Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2634: Female Tianjiao recruits

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"Domain of the fourth largest domain in the starry realm?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and interjected: "This person should be strong, right?"

"Not just strong?"

The warrior glanced at Cheng Feng with a weird look and explained: "That's one of the highest peaks under the entire sky!"

"It is rumored to have surrendered and is hitting the last big realm of martial arts."

"Once successful, it will be another backbone of our entire humanity!"

There are seven major realms in Budo.

Transcendence is the last state of creation.

Only when the transcendence is broken can one reach the top of martial arts and overlook the world.

And the fourth largest domain owner of the star domain is hitting this realm, which is the strongest existence that Cheng Feng has encountered since his lifetime.

"Okay, keep going."

Qian Linyun frowned slightly, commanding: "Talk about the fourth-largest domain master in the starry sky, did you suppress that super demon?"

"No, the fourth-largest domain master under the stars hasn't left yet!"

The warrior said: "But once the domain takes the initiative, the demon must be inevitable!"

This person is full of confidence in the fourth largest domain owner under the stars.

However, Cheng Feng didn't think so.

Because of that true magic, it was once a troll that could compete with most of the supreme beings.

Although the power is exhausted, I am afraid that it is not the fourth largest domain owner under the stars that can suppress it.

"In addition to this, there are two other major issues that deserve attention."

The warrior went on to introduce: "One is that it is said that the super demon was released from prison by being released by several prisoners held in the heavenly holy prison.

"So the Lord of Heaven's Kingdom of God issued a warrant for the few prisoners who fled."

"As long as someone arrests that prisoner, there will be a high reward."

"Even if you are not able to capture, but provide useful clues, there will be a lot of rewards."

"Huh? What happened?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng's faces sank.

The fugitives mentioned in this man's mouth are referring to them!

"The **** of the God of Heaven and Kingdom, not only wanted us, but also to find people from the entire starry realm to exclude us together."

Qian Linyun said: "This time, we have become street mice, I am afraid everyone will shout!"

Real magic, that's the public enemy of mankind.

As long as you hook up with real magic, you will definitely stink your reputation!

Of course, Cheng Feng himself acknowledged the release of true magic.

Although Zhen Moyan could get out of his sleep even if he didn't do this, he intervened.

"Okay, you continue to say another big thing."

Cheng Feng shook his head, overwhelmed the wanted, and ordered the martial artist to continue.

"The last thing should be a happy event."

The martial artist continued: "About six months ago, news came from the Tenjin Shrine in the martial arts sacred place in the Tianhuang Divine Realm that the elder Wuyang Tianshen had received a female Tianjiao who was pregnant with the yin body.

"In a short period of time, Xiu has reached the level of perfection."

"To bring Xiuwei to the next level, Tenjin Temple is in Zhang Luo. Want to recruit the female Tianjiao?"

"Recruiting? Recruiting female Tianjiao?"

Hearing this, Qian Linyun frowned: "What is the purpose of the Temple of Heaven? The goddess Tianjiao who is pregnant with the overcast body, can't find her sweetheart?"

"Need them for their fanfare?"

"You senior, you are wrong."

The martial artist said: "The main reason why Tianjin Temple recruited the female Tianjiao was mainly to select a peerless Tianjiao and to work together with that female Tianjiao to fully tap the potential of the Taiyin body."

"Once it succeeds, I am afraid that the female Tianjiao and his spouse will be able to both enter the great fortune of the world for a hundred years. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"So when the news came out, the whole starry realm was boiling."

"A lot of young talents are rushing to the Heavenly Wasteland."

"Even many of the older strongmen ran to make fun!"

"Girl Tianjiao, Tai Yin body?"

As for Cheng Feng, after listening to the warrior's words, his eyes sank suddenly: "Excuse me, what's the name of that girl Tianjiao?"

In fact, with the names of Taiyin and Wuyang Tianshen, Cheng Feng had already dimly guessed the identity of female Tianjiao.

But I still had some luck in my heart, and continued to ask.

"That female Tianjiao's name is pretty good, it seems to be called Le Qingying!"

"Light and light!"

When the words Le Qingying came out, the luck in Cheng Feng's heart suddenly disappeared.

A few people in Qian Linyun were a little bit nervous.

Because they suddenly remembered that Cheng Feng's genuine girlfriend seemed to be called Le Qingying.

Moreover, it seems to be in the Tenjin Shrine in the heaven of heaven.

"I wipe, wouldn't it be so clever?"

Qian Linyun's eyelids jumped: "That girl is so proud, is it really the boyfriend's real girlfriend?"

"I'm afraid eight or nine are inseparable from ten."

Yang Wuwei said: "You can't be wrong about the expression of the boy at this moment."

"Well, this way, the son is a bit difficult."

Qian Linyun said: "He just opened his heart with Girl Wang, but he heard the genuine news."

"If you drop the girl Wang to find a genuine card, it will hurt the girl Wang."

"If you don't listen to the authentic brand ... this kind of thing, the son can't do it!"

In fact, the most complicated emotion at this moment is Wang Genou.

She originally thought that it would take a long time for Cheng Feng's genuine girlfriend to see each other.

By then, I am afraid he has captured Cheng Feng's heart.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two men confirmed their relationship, the real girlfriend appeared.

Moreover, he already knows Cheng Feng's character very well, and he is very fond of the genuine girlfriend.

After receiving the news this time, I must go to Tianhuang Shenyu to find out.

I'm just afraid that this, the bright future between her and Cheng Feng will completely become a dream bubble!

"Tell me, is it her own idea or the idea of ​​Tenjin?"

After determining that the female Tianjiao is light and light, Cheng Feng's heart was upset.

While in the dome continent, he could pledge with Leqingyingshan.

He promised the party, and he will go to Tenjin Temple to meet each other in the future.

And the other party also promised her, and will always wait for him to come!

But now, suddenly something happened.

It's like losing a boulder in Cheng Feng's heart.

However, Cheng Feng did not get angry, because Le Qingwei was a weak woman, and some decisions may not be based on her own ideas.

Perhaps this move is just the meaning of Tenjin, not the willingness of lightness.

Of course, Cheng Feng also hoped that the final answer was the same.

However, the warrior said: "It's definitely the meaning of Tianjin Temple and the meaning of female Tianjiao to recruit Tiantian for her!"

"You know, as the owner of the overcast body, female Tianjiao, he also needs a peerless Tianjiao to unite with him." "Only in this way can we quickly enter the realm of great creation!"

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