moment, only hindering.

Besides, if Cheng Feng really encounters danger, he can rush to the scene in an instant and cut off the danger!

Sure enough, Yu Xuanzi's worry was superfluous.

I saw Cheng Feng violently protect his head while punching.

Hum! A powerful holy force emerged out of thin air.

Like a golden bell, Cheng Feng was protected in the golden bell.

At the same time, Cheng Feng's body was still glowing, which was a sign of the undead body running.

The whole body was swelled, hundreds of times stronger than Star Kobelco.

Ding! The thin middle-aged man shot an arrow and hit Cheng Feng's body surface, piercing it into a hole.

However, when the arrow tip stabbed Cheng Feng's body, he couldn't move into the slightest!

"Oh my god, how could the son's body be so strong?"

"Eight robbery to make a realm, even the skin could not be pierced?"

Seeing this, Yu Xuanzi's chins almost fell to the ground.

I deeply felt how huge a gap there was between myself and Cheng Feng.

Even Qian Linyun jumped wildly.

"Cheng Feng, this is a peerless wizard!"

"Before, I also felt that I was a big giant who made a great change, and it was a bit grieved to be subordinate to this man!"

"Now it seems that the choice was wise!"

At this moment, Qian Linyun completely surrendered to Cheng Feng and did not dare to think carefully.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield.

Cheng Feng blasted dozens of punches and was already bombarded with the hammer and brave man.

The iron hammer is very good, and the iron hammer in the hand was created by a magician in the Great Realm to capture the stars in the sky.

It is not the Supreme Holy Ghost, it is better than the Supreme Holy Grail.

However, at this moment, Cheng Feng's attack was somewhat unbearable.

Bombed by his heavy punches, Wang Sanshui's imperviousness to dancing with a big hammer, but his power is very different.

Huh! Fisted into the boxing force.

The king Sanshui splattered with blood in one blow and flew out.

In the course of the horizontal flight, the remaining punches did not dissipate, and the bombardment continued.

Fortunately, the thin middle-aged man continuously fired arrows and shot more than 90% of his punches before letting Wang Sanshui survive. Fly out thousands of miles, eyes full of fear of death, gasping heavily!

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