Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2642: Yuanyang continent

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time flies.

Bang ~~~

When Cheng Feng refined all the holy crystals on his body, the eighth heavy disaster came.

Cheng Feng opened his eyes, flew out of the king-class battleship, and easily passed the disaster.

"Congratulations to the son for reaching the eighth calamity."

Cheng Feng returned to the battleship, and Qian Linyun sent several congratulations.

"Eight calamities created a realm."

Cheng Feng chuckled: "After I enter the great realm, congratulations."

"My son, you rushed into the great realm, but it's just a matter of getting a crystal."

Yang Wuwei laughed: "It's very simple, or we can do it."

"By then, all of us together, I'm afraid not your opponent!"

Yang Wu did not exaggerate for this.

Once Cheng Feng rushed into the realm of great fortune, Qian Linyun and others added up, and they were not safe opponents.

Even Cheng Feng doesn't have to use all his strength!

Even now, Cheng Feng has only created the realm in eight years, and the majesty of the Holy Power is strong enough to be comparable to the existence of such a newcomer as Qian Linyun.

The difference is just the power of the law.

"Cheng Feng, I'm about to reach the eighth calamity to create a realm."

At this time, Wang gently ended the cultivation, and his breath was strengthened a lot.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Cheng Feng nodded with a smile, and immediately moved his mind, and took out the essence of the holy water from the nine days and handed it to Wang gently.

"Gentle, slowly refine this essence."

"When you finish refining, you will definitely be able to enter the realm of great creation."

"Thank you." Wang smiled softly.

Raise your hand to catch the essence of the source.

Suddenly, a pure source of water blended into Wang Qingrou's body.

Let Wang gently cultivate and grow at an alarming rate.

"My God, who is this sacred Cheng Feng?"

Looking at this scene, Fang Yimei's heart twitched: "Not only is he proficient in the fire of life that can be controlled only by the existence of transcendence, but also two sublime creatures.

"The point is, you don't take the essence of the source at all."

"It's just too much to give away!"

"Is he really a detached Supreme being?"

For Fang Yimei's shock, Cheng Feng didn't care.

He turned his head to look at the new emperor fire that absorbed the spar in the refinery, and felt the strong breath emanating from the other person's body, with a satisfied smile on his face.


"After the small fire absorbs the solar fire contained in these solar spar, all of them will be enough to be comparable to those of the great creatures."

As he spoke, Cheng Feng groaned: "However, this will also bring crisis to it."

A long time ago, Nalan Long said.

There is a faint blood vein between the new Emperor Fire and the only Emperor Fire.

This induction is almost negligible at first.

But as the new emperor fire continues to grow, it will continue to grow stronger.

At this time, the small fire was already very strong, and it was bound to make the only emperor fire threaten.

It may follow this threat, and find the fire and Cheng Feng.

"It seems that it is time to plan ahead."

Cheng Feng thought to himself: "I'd better get enough sacred crystals in a short period of time to promote cultivation to great creation."

"By then, the only Emperor's fire is here, and I can be fearless!"

In groaning, Cheng Feng and they came to a continent.

This group of continents is composed of more than a dozen continents.

Looking at it from afar, it is shining beautifully, very beautiful.

"My son, the Yuanyang continent is here."

At this time, Mozun Gu Yuntian stepped forward and said, "The continent in the middle of the continent is the Yuanyang continent."

"Is that continent?"

Several people from Cheng Feng flew out of the warship cabin and stood on the deck to observe: "That continent should be the center of this continent group."


Gu Yuntian nodded: "My son, I was betrayed by the first strong man in this plane, Taiyuan Master, before being arrested by Tianshen Tiewei into the heavenly prison."

"Today I crawled out of hell, I must give him some unforgettable memories!"

"Well, paying debts and killing people is a matter of justice."

Cheng Feng nodded: "Since the first strong man in Yuanyang mainland has betrayed you, then you naturally want him to get revenge!"

"But don't be stingy with innocence!"

"If possible, try to get revenge on him alone!"

"My son, I won't mess around."

Gu Yuntian said: "I have been weak before, and I will not suffer innocent people because of myself."


Cheng Feng nodded with a smile: "We may not be called good people, but we must not be bad people!"

"This is the bottom line for us as human beings. Hope everyone can follow!"

"My son, please rest assured, even though we, the prophets of the Heavenly Kingdom of God, have been promoted as evil demons."

Qian Linyun said: "But in fact, it is not a bad person."

"I know, otherwise I won't save you out."

Cheng Feng nodded and immediately said, "Well, I want to say something, but I haven't had a chance to say it."

"My son, please." Qian Linyun and others calmed down.

"My situation, presumably you have all seen it, can be called looking around."

Cheng Feng went straight to the point: "Even if my cultivation has soared and reached the level of great fortune, I am afraid it is very dangerous."

"So it's time we said goodbye."


After hearing the words, Qian Linyun frowned: "Son, our lives are saved by you, and Xiuwei was promoted with your help."

"Now is the time when you need help and you want us to leave. What's going on?"

"Senior Qian, I need help, but I can't let you put your life in."

Cheng Feng said: "What's more, my enemies are too powerful. Even if you stay, you won't help me much."

"My son, even if I can help a little bit, someone before me will stay."

Qian Linyun said: "Of course, if someone has to leave, brother Yu can leave."

"After all, their cultivation is ..."

"Brother Qian, am I Yu Xuanzi afraid of death?"

However, before Qian Linyun finished speaking, Yu Xuanzi interrupted: "Even if I die, Yu Xuanzi will stay and fight alongside my son!"

"My Wangxian too."

"I will never leave Gu Yuntian!"


For a while, everyone spoke without leaving.

"You seniors, I understand your thoughts."

A warm current rose in Cheng Feng's heart and immediately said, "However, you must listen to me this time."

"I'll wait for the old predecessors, and the other seniors will leave."

"Return to their respective resistances. There are revenge and resentment, but do not touch the bottom line of being a man."

"My son ..."

Qian Linyun and others also want to persist.

"Well, I have decided." However, Cheng Feng interrupted: "After I have resolved the trouble on my body, it is everyone who makes you happy!"

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