Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2638: Star battleship

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

Cheng Feng's guess was very accurate.

The reason for the martial law in the area where he is located is indeed the leakage of news about the Yuanxian plane.

"Son, shall we hide?"

Seeing the starry warships shuttled around, that demon statue ancient cloud sky suggested.

"No, just go."

However, Cheng Feng waved his hand: "Anyway, if we talk about Yuanyang mainland, the news will be exposed."

"It's better to kill the past directly, but it will save you a lot of trouble!"

"My son, wouldn't it be too risky?"

Qian Linyun frowned: "The national strength of the Kingdom of Heaven Cang can be very strong. Apart from the deterrent powers of the Army of Heaven Cang and General Tian God, there are several battles."

"Every battle has a military force under its command, and its combat power is strong enough to defeat the powerful men of great fortune."

"If you are entangled with it and wait for the general of God to kill, then the trouble will be great."

"do not worry."

Cheng Feng groaned a bit and said, "I estimate that most of the peak power of the God Kingdom of Heaven is to search for true magic inflammation."

"What's more, we don't have to be afraid, even if General Tenjin is here."

"I have my own means to let him back out!"

Cheng Feng's reliance is true magic.

He had three times in total, summoning true magic to come to help.

I used it once, and there are two left.

Although Zhen Mo Yan said when he left, he was wanted by the entire human world, and Cheng Feng should try not to summon him.

However, as long as Cheng Feng used the summons, the real magic inflammation will probably come out.

And the power of true magic is soaring every day.

Nowadays, the combat power is probably appalling.

Even the general of the gods may not be their opponents, right?

"Everything the boy asked."

Seeing Cheng Fengcheng Zhuzhu in his chest, Qian Linyun no longer discouraged.

A group of men, led by Mozun Gu Yuntian, ran towards the Yuanyang continent.


I didn't travel too long, and suddenly I heard a burst of drink.

Cheng Feng glanced up and found a star battleship hiding in a meteorite belt.

The blazing light shone on them, breaking all their stealth methods.

"My son, we were found."

When Qian Linyun spoke, the raging waves of power in his body were already rushing: "What to do, shall we remove it?"


Cheng Feng said flatly: "After clearing the trail, speed up!"

Without any hesitation, Cheng Feng issued an order.

Because of this juncture, Wanwan cannot be indecisive, and must be cut off quickly.

The information was not revealed after the star battleship was detonated.

Otherwise, letting a large number of star warships come, it will be very troublesome.

Bang ~~~

As soon as Cheng Feng's voice fell, Qian Linyun raised his hand and punched out.

The horrific force Dongchuan Xingkong landed on the starship battleship in an instant.

The search for the Star Warship was made into powder.

Tian Cang Iron Ride in the battleship was naturally knocked out.

"Everyone, accelerate!"

Cheng Feng whispered, "This star battleship should be one of the sky iron riders."

"There must be a way of interconnecting them."

"Let's blow up this star battleship, the other star battleships will definitely receive news and come quickly."

"The son is extremely true."

Qian Linyun nodded a few people and immediately accelerated.

However, Cheng Feng destroyed the star battleship as if they were a horse honeycomb.

They flew out less than a million miles, alas ~~~

Several star battleships sailed from both sides.

Separated from a long distance, a beam of petrified light of some stars shot from the battleship.

Shone on Cheng Feng and made them show their true shape quickly.

"Blast them!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng kept on speeding and gave orders at the same time.

嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

Qian Linyun is decisive.

Cheng Feng's words have just been implemented and three punches have been launched.

At this moment, the domineering strength of the Great Creation Realm is fully revealed, and the star warships crafted by the three masters of the refiner are destroyed on the spot.

"Find the target, find the target!"

However, these three star battleships are just appetizers.

The moment the battleship was detonated, it was buzzing ~~~

A strong light burst into the dark starry sky.

The next moment, a Star Warship was attached to it and emerged from a void passage.

In particular, a giant battleship is larger than the ten other battleships combined.

The battleship was pulled by eight steel cast iron dragons, which were lightning fast.

A cold voice, from the deck of the battleship, was full of killing: "The target is a total of nine people, exactly the same as the wanted person issued by the owner."

"It can be concluded that these people are the culprits who released the super demon."

"I ordered Pingo to fight and take the nine people back to the kingdom of God!"

The eight giant dragons pulling the super-giant ship are not ordinary, but a vehicle waiting for the battle of the kingdom of God.

He led his Majesty and was responsible for searching the Yuanxian plane and other areas, which happened to hit Cheng Feng to help Wangxian break the Yuan brothers.

Followed all the way and finally caught up.

They were prepared to take Cheng Feng and take them to the chapel of the Kingdom of God.

"Son, we're afraid we're in trouble."

In the starry sky, Yang Wuwei frowned: "The battleship pulled by the eight dragons seems to be a kingship."

"Only the Heavenly Kingdom of God, and the eight major battles are eligible to ride."

"Kingship, eight major battles?"

Cheng Feng frowned.

"My son, the God of Heaven has eight major battles."

Yang Wuwei said: "Each battle has its own unique warship."

"This kind of warship has special construction materials, and it must be worked together by several refiner masters before it can be forged."

"Not only has a very strong fighting force, the defense is horrible, and it is stronger than the Supreme Holy Grail!"

"So it is."

Cheng Feng nodded suddenly.

At the same time, he looked up and found that the king-class battleship was staring, and a banner was being displayed in the wind.

On the flag, the word 'Ping Ge' is very eye-catching!

"Pinge? Is the owner of this battleship called Pingo?"

When Cheng Feng guessed the identity of the battleship owner, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

Around the Pingo battleship, there were already a lot of battleships exuding coldness.

A cursory glance revealed that there were at least hundreds of ships.

"Fleet One, bombard on the left, Fleet Two, bombard on the right!"

A cold voice, uploaded from the Pingo battleship: "The remaining battleships, attack as they are!"

"Strive to take down these nine human traitors!"

"Well!" Some battleships answered in unison.

Next moment, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

The attack power of the battleship is turned on by the battleship driver.

A fiery light beam was emitted from a light ball at the front of the battleship.

The beam was terrifying, and the temperature was scary.

Burning the starry sky along the way, several people came straight to Cheng Feng. Even if Cheng Feng is super strong, they can't help but be moved!

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