Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2655: Blockers

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"How can it be?"

"Shen Tu Fei was actually killed by the young man in black?"

In the distance, the elderly Tianshou and Baili slaughtering the city, who were fleeing, tightened their hearts and almost exploded.

Because of the strength of Shen Tufei, they knew exactly what it was.

Even the mid-level metamorphosis, or even the high-end metamorphosis, cannot kill in one hit.

But Cheng Feng did it!

"Damn, that kid in black seems to understand the power of more than one rule."

Suddenly, Baili Tucheng saw the clue: "When the kid just killed Shen Tu, he also used the" rule of control "to pull the **** of Shen Tu from the flesh."

"The first step was to blast the divine thoughts, so the application fee was killed in one blow!"

"What? The rule of control?"

Hearing that the old man in Tianshou took a sigh of cold air: "This rule can control everything."

"It is one of the strongest rules under the Three Supreme Rules."

"For many years, there have been very few people in charge of this rule, and all of them are horrifying!"

"I didn't expect this stinky boy to have mastered it?"

"Escape, how far you can escape!"

At this moment, the elderly Tianshou completely lost the desire to fight with Cheng Feng.

There is only one idea in my heart, the farther away from Cheng Feng, the better.

However, Cheng Feng chased him non-stop after killing the application fee.

Fast as lightning, quickly closing the distance with him.

"Mad, this guy is following me."

Seeing this, Tianshou's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot: "Why me, why?"

"You bastard, why don't you go after Baili Slaughter?"

In fact, Baili Slaughter City was not so lucky.

He had thought that Cheng Feng would go after the Tianshou old man, and he would be able to escape.

Unexpectedly, a beautiful woman stood in front of him, blocking his way completely.

It is exactly Wang Qingrou!

"This friend, please stop, there is a misunderstanding between us, there is a misunderstanding!"

Cheng Feng approached quickly, the scalp of the old man with numbness was numb.

Deeply know that once Cheng Feng catches up, he will undoubtedly die.

So he hurriedly shouted and wanted to make peace with Cheng Feng.

However, Cheng Feng ignored it. Across the distance, the sword of cutting magic had been raised.

Stabbing ~~~

The next moment, a cold and bright knife light went straight to the old man in heaven.

"No, I know where a treasure is hidden."

The old man in Tianshou was frightened, while using his best means to defend, he said, "As long as you can let me go, I will take you to find that treasure!"

"Hum, no need!"

Cheng Feng grunted coldly.

Because this day the old man was the first being to attack him.

Since the other party wanted Cheng Feng's life, then Cheng Feng naturally would not let the other side pass.

Next, there was nothing to say, and the two immediately fought together.

Both were bathed in Tianjie, but Tianjie fell on Cheng Feng's body, but it didn't make much impact.

But it fell on the old man in Tianshou, but he couldn't bear it like a sledgehammer.

Coupled with Cheng Feng's powerful attack, it took less than a few minutes.

Do not! !!

The elderly Tianshou screamed unwillingly.

The next moment, he was killed on the spot by Cheng Feng!

"My God, is that young man in black a demon?"

"In a short period of time, even three giants of the realm of bewilderment have been smashed?"

At this moment, all the warriors practicing on the planet were shocked.

They were stunned as they looked at the existence of the three great creatures in the void.

Many people are even frightened, for fear they will be killed by Cheng Feng.

Bring your own things and immediately fly out of the planet.

In a blink of an eye, only a few dozen people are still watching on the huge planet.

"Next, it's the turn of that century!"

After Cheng Feng killed the Tianshou old man, he took the secret place of the bleeding prison and threw the other side's flesh into the secret place.

Let the dragon lice legion swallow up and promote cultivation.

In addition, Cheng Feng did not waste the flesh and blood of Shen Shen Tu and His Master.

Pull as much flesh and blood as possible into the blood prison secret.

After doing this, Cheng Feng stepped towards the Baili Slaughter City.

"Smelly girl, die for Lao Tzu!"

At this time, the city of Baili slaughtered, all over the hair.

He originally wanted to escape the planet quickly, but was softly entangled by Wang gently.

Although his cultivation, in the existence of several great fortunes, he can rank first.

But Wang Qingrou was not a weak man, and realized the power of two rules.

He wanted to quickly defeat Wang and escape, it was almost a dream.

I could only watch Cheng Feng approaching quickly, and the breath of death shrouded him directly!

"Friend, can we talk?"

Cheng Feng arrived, and Baili Tucheng looked desperate: "You know, I didn't do anything to you."

"Can you look at the difficulty of my years of cultivation and spare my rudeness this time?"

"Huh, you didn't do it, but it doesn't mean you don't want to do it."

Cheng Feng glanced at Baili Tucheng and said coldly, "If I didn't make a breakthrough in this time, and fell into your hands, how do you think I would end up?"

After hearing that, Baili Tucheng was silent.

Then took a deep breath and said, "This time it's my fault. I'm willing to give up all the continuations of these years, plus a secret in exchange for a glimmer of vitality."

"Hopefully, two people, can give me this opportunity!"

"Oh? What if I don't give it?"

Cheng Feng did not rush to ask, playfully asked.

"If the son doesn't give it, even if I'm not the son's opponent, I can only swear to death."

Baili Tucheng said: "If I blew myself up, even if the two were to repair the sky, they would be hit hard!"

"Oh, is it?"

The words of Baili Tucheng are not exaggerated.

There is a self-detonation in the Great Harmony Realm, and it has the power to destroy the strong in the same level.

However, Cheng Feng said lightly: "I hope you will wait and have this confidence!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng put away the sword.

Soaring up into the sky, plunged into the robbery.

At this moment, Tianjie became more and more terrifying.

It seemed that the boiling water was making the existence of Baili Tucheng scary.

If you feel like you are in this kind of disaster, if you persist for less than ten minutes, you will wait for the soul to fly away!

However, Cheng Feng was in the midst of the sky disaster, but he seemed to be indifferent as if he were taking a bath.

Especially after an hour.

bass! Wan Dao's luster burst out of Cheng Feng's body.

He actually broke the robbery clouds in the sky and cut them into pieces.

The next moment, a vigorous vitality appeared, and Cheng Feng's wasted power was quickly filled.

His mental state improved quickly, and he reached his peak state in a blink of an eye.

Then, wow ~~~

A large river emerged out of nowhere, sinking into the calamity of the calamity. All the fires are extinguished!

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