Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2652: Discoloration

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

At this time, there was a shot of the third great fortune.

This man actually refined the knife method and realized the rule of the knife.

I saw that he raised his eyes and looked at the Devil Sword, and the electric light in his eyes shot out, so that the Devil Sword had a feeling of meeting his loved ones.

Involuntarily, I want to be close to this person!

"Hey ~~~"

Seeing this, the person's face showed a bright smile: "This treasure will eventually fall into my hands."

"I will take full control of this baby when I apply for the slaughter fee. I look at those old things and dare to point at me!"

"Perhaps it's time for the atmosphere of Shen Tu's family to change!"

Thinking of this, Shen Tufei's face turned into a smile.

But at this moment.

A voice came.

The voice was very quiet, but fell into the ears of the Devil Sword, but it was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Let the sword of slayer magic sober up instantly.

唰 唰 唰 ~~~

There were dozens of knives in a row toward Shen Tu Fei, and the knife light illuminated half of the planet, almost chopping the Shen Tu Fei into powder!

Fortunately, Shen Tufei is proficient in knives and has a keen response.

When the Devil Sword came out, he immediately withdrew and retreated.

At the same time, the rule of the sword was displayed, and the sword was suppressed, only to be buried under the sword.

But even so, Shen Tufei's body was cut by a number of knife marks.

Blood splattered, his face was very ugly!

"Hell, this sword has a master?"

Shen Tu Fei forced the force of annihilation to restore the knife on his body.

The sun looked towards the direction where Cheng Feng was, and his face was gloomy to the extreme.

Because just now, he almost let the demon sword surrender himself.

But at the last minute, Cheng Feng made a sentence and let all his hard work go to waste.

Suddenly, Shen Tufei hated Cheng Feng.

The eyes revealed the killing, and wanted Cheng Feng's life!

Om ~~~

It seems that the killing of Shen Tu Fei Chengfeng was felt, and the demon sword trembled.

A superb sword light began to brew, preparing to kill Shen Tu fees.

"Slayer, come back!"

However, Cheng Feng called out and let the sword cut back.

Regarding Cheng Feng's orders, the Devil Sword obeyed.

Although it wanted to slash the application fee, since Cheng Feng summoned himself, he still converged and lost his position.

"Dear everyone, it seems that if we want to get this knife, we must first remove someone!"

Cheng Feng chose to give in.

However, Shen Tufei and others did not want to stop there.

I only heard the somber voice of Shen Tufei, soliciting the words of alienation: "The boy in black who is practicing does not get rid of this treasure, and no one wants to take this treasure!"

"Well, that makes sense."

Lord Shenquan nodded: "However, the guy in black has a guardian of existence on the side of the creature."

"Plus one thing, the combat power is comparable to the sword of the Great Creation."

"It's not easy to kill the other party!"


Tianshou interjected: "Again, that sword is in line with your application for slaughter fees."

"When we bother to kill that black guy, you fisherman will profit."

"This kind of thing that harms one's own interests, old man can't do it!"

"Everyone rest assured."

There was a gloomy glow on Shen Tufei's face, and he immediately said, "After the young boy in black is killed off, the sword will become an objectless thing."

"At that time, we will rob each of us."

"Of course, if I get it in the end, I will give out most of my family to make a gift to you."

"If the sword is given to you by someone, what about destiny?"

"What's more, since the kid in black can bring out such a treasure, there must be other treasures in his hands that are not inferior to the sword."

"The one who can grab it is the one who belongs!"

"Oh? That's kind of interesting!"

It was said that the elderly Tianshou and the Supreme Master of the God Boxer all showed an interested look.

"Apart from Tianshou and Shenquan, is there no one involved?"

Shen Tufei looked up at others, and wanted to get more people to work together.

"I participate too!"

A man with a sullen face opened his mouth, flashing lascivious = evil in his eyes: "However, after the kid in black is killed, you must help me win the great creature.

"This woman is so beautiful, she happens to be a natural match for me!"

"it is good!"

Shen Tufei nodded and said conscientiously: "Brother Ju Kuo and that beautiful woman are really ingenious."

"It's my honor to help the brothers!"

"I joined too!"

"And I!"

Next, there were two other Nine Destroys who existed and joined in.

Let Shen Tufei's group reach as many as six people.

"No participants, please leave quickly."

Seeing this, Shen Tufei said coldly: "If someone will dare to pick peaches halfway, I will wait for six people to let him die, and die!"

After speaking the threat, Shen Tufei took the lead and flew to the direction where Cheng Feng was.

"Cheng Feng, those **** have come over!"

Wang Qingrou kept an eye on the movements of Shen Tufei and others. As soon as the other party left, he noticed something.

"Hum, look for death!"

Cheng Feng's eyes opened and he shot a cold-hearted murder: "They just tried to **** the Devil, and I have let them go!"

"Since I don't know how to repent, I'll send them all on the road!"

The words are gone, wow ~~~

Cheng Feng opened his mouth and took a sharp blow towards the surroundings.

The pure power formed by massive holy crystals rushed into Cheng Feng's body.

Not only that, Cheng Feng also took out the soul ring, and all the remaining sublime holy crystals.

If it is processed in the same way, it is forced into the body.

Next moment, 嘣 嘣 嘣 ~~~

Cheng Feng's repairs began to soar at an alarming rate.

In the blink of an eye, he reached the ninth-order micro-environment, then the peak of the mini-environment.

Finally, Bang ~~~

Directly rushed into the great fortune!

At the moment when Xiu was a breakthrough, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly condensed.

When breathing, the large planet suddenly turned black, and no fingers were reached.

Majestic coercion came down from the sky.

It seems like the sky has collapsed in half, making people breathless!

"what's the situation?"

"How did the sky look like this?"

On the planet, those practicing warriors noticed the change of sky, and they were all surprised.

As for Shen Tufei and others, they responded instantly.

"No, that boy in black has a breakthrough."

"He triggered the calamity of the Great Creation, and is about to break into the Great Creation!"

However, some people were surprised.

"No, the predatory power of this day is too strong, isn't it?"

"I've never seen any small creatures exist, and when they hit the big creatures, they will encounter such a powerful scourge!"

"More than see? I haven't even heard of it!"

"Even if it is a mid-level and large-scale transcendence, it is far worse!"

Looking at the turmoil in the sky, the waves of the hearts of everyone present. In particular, Shen Tufei and others were deadlocked on the spot!

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