Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2640: Pinggo Fleet

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"Two seniors, you just have to deal with Pingo's battle of that great fortune."

However, Cheng Feng said calmly: "As for the salvo of the hundred starships, leave it to me to solve it!"

"What? You're going to solve the salvo of hundreds of starships?"

Upon hearing that, Qian Linyun and others were all surprised: "Son, don't!"

"The salvos of hundreds of star battleships cannot be stopped by the existence of the first-generation great fortune!"

"Although you are superior in combat power, you are still a lot worse than the strongest in the first stage, and you can't take it easy!

"Just rest assured, I haven't had enough of Cheng Feng yet."

Cheng Fengcheng was on the chest: "I won't take my own life to make a joke!"

With no words, Cheng Feng took a step forward.

With both hands violently spread out, he actually greeted the fire from the volley.

"My son!"

"Cheng Feng!"

Seeing this, Qian Linyun was all tense.

They looked at Cheng Feng. Once they found that Cheng Feng had signs that could not stop the sun's fire, they would rush to help.

But the next scene stunned them.

I saw that the terrible sun fire not only did not hurt Cheng Feng after hitting Cheng Feng.

Instead, Cheng Feng turned into a big hole, and inhaled the fire of the sun that hit him.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"When did the boy actually practice such a powerful martial art?"

Qian Linyun, a few people, you look at me, I look at you, and a stormy sea set in my heart.

As for the other side, everyone in the Pingo Fleet was equally astonished.

"My God, what did I see?"

"The volley of our hundred Pingo battleships was actually 'swallowed' by that guy in black?"

"Is that kid still human ?!"

The shooting power of the Pingo battleship is very clear to those who control the Pingo battleship.

Cooperating with the king-class battleship, the existence of the Great Creation Realm can also forcibly shoot and kill.

But what did they see at the moment?

Especially for the Pingo battle, it was a sunny thunderbolt.

He was still thinking about making up for it and taking Cheng Feng and others down in one fell swoop.

But at this moment, the self-confidence in my heart suddenly cracked.

The attack that had been brewing to the extreme was stuck directly in his hands, shining his rays of light.

But at this moment, it seems quite funny!

"I do not believe!"

Shocked, Pingo yelled: "Everyone, aim me at the black stinky boy."

"I'm going to try this now. How much sun fire can he block!"


It was said that hundreds of warships adjusted their directions and launched a stronger shot at Cheng Feng.

However, the results are the same as before.

When the sun fire from hundreds of warships hit Cheng Feng, Cheng Feng seemed to have become a bottomless pit.

All the sun's fire is absorbed by Cheng Feng!

"Shit, suffer!"

This time, Ping Ge's battle was fierce.

Draw out the golden long sword, fly up from the king-class battleship, and prepare to personally inspect Cheng Feng's Jinliang!

"Hum, my husband is here to fight you!"

However, Qian Linyun was sober from the shock at this moment.

He grabbed the star's hammer and dared to meet Pingge.

As for Yang Wuwei, it was a combination of man and gun, firing at the hundred Pingo warships.

"Senior Yang, these warships are built very well."

In the starry sky, Cheng Feng was bathed in the fire, and a bland voice came out: "If possible, bring it all!"

"Good!" Yang Wuwei nodded.

The next moment, a warship was approaching.

噗嗤 ~~~

A shot penetrated the outer wall of the battleship, and the whole man got in.

Kill all the warriors in the battleship, this Pingo battleship became Cheng Feng's thing.

Huh! Put away this battleship, Yang Wuwei continues to harvest!

"You jerk, you're almost dead."

This time, Ping Ge was furious.

He was so confident that he intended to wipe them out.

Unexpectedly, the situation of Kung Fu suddenly changed.

Instead, he became Cheng Feng them, the object of harvest.

He wanted to turn the tide into power, but Qian Linyun was not a weak man, he realized the law of power and was scary with power.

Ping Ge will be entangled in battle, let alone to deal with Cheng Feng, even his fleet cannot be kept.

After a while, half of the Star Warships entered Yang Wuwei's hands.

"Which battle, what shall we do?"

At this moment, the owner of the remaining Star Wars panicked.

"Don't panic. Stop fighting and stop fighting. They are on their way."

Pingo shouted: "As long as their two fleets come, all these pieces will have to die!"

"Oh? Are there two fleets?"

Bathed in the flames, Cheng Feng raised a brow and ordered: "Yu seniors, ancient seniors, you can do it!"

"Let's fight to destroy this fleet before the other two fleets arrive!"


Yu Xuanzi and others have actually been waiting for a long time.

It was only because there was no order from Cheng Feng that he never shot.

At this moment, Cheng Feng ordered to rush to the remaining starships.

Break through the outer walls of star battleships, kill the warriors controlling the fleet, and take the battleships for your own use.

In this case, within a few minutes, the entire Pingo battleship was gone.

The mentality of the commanders of the remaining dozen battleships also collapsed.

He didn't even bother with Pingo's orders, and began to flee the battleship.

However, how can they escape faster than Yang Wuwei?

Almost one was not bad, and all were captured.


Seeing this, Ping Ge was furious and furious.

He gave a hysterical roar: "Damn, you dare to destroy this fleet!"

"I have been with you forever!"

The words came to a halt, and a strong breath burst out of the Pingge battle.

Qian Linyun's heart was inconsistent, and he could not help but keep alert.

However, at this moment, Pingo, who seemed to be fighting, suddenly stabbed with a sword.

咻 ~~~

People and swords became one, turned into a golden electric light, and disappeared in no time!

"Grass, actually escaped?"

Seeing this, Qian Linyun's face turned dark.

He had just used all his powers for defense, and he had no time to intercept at this moment.

Can only watch as Ping Ge battles leave.

"Have you escaped?"

As for Cheng Feng, he didn't care too much: "It's okay to run away, and it can be regarded as some warning to the God Kingdom."

"Let them know that I'm not a soft persimmon, Cheng Feng is free to manipulate!"

When speaking, Qian Linyun and Yang Wuwei returned.

Looking at Cheng Feng's intactness, he couldn't calm down, and asked why he could block the sun's fire.

"It's a small fire."

Cheng Feng laughed: "The fire of the sun fired by the Star Warship just now was absorbed by the small fire." The small fire refers to the new emperor fire.

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