Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2657: Army Depression

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"Did you understand the seven rules?"

Cheng Feng secretly murmured: "This should be a minority among the first-generation great warriors, right?"

"However, compared to some people, I'm afraid it's slightly insufficient!"

Cheng Feng's "some people" refers to those who understand the existence of the three Supreme Laws.

The three supreme rules are the foundation of the heaven and earth framework.

Any one of the three laws of Wutong can possess terrifying combat power.

It is also common for the first-stage metamorphosis to overpower the high-order metamorphosis.

Of course, Cheng Feng's current combat capability may not be impossible.

But relatively speaking, it is still relatively reluctant!

"Well, although the existence of the Three Supreme Laws is strong, I may not be weaker than him."

After a moment of groaning, Cheng Feng's confidence rose: "One day, I will surpass you, and even step on your shoulders to climb to the top of the martial arts!"

Om ~~~

Self-confidence rose, and a will in Cheng Feng's body suddenly transformed.

That is the will of the Supreme Blade!

Previously, Cheng Feng realized the will of the Supreme Blade, but he could not do anything. The will was stuck in the embryonic stage of the blade.

At this moment, the aura of light shone, and Cheng Feng had a brand-new experience of Supreme Blade.

Suddenly, the will of Supreme Blade began to grow.

The blink of an eye, the prototype of the Supreme Blade Will, grew into a complete Supreme Blade Will.

Then, the will of Supreme Blade was elevated to the first order, then the second, third, and fourth orders! Only then stopped.

"Fourth-order Supreme Blade Will?"

Cheng Feng picked a corner of his mouth and showed a happy smile: "It's not bad. Now, with the will of the Supreme knife alone, you can defeat a strong man in the first stage of great creation!"

The Supreme Will will be divided into nine levels.

The first order is the weakest, and the ninth order is the strongest!

Cheng Feng raised the will of the Supreme Blade to the fourth order, and his combat power is indeed comparable to that of the first-generation great fortune.

"Cheng Feng, you have become a great creature!"

At this moment, Wang came softly, with a smile on his face.

"haha, yes!"

Cheng Feng is also very happy: "To this day, I have only been able to protect myself."

"In the future, if someone thinks that he will show off to me, he will only be severely beaten!"

Cheng Feng comes from the remote continent, and has always been at the bottom of the martial arts.

It is generally counted as an ant by big brothers from all sides. Now it is different. With enough capital, it is no longer necessary to be ridiculed.


Suddenly, Cheng Feng's brow froze and looked deep into the starry sky.

"Cheng Feng, what's wrong?"

Seeing this, Wang Qingrou's heart tightened.

"An enemy is coming."

The corner of Cheng Feng's mouth picked up: "You really did something on my body, but unfortunately, the speed of coming is slower!"

"Cheng Feng, but a man from the Kingdom of Heaven?"

Wang gently guessed something.

"Yes, it should be the regular army Tiancang Army of the Kingdom of God."

Cheng Feng said: "We have destroyed one of their important military bases before, and the other party naturally will not give up."

"This time should have assembled a number of fleets, come and besiege us!"

"Tian Cang Army of Tian Cang God Kingdom?"

Hearing that the Barry Tucheng raised a brow: "My son, the Cang army is said to be very powerful today, there are four military regions in total."

"The strength of each military region is sufficient to suppress the existence of the Great Creation Zone."

"My son, if the Tian Cang Army killed this time is one of the four military regions, we better stay away from the front!"

There are three types of military power in the Kingdom of Heaven.

One is a skirmisher composed of six major battles.

Second, the regular army headed by the Tian Cang Army.

Third, the sharp sword army headed by Tenjin Iron Guard!

Before that, Cheng Feng had destroyed a combat fleet, which was considered to have defeated one-sixth of the combat strength of the skirmishers.

However, the Tian Cang Army is no less powerful than a skirmisher.

Each military region has at least six great fortunes.

In particular, the great commander of the military region, Xiu Wei, has reached a high level of great fortune, and is a deterrent to the existence of one side!

"The visitor should be Tian Cang Army, Dongyang Military Region of the four military regions."

Cheng Feng ascended high and saw hundreds of thousands of miles away.

A banner was erected on the deck of almost every battleship.

On the flag, the word 'Dongyang' is very eye-catching!

"Dongyang Military Region?"

Baili Tucheng sighed with relief: "This military region is regarded as the last of the four military regions."

"There are three fleets in total, and each fleet has between 30,000 and 50,000 ships."

"In addition, there are only six powerful creatures."

"Four of them are Elder Ke Qing, and the other two are the military commander and deputy commander!"

"Oh? I think there are only about fifty or sixty thousand battleships here."

Cheng Feng said: "However, there are ten huge starry fortresses, which are extremely threatening!"

"In addition, the existence of the Great Creation Realm seems to have reached eight deities, but it deserves me!"

When talking, in the starry sky, one battleship has been lined up.

The muzzle pointed at the giant planet!

With the order of the commander in chief of the Dongyang Military Region, they will fire at Cheng Feng!


Cheng Feng's face finally wrinkled slightly.

As for the other warriors on the planet, they were panicked.

I didn't dare to stay on the planet anymore, one after another, trying to get out of the planet.

"Return me!"

However, a loud scream came: "No one can leave the dark planet."

"Until the commander, caught Cheng Feng and all the others!"

With this sound, the scene fry the pan.

"This Dongyang Grand Commander is too overbearing. Actually forbid us to leave?"

"It's not forbidding us to leave. It should be that the commander of Dongyang fears that the person named 'Cheng Feng' escapes by chaos!"

"Cheng Feng? Who is that? How could the Dongyang Military Region be so active?"

Suddenly, everyone's attention was put on Cheng Feng.

There are speculations about who Cheng Cheng is.

"By the way, Tiancang Kingdom of God issued a wanted order."

"Speaking of a prisoner named Cheng Feng, he released the ancestor of the Flame Demon, a traitor to our entire humanity."

"Is this Cheng Feng, is that Cheng Feng unsuccessful?"

Soon, everyone linked Cheng Feng with the wanted criminals.

One by one, they turned their weird eyes towards the direction where Cheng Feng was.

"My son, is Dongyang Military Region coming this time to catch you?"

At this time, Baili Tucheng couldn't calm down, and asked, "Did you really be the one who released the ancestor of the flames ..."

"I said I wasn't, do you believe it?"

Cheng Feng faintly glanced at Baili Tucheng and asked.

"I believe, of course I do!"

Baili Tucheng made a sudden rush in his heart, and immediately expressed his loyalty: "And even if the son is the one who releases the ancestor of the Fire Demon, I will swear to stand beside him." ! "

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